
Risen Hero

Heroes growing to become number one.

Gavin_Sinto · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Part 1

Risen Hero

Gavin Kimimoto sat at his desk in his last year of high school. He sat there finishing up the class' assignment when the teacher had an announcement: "Alright students, today is when you get tested for what rank hero you'll be. I'm sure some of you were expecting a boring mental evaluation, instead...you will just be doing a physical evaluation to get an estimate on your skills. After a week or two, you will receive an acceptance letter from one of the leagues or teams, which ever word you wish to use"

The entire class lined up in a large squad on the track just as the man announced: Go!" Kimimoto raced across the large outside track as the sun came into view. He was fast, but was only 2nd behind Kyla, his friend that seem to beat him at everything. Each time Gavin achieved something, it was as if she would be two steps ahead of him. (No, I've trained hard for plenty of situations, I'm sure I can run past her!)

The dark-haired boy took off much faster than before, some watched in amazement as the young boy caught up with his rival that was 30 feet away from him just seconds before. "Nice of you to catch up" she joked, her shiny purple hair blowing in the wind.

"I will finally beat you at these tests!" The young hero commented as they stayed the same speed side by side. Just then...she smirked. "Is that so Kimi? Then try to keep up!" They were getting close to the finish-line when the girl proceeded to run faster, a gap between them beginning to form once more. Even with speed a little faster than an average human, Gavin seemed to remain behind her once again.

He watched as his rival reached the finish-line seconds before him. (Damn it, lost to her again. I'm sure I can beat her at least one of the other tests)

Next up was the weight-lifting test...

Kimimoto slid on his weights, gripping it firmly. "Alright, let's see her beat this" The young senior lifted the bar with a total weight of 1K pounds. Some applauded him when he noticed Kyla lifting the same amount with one hand. Seeing his rival show him as a weakling, Gavin fell to his knees letting go of the massive bar.

(I...I can't beat her, I know there's still more tests, but at this rate...she'll leave me in the dust each time) One of his classmates walked over patting his shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself. So she beat you, doesn't mean you're not any good. In fact, you're actually the 2nd best hero in the entire class maybe the whole school. You can't let one person ruin your self-image. Actually, some people use others better than themselves to help improve. Maybe if you talk to her more, she might help you get even better"

Gavin sighed looking over at the girl, she put down the large bar with a loud boom from it hitting the ground. She brushed the purple hair from her eyes. The boy walked over, still stretching from the advanced weight. "Hey Kyla" She looked at him moving her hand around to get the blood going again since she used one arm for all that weight.

"What is it?" She asked a little uninterested. Gavin took a deep breath replying: "I want you to help me improve to an even greater level" She laughed into her hand as if he were joking. "What would I hope to gain from helping you reach your goal?"

"A better and more interesting rival" Kimimoto replied looking into her eyes motionless. She thought for a moment than answered: "Alright fine, I'll see what I can do after the tests have concluded" The boy thanked her before going back over to the student that had suggested he talk to her.

"Looks like she'll help after the examine" Gavin commented. "Good, hopefully you will improve once she's done. By the way, my names Forsigh" Gavin shook the boy's hand looking at his face, he had aqua blue hair with orange eyes...

Next they were to punch a large tower with all their strength, the tower would feel the shockwaves from their blow and calculate their strength level. Gavin walked up to it, the tower looked as though it were made completely out of black glass. He took a deep breath before striking the side of the tower with all his power. The other students could feel the ground shake faintly from the force.

A beam of light went up through the tower where an antenna was mounted, it sent a signal to the examiner's device that gave her a score on the boy's power. "95%" She announced. Once more the students clapped for the young hero. That's when Kyla stepped up next. Her rival knew he had no chance and just stood with the others, watching.

She punched it, but they could tell it wasn't her best..."98% impressive Kyla!" Her rival rolled his eyes from hearing the complement

(She would get a complement from the examiner) He thought a little annoyed since their scores were only three apart... They went through the rest of the tests and of course Kimimoto stayed behind Kyla. But again...he was still in 2nd place out of a total of 20 students, he tried to focus on that to cheer himself up...

Finally the tests were over, the group of students stood in the large gymnasium, waiting for their results...After about 10 minutes of waiting, the examiner and four others dressed in elite armor came out from the back door, sitting by a long rectangular table.

"Alright students, you will be given your alliance where you will work under the leader of the team depending on your points or if one of the heroes sees your potential for growth" They nodded as the examiner went on: Asuma Koto, 55 points...you will be put in the justice alliance. Your mentor will be Hayato Hiroki, better known as the silver illusionist.

"Wow, the silver illusionist? I heard he took on a large group of A-rank villains and took them all down without a scratch" A boy commented in the back of the crowd of young students. The dark-blonde hero nodded and walked over to the bleachers and sat down. The man went through his list of students, each one being put into one of the four alliances:


Light of hope



It was Kimimoto's turn to be assessed, "Gavin Kimimoto, 92 points...Valiant alliance. Welcome, you are in the top three students, sitting as the 2nd highest scoring hero of the class, well done" Both the class and mentors clapped for the young hero. He smiled before taking a seat.

Kyla Sonnin, 99 points...valiant alliance. We also congratulate you on being in the top three of heroes" She bowed as she was applauded before she walked over to the bleachers...

The next day, Gavin walked to school where he met with his mentor Jiryu Reoda AKA: Magic knight. "Good morning" The boy greeted a little nervous, talking to one of the greatest heroes know throughout the city. "Good morning to you as well, I expect great things from a young hero that was capable of joining my squad. Now then, your first objective will be to train with the other members, learning to battle along side them, possibly improving in the process"

Jiryu took Gavin to an underground training facility that was underneath the school. Kimimoto saw a group of Heroes fighting and training with each other until the leader was ready to test their abilities in a real fight. "Now then, I'm going to have you all V.S each other once more, but only one at a time so I and the others may watch and analyze your fighting style and tactics...First up is Sadokai V.S Kyla"

The confident girl stood in the center of the room as all the others circled around far enough to make room. She smirked as her combatant stood several feet away from her. His red bangs covered his right eye while reveling his left eye that was green. "Let's see what you got! Don't worry, I'll go easy on you since you're a girl" This comment infuriated most of the girls in the circle while Kyla just smiled at him.

She knew if her opponent held back just because of her gender, he would make it all the more easy for her. "Go on then Sadokai, show this "girl" that you can win" He grinned and moved at super-human speed towards her. Right as the boy went for an attack, Sonnin tripped him with her foot, elbowing his abdomen with great force.

Watching his expression, everyone could tell she knocked all the air out of him. Sadokai fell forward before she stopped his fall by standing in front of him. "Next time you should think before judging someone on their gender" She whispered in his ear. They applauded while the boy walked away from the center, into the circle.

"Next match, Kimimoto V.S Kyla" All students were excited for the current fight, two of the top warriors going head to head. Without hesitation Gavin went for a head-on attack. He threw a fast blow right for his target's face. Seconds before impact Kyla caught his fist, kicking him in the stomach. Kimimoto was sent staggering back into the crowd. Luckily a few students caught him just as he fell toward the hard floor.

"F-fine...I'll show you what I'm really made of!" Once more Gavin went for a head-on attack. However, the youths noticed a gold light radiating from him as a transparent copy of him manifested along side him, in sync with his movements. Instead of attacking, he began moving around her at super-human speed. Multiple after-images appeared along side him to the point most of the students couldn't tell which figure was the real one.

"Prepare yourself Kyla!" His voice echoing from each after-image. All eyes were on Kimimoto as he finally went for an attack. All six figures leapt into the air, throwing a fierce punch. She put her arm up to block the attack when she watched as her target's position was changing, his transparent fist phased through her guard at first when she then realized his strategy but it was to late, he went from a punch to a kicking position when his real-self made contact with her right cheek.

Multiple gasped as she was thrown off her feet, soaring into the group behind her like her combatant just moments ago. She was caught by a few students and helped t her feet. "Thanks guys...So we're using our techniques are we? This might be more fun than I originally expected" She grinned as she wiped the blood running down her bottom lip.

She put both hands up in an offensive position, her body becoming engulfed in a purple aura. Her combatant smirked as his golden aura returned. "Looks as though they're not holding back any longer" One young student commented in anticipation. Both warriors took off at their full speed, Sonnin just a bit faster than her rival. But, using his after-image ability, he used it as a way to make up for his lesser velocity.

Their audience were amazed at their use of their skills, along with their speed and determination to out do the other. "Time to show everyone who the true number one is!" Kimimoto's voice echoed. "In your dreams, you will always be 2nd best" That's when Sonnin's eyes instantly changed to purple like her aura.

(I don't like this) He thought as he noticed her change in eye color. Once more a smirk grew across her face as she remained in her attack position. Gavin decided to risk it and go for broke, throwing the strongest kick he had. As his duplicates were inches from her face, she remained still and calm like as a statue, focusing her attention on the coming illusions.

In a sudden move, Kyla threw a punch straight at the coming assailant. Gavin was struck in the lower abdomen, soaring across the room, past all the spectators into the hard wall. As immense pain surged through his nerves, he looked over to his rival to see her giggling into her palm. Their leader clapped announcing: "Winner: Kyla Sonnin. Well done, your skills are commendable and stunning. Though, that doesn't mean your opponent wasn't astonishing as well. In fact, I'd like both of you to join the team fighting expedition that will be here in two months. That should give both of you plenty of time to become in sync with each other's fighting patterns. Not to mention: You both could come up with useful team moves or strategies"

"I may not be big on the teaming up idea, but at the same time, it sounds like a great challenge and a reason to train with her to grow as a fighter!" Kyla crossed her arms looking away when a girl cried out: "Please do it! I have respect for both of you and would like to see the power of such a duo of the two best warriors in the school!" Kyla sighed before nodding in agreement for the girl...

For the next few weeks, Kimimoto and his rival went head to head nearly none stop, hoping to improve their skills and work better as a team. Jiryu Reoda watched most of their trainning sessions. After two months, he finally had them go up against him in a two on one fight. "Let's see how you two improved at two months. Remember, we only have one month left until the team expedition"

The duo stood side by side as they prepared to attack. "Now!" The girl announced. Gavin took off, creating multiple after images to cover his position. Meanwhile his partner was focusing her Ki to plan a long-range attack. As she planned an attack, Kimimoto went in for a melee attack. However, the warrior managed to use his after-image but at this point they were considered illusions since each of his duplicates moved differently instead of in sync with it's user.

"Impressive, using your clones to move randomly instead of in sync could be a great use depending on your situation...Too bad for you, I can see Ki within a person" In an abrupt move, Reoda fired two beams of violet light from his eyes, they perfectly avoided each clone and pierced Gavin's shoulder.

"Damn it" The young fighter shouted, placing his palm on his bleeding shoulder. Just then Kyla positioned her palm toward their target, sealing their mentor within a barrier of purple light. The man just smiled motionless. "Let's see how you handle this!" Still keeping her left palm steady to keep their opponent trapped, she had Kimimoto attack with everything he had.

The teen focused his body's Ki into his fist. His left palm blazed with golden light as he went right for his target. At the last second, Sonnin lowered her barrier so their attack would fully connect. Though sadly for them, Reoda's reaction speed was incredibly quick. He put his arm up to block, taking the blunt force of Gavin's full power strike. The training room shook violently from the tremendous power of the boy's attack.

The warrior jumped back as they saw their attack had done a good amount of damage to their mentor's wrist. "Great work, it may have taken all your power, but you still managed to wound me. So I'd say you've passed. We still have a month left so I'm sure we can work on any flaws that still remain between you two"

CHAPTER 2: The Exhibition Begins

It was time for the event. Gavin and Kyla were confident they could win the challenge. But it didn't mean they could let their guard down, they still had to be ready for anything that might try to stand in their way. The pair made their way over to the fighting arena just a few meters away from the school, plenty of participants and audience had already shown up for the event.

"Welcome one and all! Both viewers and participants. We are glad to have the first fighting exhibition of the school year! There will be plenty more, but for now this tournament will show the audience and guild leaders how strong each hero or heroine is. I have finished organizing the order of each team and which team they will go up against. You all may look at the large screen behind me"

There was a large digital board showing the order of each battle. The first fight was Two pairs of warriors, the first were twins, a brother and sister. Their names were Komusaki and Keomaki. Both had dark blue hair and pale white skin. Their only difference was, the boy was taller and both had two different eye colors. Komusaki had a left blue eye with a right gold eye, while his sister's eye colors were opposite.

Both of them dressed in a white kung fu-like outfit. Next was their opponents: Zonco, a young man trained in assassin fighting styles. He was dressed in a ninja uniform so all that could be seen was his hazel eyes. Lastly was his partner, it was a young boy about 16 which was pretty young for the average exhibition age. He had green hair, blue eyes and was short. His name was Akura Montako, he just wore a dark long-sleeve shirt with blue jeans on and walking shoes, nothing you'd expect in a serious match.

Both teams stood on opposite sides of the colossal arena. The fighting arena was much larger than your normal size, especially if it was a 2 on 2 instead of just a 1 on 1. Komusaki took in a deep breath to stay calm and focused as his sister focused her sight on their competitors. She knew looking away for even a moment could pose a problem and give the targets an opening.

The twin ascended into the air putting his hands together. Both Zonco and Akura became sealed within a large dome from the earth below them. "Do it sis!" All of them watched as Keomaki slammed her palm onto the rocky terrain, a fierce barrage of electricity swarmed across the battlefield, striking the barricade of rock. As Zonco managed to escape the strike of lightning, his ally wasn't so lucky. Akura was trapped by his opponent's surge of power.

While the female fighter ceased her attack, the assassin ascended up right for Komusaki. Pulling out two blades, the assassin went for an attack. He swung full force but missed as his target leaned back just in time to evade the coming slash. "Nice try, but it's gonna take more than two swords to beat me" In an abrupt movement, the warrior aimed his palm toward Zonco, releasing an incredible burst of force, sending the assassin staggering backwards into the concreate wall of the arena, separating them from the spectators. "Are you ok!?" Akura called out from a few feet away. The dark-dressed warrior raised his head responding: D-don't worry about me, focus all your attention on the girl"

Montako quickly fired a small wisp of pink light directed at her. It was so small, Keomaki couldn't locate it. Once it made contact she was paralyzed. Komusaki quickly noticed and landed between her and the duo. "Enough playing around, let's see how you both handle this! Suddenly the arena shook as the young warrior was engulfed in a dark-purple aura.

"Diamond pierce!" With both his hands out, A wall of sharp diamonds manifested behind him. Without another word he sent every projectile right for the duo. Akura realized his teammate was still injured and moved full speed to his partner. The sharp projectiles were on his tail. That's when the young boy shielded his ally from all the incoming diamond shards. The boy groaned in pain as each one struck his back.

Many gasped as Montako gave out from his injuries and laid facedown in the dirt. "Damn you, I won't let either of you win so easily!" Zonco used his sword as a cane to help him up. "Even with this injured body, I have a few techniques that might take you both out" Putting his palms together as if praying, the assassin created a dark mist.

Both twins assumed this was just to blind them and hide in the mist, but they were wrong, parts of the black mist began to form into a clone of the man. There were sevreal doppelgangers, but still the thick fog remained all around them. Both were unsure of their next move, their target was now hidden within a thick mist and had created multiple copies of himself. The audience grew annoyed that they couldn't see anything but the mist.

"We should just go all out and force the mist away" Her brother suggested. She sighed and decided he was right, there wasn't any other way she saw that wouldn't just be a waste of time. The siblings stood right next to each other and concentrated their power into their hands to form an energy attack. "Now!" He yelled as both of them fired a blast of blue and gold light that merged into one large attack that had turned green.

Sadly, the immense blast hit a few feet into the darkness and was engulfed as if absorbed. "What!?" They cried out as they stared at the dark fog. (But how, our combined attack shouldn't have been absorbed so easily) Komusaki thought as he stood motionless beside his sister. Just then Zonco came leaping out from the darkness descending towards them. Her brother instantly fired an energy sphere as fast as possible.

The orb hit their target head on, causing his projectile to erupt in a dramatic explosion Instead of Zonco's body hitting the dirt and mist fading away, the figure he hit became part of the darkness once more. "Seems he's going to use his clones to buy time or wear us out" Without warning, multiple copies of the assassin came jumping out in a large group. Keomaki unleashed multiple bolts of electricity from each of her fingers.

Each fake was taken out, becoming dark fog. "Ugh this is taking too long, I'm going to use my secret technique" She was about to argue when it was too late, Komusaki's eyes were now a dark gold in between gold and hazel. His eyes' white layer began to grow red. In an abrupt move, the boy soared through the mist right up to it's user. He could feel his energy being siphoned yet managed to reach their foe.

"Impossible! His power should be drained already, how is his power still so immense!?" The hero stood facing his opponent, his body under a lot of stress from both a great amount of his Ki siphoned away and the stress from his multiplied capabilities. "It's over!" Komusaki released a blast of Ki so fierce, it sent the enemy crashing through the wall into the crowd. With Zonco out-cold, the mist finally faded.

A few people screamed from the warrior crashing into the rows of seats while the others applauded for the twin's victory. Both of them bowed while their foes were taken to the clinic outside of the arena. After a 20 minute time-out, they were finally ready for match 2. The arena had been repaired for the next fight. "I hope you're all ready for round 2!" They all turned to look at the board to read the names of the 2nd match: "Kimimoto & Kyla V.S Anton & Crito"

As Sonnin and her partner stood ready for their first challenge, they saw their targets approach from the opposite doorway. Anton had dark skin and long brown hair. He was fit but still thin. Crito had dark blonde hair with blue eyes. Both were about 6'1 tall. "I'll show you all how strong I am" Anton shouted. As soon as the match started, the warrior fired multiple orbs of green light directed for Kimimoto.

"It'll take more than this to stop me!" Gavin announced as he made a punching motion toward the group of orbs. The force of his blow caused all the green spheres to get merged into one bigger, the size of a bowling ball. (Damn, only one to deal with but it's still coming toward me!) Gavin ascended up into the air. The hero was nearly up to the roof of the ceiling. That's when the large orb changed course, heading straight up for the warrior.

Kimimoto bounced off the wall, moving as fast as possible, yet the projectile followed him no matter where he went. He decided to try the oldest trick when something's following you. He lunged right for Anton hoping the sphere would hit it's user. However, as Anton stepped out of the way of the soaring enemy, the attacker managed to change the orb's path to avoid getting hit by it.

Meanwhile Kyla Focus her attention on Crito, the blonde boy seemed to be focusing on the battle between his ally and Kimimoto, watching the intense battle escalade every second. Gavin finally decided to risk it and stop running. Floating above the arena he faced the coming attack. Quickly he threw both his palms out ready to stop the coming projectile.

Anton's attack came shooting through the air. In an abrupt shockwave, the arena shook from the force of Gavin stopping the fast-moving attack. He could feel the attack slowly pushing him back, even with all his strength it was just slowing down. (Crap, I'm getting nowhere with this!) A few people in the audience chanted Gavin's name hoping he would overcome the powerful attack. Using the motivation he once again began pushing against the immense sphere of light.

Just then the orb stop pushing against him and went staggering across the arena. Kimimaro suddenly got an idea as he watched it soar across the battlefield like a shooting star. Instantly he fired a red laser from his finger tip directed right at the flying orb. Just before Anton could change the path of his attack the energy beam made contact with the sphere, causing it to explode just a few feet away from its user.

"Whoa, what use of strategy!" The announcer called out over the speakers. Anton was sent staggering backwards from the force of his own attack, smashing into the wall with great force. "Ack!" He coughed in great pain. "I'm gonna need a minute" he commented to his ally before collapsing in the dirt. Crito was alittle worried about his partner now down for the count, but wasn't sure if he'd be able to reach him with Kyla and Kimimaro in his way.

(This'll be tricky, but I'm sure I can do this!) Instantly the young warrior took-off at full speed. The audience watched as Crito went right for his ally, only focusing on him. Out of nowhere Gavin appeared between the fast moving combatant and his target. Moving his index finger up, multiple red chains made of pure energy sprung up from the soil, wrapping themselves around it's target.

Multiple viewers gasped in surprise as the blonde male was pinned down to the ground. He fell to one knee as his legs and arms were bound. "Shit...there's gotta be a way I can break free from this ability!" That's when a chain could be seen wrapped around Gavin's wrist.

"Let's see if you can still fight after this!" The chains began glowing brighter as it's victim could feel them-self growing weaker each second. Kimimaro's power grew more intense as his chains absorbed Crito's power. Once the boy's power was dropped down to nearly 20%. All could see a great swarm of red mana blazing around the warrior's body.

"Wow, would you all look at that, Gavin's body is engulfed in a great power! What will happen next!?" The announcer called out. Meanwhile Crito had been realized from the chains and was on his knees from a great loss of power. That's when he responded: "T-this isn't fair, you can't just siphon my power like this!"

His enemy began laughing as he approached the young boy. "A battle's not supposed to be fair. If this was a real death match, the villain wouldn't fight fire, in fact...he'd play as dirty as he could so long as he won" Crito struggled to rise to his feet, sadly he would fall back to his knees from his strained body. "Sorry, but this game is already over" With the mere force of his siphoned power, he sent the young boy smashing into the wall beside Anton.

"Victory: Gavin and Kyla!" The announcer shouted. Kimimaro apologized to Kyla for taking all the fun from the battle. She laughed replying: "If you managed to beat them nearly single-handedly, that just shows this exhibition may be easier than I thought it would be" The pepole applauded and cheered as the duo bowed then left the stage for the next match.

"Alright folks, this match may be unfair or epic depending how you look at it. Denkamo VS Oliver & Picosa! As you may have noticed, this will be a one on two fight. I wasn't given the details to why the participant is fighting alone, but I'm sure he wouldn't be here if he doubted his chances of fighting the opponents"

Denkamo made his way into the large arena, he wore silver knight armor with a red cape behind him. His hair was short and white with green eyes. Lastly he was 6'1 so as tall as Gavin and a little taller than the others. On the other side of the dome was Oliver and his teammate Picosa. Both wore matching uniforms, it was dark armor. Not knight armor, but protective gear. Oliver had light brown skin with long brown.

Picosa had pale white skin with black hair and blue eyes. Meanwhile Kyla and her partner decided to sit in the audience so they could study their foe's abilities. Both sides prepared for the coming battle. Without waiting, Oliver shot a fireball right for their target. Luckily Denkamo managed to deflect the blazing sphere seconds before impact.

The orb of flames went soaring across the air, smashing into the wall of the arena. "Take this!" Oliver announced as he threw both hands left and right of his body. Instantly a barrage of fireballs manifested behind him in a wall-formation. Making a swiping motion, each sphere of flames went soaring across the sky right for the solo foe.

Quickly striking the soil with his fist, he formed a wall of Ki between him and the coming projectiles. Each one blew up like a firework the instant they touched his barrier. As the barrage of attacks ceased, the viewers noticed the warrior's barrier was cracked as if it were made from glass. Noticing this, Picosa flew straight for the barrier while his teammate fired a consecutive amount of energy blasts.

Denkamo could feel his shield growing weaker with each attack. Finally it shattered to pieces. He felt a great strain on his body but continued to fight on. "Nice teamwork, but I won't give up so easily. It's about time I go on the offensive!" The white-haired knight manifested a fireball before condensing it to the side of a baseball. Picosa was just a few feet away when their enemy launched his attack.

Judging the attack by it's size, Picosa assumed he could easily stop or deflect it without much trouble. But when time came to act, the pale boy tried back-handing it. Instead of launching the small sphere in the opposite direction, he found that his hand was getting forced back toward him, when he struck the ball with his hand it felt like a small bowling ball that was getting pushed toward him.

(Darn it! Why can't I push this small sphere back!?) He thought in frustration. Suddenly his attacker clinched his fist, causing his fireball to erupt in an abrupt explosion. Picosa went staggering across the dirt covered arena until his ally managed to catch him. The crowd applauded for the solo warrior that seemed to have the upper-hand in their battle.

Oliver shook his friend gently but couldn't get a response. Setting him in the corner of the battlefield, he moved at full velocity toward his enemy. A look of anger could be seen across his face. Just as Oliver threw a full-force punch in his blind rage, Denkamo caught his combatant's strike, sending a shockwave of force across the arena. Before his opponent could attack once more, Denkamo struck him with enough force to knock all the air from the boy's body. Oliver coughed as he fell to one knee gripping his abdomen.

"D-darn it, how could we be losing? We had an advantage!" Their opponent began to laugh replying: "So you believe in quantity over quality? Or maybe you think too highly of yourself" With the bit of strength he had left, Oliver used a shockwave of force that sent dust and dirt up into the air like smoke to hide himself just long enough to gain distance and buy time to concentrate his bit if Ki into his palm.

(One last-attack) With every inch of his power, Oliver fired a blue Ki blast that went soaring out from the brown dust right for his target. But Denkamo deflected the coming blast with the flick of only two fingers. As the dust proceeded to clear, The crowd watched as the single boy face-planted into the soil- covered ground. The audience suddenly exploded in a uproar of cheers and excitement.

"Seems we have a winner!" Their announcer called-out. The winner rose his fist into the air with a grin upon his face...

Next Day...

All of the participants returned to watch the next match begin. Denkamo vs Gavin and Kyla. Both stood ready to attack. Their solo target stood motionless with a smirk on his face. Not taking any chances, Kimimaro unleashed his siphoning chains, wrapping them around the man's wrist.

As Gavin commenced draining the foe of his Ki, Denkamo forced his bound wrist back, causing his attacker to come staggering towards him. In an abrupt attempt to stop himself, Gavin ceased his siphoning chain, causing it to vanish like glitters of red light. Still headed toward his opponent, both warriors threw a punch toward one another. Their vast power sent a great shockwave of power throughout the battlefield.

Kimimaro was sent flying backwards, landing beside his teammate. "Looks as though it's my turn" Kyla commented before taking a step forward. The man laughed responding: "What can you do?" He stood waiting for the girl to make a move. In an instant she moved right up to him. She shot a Ki blast with a good portion of her power.

He quickly crossed his arms in a guarding position. Sonnin's violet blast struck his guard, beginning to force him back. Viewers watched as the man was getting forced back by the immense power of the Ki attack. Luckily he managed to fling it up into the air, causing it to impact the celling. Both watched as fragments of the roof came falling towards them.

Denkamo destroyed each large piece into pebbles. Taking this as an opening, Gavin soared right for their target. Just as he threw a punch directed toward the man's abdomen, Denkamo managed to evade the coming attack, kneeing Kimimaro in the ribs. The boy went flying into the air, smashing head-first into the ceiling then descending down toward the ground.

Sonnin flew up to try and catch him when a whip made out of silver light wrapped around her foot. Looking behind her she saw Denkamo had created an energy whip to hold her back. She watched as Kimimaro impacted the ground. He laid in a large crater barley able to move. "Seems as though your teammate is down for the count. It's just you and me" The combatant gripped his energy whip, slamming Sonnin into the ground repeatedly.

"I would hate to win from just spamming an attack. So I'll let you get in a few more blows before I finish this" She got up brushing herself off. "Enough of this! I'll finish this quickly!" Kyla focused her energy throughout her body, using it to multiply her speed and defensive power. She charged him with a purple aura swarming around her. Even with her increased capabilities, Denkamo seemed to keep up with her consecutive attacks.

(Damn, this is getting us nowhere. At this rate my stamina will be drained in-) As she was thinking to herself, her opponent managed to strike a fierce blow to her gut, sending her backwards across the dirt. "Come now, I'm sure you can put up more of a fight. Especially with your boosted abilities...Or is it that this is truly your best and I'm just better than I thought?"

The girl groaned in annoyance as she clinched her fists, once more a purple aura surged around her body as she let out every inch of power she had left. "It's over...I'll put all my remaining power into this attack" Taking a deep breath, she fired an energy blast that nearly blinded the audience. Denkamo didn't have time to return fire, instead he put both arms up to block the coming projectile.

His endurance was great, but from constant battle, along with Gavin's siphoning chain, he couldn't take as much damage as he normally could. The fighter felt himself being forced back by Kyla's powerful blast. Meanwhile Kimimaro weakly lifted his left palm, transferring the bits of Ki he had left. Sonnin's blast grew wider, her purple aura mixed with his red energy formed into magenta. Both her aura and Ki blast had changed colors.

Denkamo was forced against the wall of the arena, the blunt force of the attack was beginning to crack the wall apart. Finally she ran out of power and hit the ground motionless. Gavin was contiouess, but unable to move. Their target fell from the destroyed wall and landed on his knees and hands. The warrior was out of breath, unable to stand.

"This is a tough one folks, I'm tempted to say a tie" The announcer commented. An abrupt uproar came from the crowd, some demanding Kyla's win, while others cheering on Denkamo especially since it was two on one. "Alright, alright...I've heard your arguments and have decided upon a winner...Denkamo!" His fan cheered loudly while the fighter walked over to the two combatants and helped them off the stage.

"To me, I thought you two should've won" He told them as they sat in the hallway outside the arena...

"It's time for the final round: Komusaki and Keomaki VS Denkamo! This will definitely be an exciting match!" Once all the debris and damages were cleared, the twins and their combatant were ready for their final round. Kyla and Gavin watched from a few rows up. The solo participant waited for one of his foes to attack...

Komusaki clapped his palms together announcing: "Flaming bind!" A rope made of flames came up from the dark soil, wrapping itself around him. Once his bind was secure, the boy clapped his palms together once more, causing his trap to explode in a fierce burst of light. Some of the audience watched in amazement as the light slowly faded. When it was cleared, Denkamo was still standing, but had bruises all over his body.

"W-wow, that took more out of me than I originally thought it would" Still he remained on his feet. "Now it's my turn" Their target announced. Denkamo took a step forward, that's when a white, transparent clone of him went soaring right up to Komusaki. His duplicate looked like a ghost or as if his soul had left his body. Before the boy could react, the fighter's ghost-like clone unleashed a barrage of blows to Komusaki's abdomen, sending him smashing into the wall of the arena.

"Ack!" The twin groaned in pain. His sister saw him fall from the crater in the wall, laying on his stomach. "Brother!" Tears filled her eyes as she turned her attention back to their combatant. "You monster!" All watched in surprise as a pink aura engulfed the young girl. Her eyes were now both dark-purple, an intense spitual power was emanating from her.

"Take this!" She fired a single-handed blast that took up most of the battlefield, Denkamo tried using his doppelganger to force it back. However, even with his great power, her increasing power and rage continued to forced her blast forward and her target's transparent clone back towards him.

(Good grief, this isn't going well. If her power continues to escalate, I may be over-powered! Losing isn't the issue, it's the fact that someone that didn't even stand a chance against me is now equal or even stronger than me!) Using all his power, he created another duplicate to hopefully stop the coming threat. Her projectile was slowing down but still drawing closer each second. Denkomo began to sweat from the pressure of using two clones to hold back such a concentrated attack.

(I'm kinda worried, this young girl has power that rivals my own and yet the others combined couldn't beat me. Does her brother possess such outstanding abilities as well!?" Right as he turned in the direction of Komusaki, his duplicates began to break apart. Even though they were transparent, light could be seen through their cracks. As his defensive doubles were destroyed, the girl's attack went flying at him with great power.

Denkamo was forced against the wall until the twin's power destroyed the wall, leaving a large hole. Everyone watched in shock as the solo warrior hit the ground out-cold. It was silent for nearly a minute as they saw Keomaki standing there out of breath, her aura swarming around her like pink fire. Moments later, her aura went out. She fell to her hands and knees out of breath.

All applauded for her, her incredible hidden power that surpassed even the solo warrior who's victory seemed assured. She slowly made her way over to comfort her injured brother while staff helped the man to the nurse's office... Both warriors were stunned to see that such a young girl single-handily took-out such an intimidating foe.

"I can't believe what I just saw" Kyla commented. Kimimaro nodded with a look of surprise still across his face. After Keomaki was given the large golden trophy called: "Warrior exhibition 2K19 1ST Place" Gavin and his partner went up to her to ask how she became so much stronger just for pure rage.

"Our bloodline has always carried a hidden power...something that barley anyone in our family has been able to control. So far the carrier of this powerful gene has only been able to activate their hidden potential through rage or the need to protect someone" The pair was fascinated by a power that was passed down instead of pure training...

After a few days of rest, Gavin and Kyla began training together, each session improving their skills. One day they were training when an explosion echoed across the large green grass field. Looking behind them they saw a gaping hole in the top floor of the school. "What's going on!?" Kimimaro commented as he and Sonnin rushed for the blazing hole in the school.

As they reached the damaged window, a mentor came flying backwards from the burning hole, impacting the parking lot. It was the justice mentor : Unomo Tenma. "I'm not just a justice! I deserve power class!" They looked up to see a student dressed in a white cloak with short brown hair jump from the blazing window down in front of them.

"Assign me power class!" The boy threatened. Gavin stood in between the student and the mentor who laid on his back from hitting the street. "If you want to move up as a hero, violence isn't the answer. You'll just be kicked out of school or arrested" The student didn't listen to the kid and threw a blow right for Kimimaro's jaw.

Sadly the hero blocked the coming attack with just his left wrist. "How disappointing...I may not be a mentor, but I still was put in Valliant, the highest rank of hero" The expression on his attacker's face went from anger to regret and fear.

"V-Valliant!?" His foe replied in shock. Gavin nodded replying: My friend over there is also a Valliant and even stronger than me" The student backed up and took off as fast as he could away from his school. Looking back he saw his foe just standing there watching him. As the unnamed boy turned his attention ahead, Kylah appeared just a few feet away. She instantly struck him in the chest, knocking the air out of him.

He gasped for air before fall to the streets below. Right before he hit the street, Kylah caught him by his collar with one hand. Unable to fight back, their classmate was arrested and taken to Okandu the facility where super-humans were put instead of your average jail...

Gavin had hopes there next tournament or challenge would be even better than the exhibition. That's when an explosion rang out in the distance. Kimimaro smirked and took off for the location...