
Rise of the White Devil

I was always alone, throughout my life. People looked at me with disdain because I was an orphan without parents. Constant abuse followed me everywhere. I lost touch with how to interact with others. With each passing day, I grew more distant from my emotions until I scarcely recognized myself. The warmth of family and friendship felt foreign to me. In the end, I snapped, and I became what I hated the most... something that wasn't human anymore... something that shouldn't have been born... That was until I was reincarnated as Lucas Nightstar, granted a second chance at a happy life with a loving family. Now, I would do anything to protect them, live my life to the fullest, and was willing to destroy anyone who dares stand in my way of my newfound peace. Yet... Little did I know what fate had in store for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time writing a novel, so please give me feedback and point out my mistakes. English isn't my main language, so I could make some grammatical errors. I don't know how this novel will turn out since I am writing this for fun. I don't have a fixed schedule for when I publish chapters, but if I see that it is going well, I might get more serious with my upload schedule (currently 2 chapters/day). So please support me through this journey with reviews and power stones. Discord: https://discord.gg/9zZ69PVNFJ

Crypthh · แฟนตาซี
121 Chs


He was back.

After almost three whole years, he had finally returned to Moon City.

Lucas was honestly filled with nostalgia at his return.

He could currently be seen wearing black cargo pants with a black hoodie that covered his head as he walked through Moon City with Luna on top of his shoulder.

"[Father is this the city where you live?]" Luna asked.

"[That is correct. I was raised here all my life, Luna,]" Lucas replied.

"[So does that mean we are meeting Grandpa and Grandma?]"

Hearing Luna's nervous yet excited tone, he couldn't help but chuckle. He was currently walking his way toward the destination where he ordered an Uber so he could get back to the Nightstar Estate.

He could have gone himself, but he wanted to enjoy Moon City first and take his time going to the Nightstar Estate.

He hadn't told anyone except for Sylv and her family about his return, so not even his parents knew about him coming back at this time. They should suspect Lucas coming back somewhere around this time, but they didn't know anything yet.

"[You don't need to be nervous, Luna. I am sure my parents would love you... well, unless you act like an actual cat, then they would treat you like one without knowing... but they would still love you.]"

"[I wouldn't do that father!]"

'Though so much has happened... I-I don't know if I should tell them about me becoming a half-dragon and about Luna so perhaps her acting like a cat would be better... and should I tell them about my relationship with Sylv and her family?' While Lucas was pondering, he finally arrived in front of a black car that was parked but still hovering slightly in the air.

As Lucas saw the car in front, he entered the passenger's seat without waiting. Inside, a man was there smoking his cigar.

"Where to?" He asked without looking at Lucas at all.

"Nightstar Estate," Lucas answered without care, while Luna got on top of his lap instead of his shoulder now.

"[I don't like this smell...]" Luna commented.

"[Yeah, me too, but deal with it just for a little bit, okay?]" Lucas responded telepathically.

Hearing the location Lucas wanted to go, the Uber driver froze and finally turned his head to his client, who was covering his face with a hoodie.

"W-what did you say? Nightstar Estate? Kid, you can't go there. They will just kick you out, perhaps even kill you for trespassing," the driver said, trying to persuade him. He honestly was ready to kick Lucas out himself; he didn't want to get killed.


Seeing that the driver wasn't going to accept going there without proper reason, Lucas decided to lower his hoodie, revealing his face much clearer.

The cigar in the driver's mouth just dropped on his lap as he stared wide-eyed, mouth open, pointing his trembling finger toward his client, who had snow-white hair and blood-red eyes. It didn't take a genius to know who was in front of him.

"Y-you are Lucas Nightstar! Aren't you?" The driver said, pale-faced and in sheer disbelief.

Seeing his reaction, Lucas couldn't help but release a bitter smile while chuckling as he answered the driver.

"Yeah, that is right. I need a ride to my home, so can we go now?" Lucas asked.

"A-ah, y-yeah, of course!" He said. He wasn't stupid to disobey the son who ruled the city.

'I don't think he knows I am the Noctis, the White Devil yet... The rumors would still take some time to spread, probably a few weeks before the academy starts, will it reach Moon City.'

"[Hehe, he is scared of you, Father,]" Luna commented.

"[Well, my father is the one who rules this entire city, of course he would be scared to meet his only son,]" Lucas said telepathically with Luna, as the driver finally started driving toward the Nightstar Estate, though his hands could be seen trembling a lot as he kept glancing at Lucas.

'Dude, this man better not crash the car...'



"When will the lord and madam arrive again?" Mike asked Lenard as both stood guard at the Nightstar Estate.

"I don't know the exact time, but it should be in about five hours. Why?" Lenard replied, facing Mike.

"Well, look behind you, a car is coming, I think toward our direction."

"Tch, doesn't matter. It for sure isn't the lord or madam. Must be some idiot thinking he is a big shot. Just send him away, and if he refuses, kill him since the lord and madam aren't home," Lenard said.

"Hmm, alright."

As they conversed, the car finally arrived and stopped right in front of them and the huge gate of the Nightstar Estate.

As they watched the car, they saw the door open, and a handsome boy with snow-white hair and blood-red eyes stepped out, while a cat was on his shoulder, with majestic black fur and the same blood-red eyes, lazily watching the guards.

Both were honestly stunned at the duo that stepped out. If they had their phones on them, they would've definitely asked to take some pictures.

'Is he some kind of model? And why does he look familiar? Doesn't matter,' Mike thought as he snapped out and addressed the boy.

"Kid. The lord and madam aren't here today, and no one is allowed to enter the Nightstar Estate. Please leave," Mike said, while Lenard was still stunned for some reason. 'What happened to him?'

"Oh, you don't know who I am?" The boy said to Mike in a playful manner.

'Urg, another young master with a big ego. Great...'

"Kid, I don't care. There are rules. Leave now or be prepared to be ki-" Before he could finish, he heard a shout right next to his ear as his head was suddenly forced downwards in a bowing position.

"YOUNG MASTER LUCAS! WE ARE DELIGHTED AT YOUR RETURNING BACK SAFELY!" Lenard suddenly shouted as he bowed 90 degrees straight while holding Mike, making him bow with him.

'Huh? The fuck did he just say!? YOUNG MASTER LUCAS!?' Hearing his companion shout, who had worked longer than him, his face went pale in fear as he stopped resisting and bowed even lower.

"Y-young master, please forgive me for not recognizing you!" Mike said in a fearful voice.

Helping him out, Lenard interjected while bowing, "Yes, young master, you see he is new here and so he didn't know or has seen you yet! Please forgive him this one time. I will make sure to educate him properly!" Lenard said, hoping to convince the young master and not get his friend killed.

Suddenly, as they were thinking of ways to get out of this situation, they heard a laugh.

"Pfft! Hahaha! Gosh, you guys are so tense!" the young master started laughing as he clutched his stomach hard, while the cat looked with an amused expression, feeling as if she was laughing as well with her eyes.

"Relax, alright? I understand, and stop bowing, okay?" He said as the both hurriedly complied.

"Y-yes, thank you, young master!" Lenard said.

"So, what is your name?" The young master asked as he gazed at Mike, who felt as if he was watched by a predator as he gazed at the young master.

"M-my name is Mike, y-young master, a-and I was recruited two years ago by the Order of the Falling Stars," Mike said while stuttering.

"I see. I hope you have been enjoying being part of the Falling Stars?" the young master asked.

"A-ah yes, young master, I am extremely pleased and honored to be part of the Nightstar Elite."

"Haha, that is great to hear," as Lucas decided this was enough light talk, he asked a question.

"So, I heard Mother and Father aren't home today?"

"Ah, yes, young master. We don't know the details, but they went on a date today and would be returning late at night, so in five to six hours," Lenard answered.

'W-wait, the young master has been gone for almost three years, and I am sure probably doesn't know about 'her' yet...' Lenard thought with a chill running down his spine.

'D-damn it! Why did the lord and madam decide to go out today!?' He was panicking now.

"Hmm? A date? How romantic~" Lucas said while chuckling, amused at how much they love each other to still go on dates.

"A-hahaha, y-yeah, young master, t-they sure are romantic," Lenard said, stuttering, while Mike just didn't dare to speak again. He didn't want to mess up!

"Is something wrong, Lenard?" the young master asked, a little confused, as Lenard stuttered out of nowhere.

'W-what!? He knows

 my name!? I told him that three years ago only once, but he still remembers!' Honestly, he would be extremely happy normally for the young master to actually remember him still. If it wasn't for 'that' problem.

"A-ah, no, young master, just a little shaken up at your surprising return still."

"Ah, I see, that is understandable. Well, can you open the gate? I will want to see Lucielle and William if he is also here."

"Ah, yes, young master, please go ahead," Lenard said as he opened the gates with Mike.

'Fuck it! Not my fault or problem that the lord and madam aren't home,' he thought as the young master passed them and entered the Nightstar Estate after almost three years for the first time...


As Lucas entered the mansion, he saw a few maids here and there doing housework. Yet when he entered, they all looked towards him and froze.

"Yo, been a while," Lucas said casually, lifting his right hand as a gesture.

"Y-y-y-young M-master Lucas!?" One of the maids struggled to speak, helping everyone snap out of it, finally bowing their heads. They were still professionals.

"Hmm, good to see you all. I will talk to all of you later though. So, anyone know where Lucielle or William is?"

"Ah! Yes, young master, they are at the backyard, with Lady L-" Before she could finish, her mouth was suddenly clamped shut by another maid's hand.

"Ah, young master, sorry, but p-please, I request you to go see them before asking us any more," one of the maids said, bowing.

'Just what the heck is going on?' Lucas wondered.

"[They are hiding something, father,]" Luna chimed in telepathically.

"[Yeah, I noticed, Luna. Thanks for clarifying,]" Lucas replied.


Instead of complaining, Lucas decided to do what they said and went to the backyard.

He missed walking the hallways and seeing all the familiar walls and ceilings.

When he finally arrived, he saw something that shook him to his core.

Lucielle was there in her maid outfit, with William as well in his butler outfit.

Both looked the same as when he left, but...

In Lucielle's arms was a little girl... The child had long white hair like snow and blood-red eyes.

She looked no older than three years old, her face cute with plump cheeks as she dozed off in Lucielle's arms.

"W-what the fuck..."