

RISE OF THE UNDEAD Silence ! eerie silence that's what you would expect from a graveyard rows upon rows of tombstones the sound of ravens and owls flooding the eerie space well not in this grave yard!!! Hordes upon hordes of skeletons naked skeletons , Armed skeletons, skeletons with pointy hats bulky skeletons , winged skeletons that looked like griffins !!!! this was What young DAMIEN VLAD was thinking all of a sudden every skeleton turned in his direction screeching and screaming !!!!!

Rico_Chetes · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Christopher Young

present day ... London

At the top of London's Big Ben a silhouette of a man could be seen standing as if ready to commit suicide . This man was Christopher Young a genius lawyer who earned the nickname , the slayer because every case he undertook either defense or attack he always won . Well if you ask why such a figure was about to commit suicide , it's because he had been framed , betrayed by who ( a creature ) betrayed by his best friend( who is a female) Laura Green .

Chris was about to make partner at one of London's biggest law firms and the creature sent by the devil him self backstabbed him , framing him saying that he bribed the judges at each and every case , and he bought his way up the ranks . Such slander

A.N [ Men fear Women ]

As all these events took place Christopher reputation was tarnished , leading to now , Big Ben , roof , long way down .

" (sighs ) tch I will avenge myself one day mark my words " spat out Christopher with a frustrated look " that bitch after everything she does this too me tch F***K**G B***H " continued the lawyer

" I hope it won't hurt ( sighing deeply ) okay 1 ..2...3.. and jump " screamed Chris as he flew down at rapid speeds then

bang ...splattt blood flew everywhere ,with limbs hitting people and then SCREAAMS filled the air as people panicked , some froze , some took out their phones to record and some called the police and ambulance [ dunno why the guy dead already] thus ending the life of Christopher Young

who am I kidding

in a dark , scary room a huge figure with horns and a weird smile sat there whilst looking at some thing

" hahahaha he will do hahahahah" spoke the figure as it grabbed the air sending waves of air rippling around the space and a glowing red orb appeared on his hand

" haha puny mortal I your fairy godfather has arrived hahahahah" iterated the figure .