
Whether It Is Here or There, The World Is Problematic

Diarrhea with fever? Is it probably caused by a bacterial or viral infection?

Yuna's thought process was disturbed when she heard loud footsteps coming from nowhere. When she found where the noise came from, she stared at people running on their way in their direction. 

"I guess, it is about time to sell my rice balls," The old man said. "You guys better get out of here unless you wanted to get squished and contract the illness."

 The old man smiled and proceeded to set off again.

Min seemed that he could already sense something wrong so he gathered everyone, and went over to Yuna and Prince Jun's direction. He extended his hand and said, "Lady Yuna, hop off."

Yuna seemed to have been a bit flustered but she followed his command as if their roles were reversed. Then, he gestured the other celestial warriors to hop off of their horses.