

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

her smiley

---After sometime


June run to front gate of her university and stop at front huffing for air.

Her university was big and old having many streams like art, science and commerce... students  were swarming inside to attend various lectures through main gate. Especially the students of second year as today is the first day for second year.

and She is now in  SECOND YEAR  as an ART student,as one year has already passed since she admitted here.

Today is her first day of second year.

As soon as some girls caught her,they begin to COMMENT on June while passing through gate.

"look here she is ..ugly girl!!"

And another girl comment after her..

"yeah...let's go away from her"

June press her lips  and then roll eyes under hoodie, [i can hear you girls!]

It's always like this, no one in the UNIVERSITY knows how June looks like...no one has seen her face and as she always kept hiding her face they consider that June is a UGLY GIRL who is hiding her face because she is ashamed of herself.

JUNE shook head, [nothing can be done to them...why should I stress??]

and then a smile forms on her face and mumbles happily,"it's only good for me!"

her happy smile soon turns into a bitter one,[if they stay away from me!]

And  her face falls remembering her smiley,

Smiley,her one of the most important person in life,who always kept smiling and put smile on June's face,making her nightmare side-effects vanish in a second, whenever they two spend time with each other.


(2 years ago)

June chirp,"smiley??..." while sitting on bench with smiley.

and someone pinch her cheek,"yes sweety~"

June gaze at her,

"Why do you not want me to introduce you to my parents??"

a small smile crept on smileys face,"you can't sweety!"

June gaze at her smile which seems way more sad than anything!

SMILEY--"what if i get greedy for parents love?"

JUNE again gaze at her, "but I know they will accept you! and I too accept you!!...we can be a happy family!...all four of us!!" and then squeeze her hand warmly .

SMILEY--"I only want you sweety!..(smile widening)...I don't need anyone else beside you in this world! ...my sweet sister!"

-------PAST ENDS

and words left her mouth "who would have thought that ..sniff..that will be our last meet!....I..I miss you smiley!"

June's heart squeeze feeling suffocated while remembering Smiley's last message..


this may be my LAST WISH....DO NOT LET anyone from ENGLAND SEE YOUR FACE SWEETY!

                  -   YOUR SMILEY(•‿•)

About Two years ago, one of the Smiley's friend came searcing for June and she gave June a chit saying that this is her Smiley's message for June and said that she might never get to meet smiley again and not to even try too..,which broke June's heart

but she knows that smiley is not like her..she is smart...not innocent like her,everything she does has a reason and ...she knows that their must be a reason for her saying this and vanishing out of nowhere...and that's why June is hiding her face from last two and hoping to meet her.

June was daze thinking and pondering when,

"HEY JUNE"suddenly someone call her from behind and June turn around.

A girl's hand came and land on her shoulder and pull her into hug,

"Baby!!" Girl chirp and hug June more tightly.

"I miss you~"and then she pull back.her reddish shoulder length hairs tied up in a ponytail and her green eyes looking at June with adoration.

"Alexa!"June chirp.

Her name is Alexa..June's one of the two best friends from University.

JUNE---(glance around)"where is that dumbo??"

ALEXA--(roll eyes)"must be busy with her followers!"

"I m not dumbbo!" another girl scream at them from some step distance.

June gaze at her "Amelie!!"

Her name is Amelie..her one and only old friend who is with her from when they were 14 years old...

Amelie ran to June her blonde hairs swaying behind with her blue eyes gazing at her both friends..she smack Alexa's back of head and grab juns's cheek under hoodie

JUNE---"aww!"(feeling pain)

ALEXA--"hey!!..that hurts!"

And Amelie giggle pulling June's cheek more.

JUNE---"aw..aw..aw...leave me !!...dumb Amelie!"

AMELIE--"heheheh..then say who I m cutie"(pulling her cheeks more)

JUNE---"aw..aw...ok..you are a beauty not dumb..!" And Amelie release her cheek while June rub them and pull her hoodie down more.

ALEXA--"beautiful dumb amelie!"(teasing)

June too joint

AMELIE--"I m beauty of university!!.. don't disrespect this beauty!..hmmf"(folding hands at them)

amelie is tagged as most BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN UNIVERSITY.

ALEXA--"yeah..yeah!!..(roll eyes)..but my cutie is more beautiful!"

AMELIE --(nodd)"i agree!...my cutie is more beautiful!...my Asian beauty!"

yes!!...June got eastern looks like jet black hairs..skin like porcelain..her eyes drooping down making her face more cute but what's difference here is her eyes,which are as grey as moon at night.

JUNE--"NO!!..everyone is different  and special in there own way!"(in a lovely tone)

ALEXA--"ok..ok!!...then I m a beauty!..heheheh!"

AMELIE--( giggle nodding)"OK!!..let's go now!.."

And all three girls walk inside.


