
Rise Of The Unremarkable Mage

How can someone be unremarkable and be one of the greatest of all time? The journey revolves around a young mage named Valerus Marina who doesn't stand out and just keeps it on the low. Valerus is a smart boy but the one secret that he keeps from all is that he's not of this world. Follow along as the unremarkable mage finds the truth of this world and the reason he was brought into it. Expect to dive into a story that will intrigue you with interesting characters, settings, stories, and villains. Come along and read "The Rise of the Unremarkable Mage"

Ilovepsicyahi · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs

COPYCAT (Jonathans POV)

All I do is copy.

Copy this

Copy that.

I can copy anything.

Is it a copy or reflecting?

Maybe it's both.

You'll just have to see for yourself"

"Its kinda misleading so pay attention"

"Fighting with me can build your tension"

"So keep in mind in what I can do"

"It could spell the end for you"