
Risen From The Abyss

The Demon God was slain millennia ago and his body was broken into shards which brought about the rise of Demon Lords, In reaction the gods permitted Mankind to summon heroes from another world regularly, however, does evil rest while the heroes run unchallenged? Follow our story about James a Veteran warrior who has dedicated his life to guiding the summoned heroes even though his personal faith in humanity was shaken as a result. Can this veteran, rise above the heroes, and repair his heart that was broken after the loss of his wife?

Orngebeard · สงคราม
29 Chs

Unforeseen Alliances: The Birth Of A Demon Lord

We met up with the Hero and Aka but due to a series of unfortunate events the hero perished while Aka and the Succubi Yarra had become members of my party, and the three of us were commited to explaining the accidental death of the hero in the field of battle.

"Shouldn't he be awake by now?"

"His body probably just needs time to adapt. It must being undergoing many changes since he absorbed the power from that shard. I know we should help him out by waking him up with a double blowjob!"

"A double... are we some kind of h-harem now?"

"What did you think this was?"

"I haven't had nearly enough time to think everthing through! this is all so... so..."

"You want to get started on that proposed blowjob, then?"

"I'm already awake."

"We better hurry, he seems to be mumbling somethign in his sleep!"

"Excuse me. I need some time to think."

Having awakened i could see Aka on one side while Yarra was on the other, but the Succubus was trying to engage in sexual activities, since the events of last night resulted in my own hands causing the death of the most recent hero to protect the chastity of Aka.

Since nothing else would stop one of those sex crazed lunatics we had no choice.

I got up and left the pair behind at the campsite, getting far enough away that they would not hear i stopped.

"I don't know who you are, but i can feel youre here. come out."

"Hello Simon."

"Eris! You! Are you responsible for this?"

"That is correct. Are you going to attack me now."

"No. that wouldn't actually change anything. Let's talk."

"You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear that."

"What exactly are you trying to acomplish."

"Simply, put i gave you a soul fragment, that would act like a seed to help you develop into becoming a Demon lord. the fact that so soon after you also located another shard was unseen however."


"Answering that question would take longer than we have. The plan should have been simple, but you've complicated things. You certainly threw me off with taht bit of misdirection about The Knife."

"So i was right you do have someone in the church."

"Not as high up as i'd like, but yes. Anyway , you're about to undergo a difficult transition. I'd wanted to make it easier for you, give you a massive harem and guidance through everything. though i have to say, this has worked out fine. Not only have you survived, you've also picked up useful women, and not only that you found an unclaimed Demon Shard! This was a better idea than i thought."

"Unless of course. I refuse to cooperate with you."

"So you plan to starve yourself of sex until you die? You probably could given your level of willpower."

"No. I can't afford to ignore any weapon i'm given."

"Then im not worried."

"I wont necessarily do what you want and might even become your enemy"

"What do you think i want? Im not trying to make you into a tool Samson. Im confident that whatever you choose will be acceptable to me."

"So you appeared to just tell me that, not what i should do next."

"Because i still want to help you. This early in your development, you could easily get yourself killed."

"When you say "help" do you really mean "fuck"?"

"I honestly desperately wish i could fuck you, but that's no longer possible. You've established yourself in such a way that the Demon Lord would know. thats the same reason i cant help you directly any longer. But i could easily assign a string of succubi in your path so you can increase your power."


"Do... do you hate us that much?"

"I don't hate you. but id be a fool to trust you."

"I suppose id have been disappointed if you had. whatever you decide to do now, i wont stand in your way. I dont have long but do you have any questions?"

"What happened to the mage i was travelling with?"

"Her? I left her at the abandoned fortress. She'll be thoroughly fucked, but those orcs they're kinder than the Demon lord would be."

"... Would it be possible to rescue her?"

"Do you think you're strong enough to invade a fortress like that on your own?"


"Are you sure that's all? If you ask for help, i'll give you anything i can."

"Right now, i just want to know everything about what you did to me."

"Oh, that won't be a problem. that young succubus knows enought to answer your questions... Don't you?"

Eris turned round and stared at the tree line.

Both Aka, and Yarra emerged from within.

"You knew we were here the whole time."

"I knew it! You're totally going to be an awesome Demon Lord."

"The two of you better not fuck this up. I have things to say to you, but im running out of time. Be careful, simon. Fuck well."

Casting a dark portal Eric stepped through it and disappeared.


"Alright, let's get going!"

"But... where exactly are we going?"

"Back home. I need time to think."

So the three of us started the trek first back to the Hunters camp.

Yarra was forced to put on the collar we'd found to appear as if we'd managed to enslave her.

First off we turned in a quest we'd received to collect mushrooms in the forest in exchange for some gloves and a whip both of which would be good equipment to boost Yarra's fighting power.

Next we checked in with my friends who remarked about how quick this hero's death was, to which i had to remind him about the one a few years ago who ran off a cliff during his first battle before we got into the trend of training the heroes before sending them out on real missions.

Once this was all done we continued on setting course back for Farrow.