
Rise of The Unknown

Sunny Chaudhary, an average student, faces a critical moment when he overhears his professor calling his name. For some unknown reason, the Universe grants him the opportunity to transmigrate to another world. There he realizes his dreams of supporting his new family and opening a company that will shake the foundations of this new world. He will be known as the Master Chef of the gods, a superstar singer, the best Mangaka to exist, the best Director, the businessman of the millennium and many other adjectives.

SuryaDev · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Starter’s Gift Pack

Alex (Sunny) was relieved to receive Sunny (Alex) message that he would take care of his parents and he didn't have to worry about his family.

Sunny (Alex) was also relieved to receive his message that he would take care of his little sister Aria. So, he didn't have to worry about Aria starving for food.

Alex felt for the first time since crossing over that his body was not his, and finally, the last resistant from the original owner of this body has left, he felt relieved that this body was now his completely.

After that, he started navigating through his new memories, and the more he saw, the more shocked he became.

The system was correct. Alex was in a different universe, specifically on a different Earth, which was thrice the size of his previous planet. It had different countries, some of which had languages that were the same, like English, Hindi, Korean, and Japanese, but also new languages.

Somehow, this Earth had the same technologies as his previous world, but it had a different culture and entertainment, including movies and books.

Too bad he didn't remember anything clearly from his previous life, or he could have made some money selling these works.

Understanding all the new information, Alex now understands what had happened. 

Simply explained, he got a system, Just like many protagonists in novels, he gets a cheat.

'Wait a sec…Is this real? This is not a prank?"

"I have a system; maybe the system can help me. It's a Business Management System, but maybe my company can work with entertainment too.'

'Well, it's too soon to think about that.'

He continued to go through his memories and discovered that the country he lived in was the Riverdale Country. This country had characteristics of various countries on earth like England, India, South Korea, and Japan from his previous life, and it was a giant country, the same size as Russia.

It wasn't even one of the big five countries on the landmass of this planet, which indicated that this planet was thrice the size of his previous one.

He lived in the poorer area of one of the big cities of the country, Star-fall City.

After reviewing all his memories, Alex realized that Aria was in the library with some of her friends. He was relieved because he didn't want her to see everything that had happened here today.

[DING! Beginner's gift pack available. Do you wish to retrieve it?]

'Oh, a gift pack? YES! Of course, I want it,' he said enthusiastically.

[Ding! Received:

1. 10,000 dollars;

2. One Untraceable Bank Account (with debit card and online payment option available);

3. One Vitality Restoration Pill.

4. Business Management Knowledge Skill – Level 1

5. Programming Knowledge skill - Level 1

6. 1sqm System sub Space]

"Wow, that is awesome! So many rewards. I guess it's for the first-time newbie reward," Alex thought.

'First, the 10k in dollars is more than my predecessor earned in 4 years of jumping from job to job. And the bank account was awesome too, as I now have the liberty to do my things freely without the authorities knowing it's my money. And third, the Business Management and Programming Knowledge will help me realize my dream of creating new apps and owning a gaming company. And the most awesome prize is the Vitality Restoration Pill and System Sub Space.'

Alex clicked to see the details of the Vitality Restoration Pill.

[Vitality Restoration Pill: capable of restoring the vitality of a body and eliminating diseases.]

'That is exactly what I need! My body is so weak that I have difficulty even walking, and I need to be healthy to take care of my sister and Create my business,' he thought.

Alex eagerly retrieved the pill from the Sub Space, and it appeared out of nowhere in his palm. It was bright golden in color and the size of a peanut.

He swallowed it, and he felt a comfortable sensation throughout his body for almost one and half a minute. Then it was over. He stood up from the sofa and saw himself in the mirror.

'I almost don't recognize myself. I was still skin and bones, but my complexion is now much healthier, and my eyes were golden in color, filled with a determination that I didn't have before. I also don't have difficulty moving anymore. he moves around and does some push-ups to check if his body improves.'

'That's great!' he said and thought about retrieving the business management knowledge too.

'Retrieve Business Management Knowledge.'

Then he felt a tingle in his head as information about managing companies(basic information like the cash flow, assets, ongoing projects. Super detailed expenses like waste service, electricity, and other things) and making them succeed poured into his mind.

he thought about retrieving the Programming knowledge too.

'Retrieve Programming Knowledge.'

'That's great!' he said after gaining knowledge of Business Management and Programming. he thought of creating a web app for his business to earn some income.

"Woo I was so self-absorbed after gaining the knowledge that I am making plans to create a business. It is still early, let's try the tutorial"

I wonder what the tutorial is. As this is a Business Management System maybe some kind of business planning? Or solving a business problem?

"Suddenly he receives a notification from the system."

[Preparing tutorial…]

[This tutorial will introduce how the system works, give an example of missions, and show what kind of reward the user might get.]

[Tutorial starts in 3…2….1]

[Ding! First Mission Available! (Tutorial Mission Mandatory)

Description: Invest and own an existing business. 


1. Buy all the shares of Sky-fall Coffee;

2. Earn back what was invested in the shop and make a profit.


1. Leveling up by one level;

2. 30,000 dollars.

3. Food & Beverage knowledge Level 1

4. Leveling up Business Management by one level.

5. Leveling up Programming Skills by one level.

Time limit: 2 days to complete the mission. Good luck.]"