
Risen From The Abyss

The Demon God was slain millennia ago and his body was broken into shards which brought about the rise of Demon Lords, In reaction the gods permitted Mankind to summon heroes from another world regularly, however, does evil rest while the heroes run unchallenged? Follow our story about James a Veteran warrior who has dedicated his life to guiding the summoned heroes even though his personal faith in humanity was shaken as a result. Can this veteran, rise above the heroes, and repair his heart that was broken after the loss of his wife?

Orngebeard · สงคราม
29 Chs

Dark Power

The other two just walked right past the black stone.

But I approached it, and before I knew it I was holding it in my hand.

"What's that?"

"What exactly is that? I don't like the feeling I get from it."

"I'm not exactly sure, perhaps something that was left behind by the demon lords invasion of Oscil, there are various abandoned supply camps all over."

"Should you be holding it like that then?"

"I'm not sure, the bandits certainly seemed to have left it along but you two also didn't notice it until I picked it up."

From across the room a succubus with black hair appeared and began to slowly stride towards us.

Aka put up her guard with her daggers drawn while the Heros jaw just dropped.

"Well, hello there!"

"A succubus this far southeast? What is the Demon Lord plotting?"

"Oh, I'm not with him any longer. On the run from his forces as it were actually."

"Prepare to taste defeat, fiend!"

The hero drew his sword without a word more and dove into battle.

But the demon simply took out a small pink orb and tossed it into his face.

The hero fell face down onto the ground without a moment more passing by.

"Now, let's see if I was right about you..."

Both my and aka's blades connected but the succubus didn't defend instead she just charged in and planted a kiss on my cheek.

In response I swing my blade once more.

"Ooh, not bad... Maybe another test? but awe, running out of time..."

As our fight continued on the hero began to stir coming to from the sleep she'd put him in.

Seeing him getting back to his feet stopped her attack.

"Trying to flee, you-"

"I surrender"


"I've seen enough now - I don't have a reason to fight you."

"Well, then, as my prisoner, I demand that you suck-"

"Sounds fun, but we're going to have to survive first. take these potions."

She promptly pulled out and handed over some health and mana potions.

"If you guys aren't as strong as you look, activating this thing just got us all killed."



Bursting through a wall was a hulking mass of flesh.

"A cache guardian!"

This was a monster created through dark science used as defensive monster to protect their supplies and required no upkeep so they could continue defending even if the demon lords own forces had abandoned the territory.

The four of us now lined up to fight against this common foe.

The hero once more just swung his sword like a barbarian however had started to use his skills.

Aka and my flanking team work was excellent and every so often the Succubi would sneak in and plant a kiss draining some of the creatures life force away.

Post combat the hero glowed with the renewing light which the succubi shyed away from.

Divine energy is a weakness of demons afterall.

The succubi was not wrong in that we should fight together, but I shall not drop my guard around her.

"So, is that blowjob coming, or what?"

"Hero, get back, something's happening!"

The stone in my hand felt like it had exploded.

Looking left and right I noticed that the Hero and Aka had stopped moving.

But the Succubus across from me still was.

"Explain what's happening. Immediately."

"Damn, you have a nice commanding voice. I was right about you."

"I will torture or kill you if necessary."

Her eyes turned glossy at that.

"No need to get angry - I'll explain. I have no idea why, but you're carrying the potential to become another Demon Lord"

"I... but I'm human one of us can't become a demon let alone a demon lord."

"Demon Lords are not singular, there are actually dozens of them in the world, and they tend to kill one another off. Anyway, you've just absorbed the power that was stored within that shard that was stored here, which means you're already well on your way to becoming one."

"... What are you talking about?"

"Whatever you want. Personally, I'm hoping you can take down this continents current bastard down."

"No, what does it mean in practical terms?"

"For a start, magnified sexual potency, the ability to influence women, and absolute control over your seed's fertility. Eventually you could bend people to your will, become nigh-invincible, and so on. That's beyond you right now. You'll be able to take strength from sex, but you also need it to live. Actually, you've probably already felt the drain on your abilities."


What she was saying started to make sense my libido which i'd kept under control for years since my wife's death was running rampant, while my own attacking power while not generally high was even weaker than usual."

"Why are you looking at me like that? You think I'm going to try to manipulate you or something? Rest Assured, I'll happily be your first slut. I've been watching you since you entered the forest, and I think you have what it takes."

"You expect me to fuck you out here?"

"Sure. Kill that hero, fuck me, then take that girl there too. You know she want's you, right?"

"And that would start my reign as a Demon Lord?"

"Exactly! I think you'll be good at this!"



"I don't accept your narrative for this. Now free the others from this spell."

"Aww, seriously? You're really going to start suffering if you don't start fucking soon. But whatever you say, Demon Lord. This actually isn't my spell, it was caused when you absored the power from that shard. You can end it whenever you want."

My power?

Feeling around within I could tell there was something other than mana inside of me, so using that new power I tried to call upon a spell like I would with mana.

The stillness ended thankfully.

"Gah! That hurt!"

"I... I don't feel well..."

"She's been infected by the Demon Lords power! Do something!"

"Nothing I can do. Theres SOMEONE here who could, but he's being stubborn..."

"Aka, can you hold up a little longer?"

"I'll do my best."

"Let's take out these bandits and get back as soon as possible."

We continued on as the succubi joined our party... as our captive.

Though she was not bound and followed me around like a dog.