
Rise of The Strongest Harem King(DXD)

What happen when a shut-in otaku and womanizer who is unexpectedly killed and granted a second chance at life. Meeting a powerful energy being, he is reincarnated in the world of *High School DxD* as a devil with immense untapped potential, belonging to the noble Asmodeus family. With the assistance of a sentient system that grants him quests and rewards, Kazuki embarks on a path to becoming one of the most powerful beings in the underworld. Through rigorous training, Kazuki grows rapidly, unlocking not only the typical seductive powers of the Asmodeus line but also a rare and mysterious ability to manipulate the abyss. He soon learns that he is the true heir to the Asmodeus family, a secret that places him in a unique position of influence and power. However, his ambitions don’t stop there. Kazuki is determined to seize control of his destiny and carve out his place in a world filled with supernatural threats, powerful enemies, and alluring heroines. With his system guiding him, he tackles quests, grows stronger, and navigates his relationships with the many women drawn to his charm and power, all while uncovering the mysteries surrounding his family’s downfall and the greater conflicts that threaten the world. Armed with his knowledge as an otaku and his growing strength, Kazuki's journey to the top is just beginning, but he is prepared to face any challenge that comes his way—whether it be love, war, or the abyss itself. This story is inspired by the universe created by Ichiei Ishibumi in High School DxD. ----- Support my Other Novel: Descent of the Supreme Being.

Dark_king0921 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 1: "A New Beginning"(rewrite)

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There were many ways for a man to meet his end, but getting hit by a truck was not how **Hiroto Kurogane** imagined his death. At 24, Hiroto was anything but ordinary—despite being a self-proclaimed otaku and hopeless shut-in, he wasn't inexperienced in the ways of women. Far from it. While he often indulged in anime and manga in his downtime, Hiroto's secret life was much more exciting. He was, in fact, quite the womanizer. Confident, suave when he wanted to be, and well-versed in the intricacies of seduction, he had been with more women than he could count, both in real life and online. Hiroto loved the chase, the game, and the thrill of conquests, but even with his experience, he never found fulfillment in any of those encounters. His life felt empty—a void he could never fill with his superficial flings.

Still, his days had been predictable. Mundane, sure, but not without pleasure. That is, until the truck came barreling down the street and sent him flying into oblivion.

He didn't feel much, just a brief moment of shock before everything turned black.

When Hiroto woke, he found himself not in a hospital, nor in some afterlife paradise, but an infinite, featureless void. It stretched out in every direction, vast and cold. Panic briefly set in as he began to search for something—anything—that could explain where he was. There was nothing but emptiness.

Then, it appeared.

Before him, a massive figure materialized. It wasn't human. No, it was something far more alien—a being made entirely of energy, shifting and pulsing with an ethereal light. It had no face, no discernible form, just an overwhelming presence that made Hiroto's heart race. Its voice echoed through the void, unidentifiable in tone, as though countless voices spoke at once.

**"If you wish to live again, say yes. If not, you will fade into nothingness forever."**

Hiroto froze. The finality of the being's words hit him like a sledgehammer. Gone forever? That couldn't be. He wasn't ready to die—hell, he hadn't even truly lived yet. Despite all his womanizing and the countless flings he'd had, there had always been a nagging emptiness inside him. He was terrified, but as he took a deep breath, something strange happened. The fear began to subside.

He wasn't ready to vanish into oblivion. If this was his second chance, he had to take it. The idea of disappearing into nothingness scared him far more than whatever might come next.

"...Yes," Hiroto said, his voice shaking.

The being seemed to pulse with satisfaction. **"Very well."** It paused, then added in its strange, echoing voice, **"As compensation for your soul's renewal, you will be granted one wish. Afterward, you must spin the Wheel of Worlds to determine where you will be reborn."**

Hiroto blinked. A wish? His mind raced with possibilities. Infinite wealth? Immortality? The perfect life? But no—he knew exactly what he wanted. In his first life, he had lived as a man who pursued fleeting pleasures, seducing women left and right, but never finding real satisfaction. He had power over others, but not over his own fate.

That was about to change.

"I wish for a system," Hiroto declared, his voice steadier now. "A system that will help me become strong and guide me to dominate whatever world I end up in."

The being seemed to pause, contemplating his request. Then, with a shift in its energy, it responded: **"Your wish is granted."**

Hiroto felt a surge of power rush through him, as though the very fabric of his soul was being altered. It felt incredible. In his previous life, despite his many sexual conquests, he had never truly felt control over his life. Now, the possibilities were endless.

**"Now,"** the being continued, **"Spin the wheel."**

Hiroto's curiosity got the better of him. "Why?" he asked, staring into the shifting mass of energy before him. "Why am I being given this chance? Did I do something in my life—save someone important? Change the future?"

For a moment, there was silence. Then, the being's energy pulsed once more, and it spoke in a voice that was far too casual for something so powerful.

**"I'm just bored."**

Hiroto blinked, unsure if he had heard correctly.

**"I pick someone at random every once in a while. Lucky you, you were selected."** The being's tone was almost playful, as if granting second chances and fulfilling wishes was little more than a passing amusement.

Hiroto stared at the being with a blank expression, his mind processing what he had just heard. "So, this isn't about destiny or some grand purpose? You're just… *bored*?"

The being pulsed in what could only be interpreted as a shrug. **"Pretty much."**

Hiroto let out a long sigh, his face still blank. Of course. Of course, it wasn't some great cosmic plan. It was sheer randomness. In a strange way, that made the situation feel even more surreal. But, at the same time, it also made him grateful. He hadn't earned this second chance, but that didn't matter anymore. He was still going to take it.

"...Alright," Hiroto muttered. "Let's get on with it."

**"Spin the wheel,"** the being said once more, unphased by Hiroto's reaction.

A massive wheel materialized in the void, hovering just above the ground. It was enormous, covered with hundreds of different worlds—some he recognized, others he didn't. His eyes scanned the names: **Danmachi**, **Attack on Titan**, **Berserk**, **Re:Zero**… and then, to his horror, he saw the dreaded **Boku no Pico**.

A chill ran down his spine. He could end up anywhere. Terrified, Hiroto walked up to the wheel and hesitated for only a moment before gripping it firmly and giving it a strong spin.

The wheel whirred, the names flashing by in a blur. His heart pounded as it slowed, nearly landing on **Boku no Pico**. He felt his soul about to leave his body, but at the last second, the wheel ticked over one more notch and landed on...

**High School DxD**.

Hiroto let out a massive sigh of relief. Of all the worlds he could've ended up in, this was one he was familiar with—and excited for. *High School DxD* was a world of devils, angels, and fallen angels, and more importantly, a world filled with beautiful women and the potential to gain immense power. His heart raced with anticipation—he already knew how the dynamics of this world worked. If his wish had truly been granted, this could be his paradise, not just as a man, but as someone who could ascend to godhood.

**"You may now alter your appearance and identity before entering the world. Design your new self."**

A screen appeared in front of Hiroto, displaying a blank model of a human. Hiroto grinned. This was his chance to reinvent himself, to shed the skin of the man who had hidden behind his conquests and become someone with true power. His fingers flew across the screen as he sculpted his ideal body—tall, muscular but not overly bulky, with striking black hair and piercing red eyes. He crafted a handsome face, one that screamed confidence and strength, the face of someone who could dominate not just women, but the world.

Then, with a mischievous smirk, he made one final adjustment: a *very* impressive addition in the lower region. Why not? If he was going to live in a world of wish fulfillment, he might as well go all in.

Satisfied with his new appearance, Hiroto stood back and admired his handiwork. He was no longer the scrawny, unattractive otaku from his previous life. He was reborn as a god among men.

The being, its energy dimming slightly as if amused, spoke once more: **"You shall be known in this new world as Kazuki Raiden, a devil with untapped potential. Your system will guide you. Remember, while this world is full of pleasure, it is also full of danger. Do not let your desire for power consume you and they are surprised for you over there."**

Hiroto—no, Kazuki—nodded eagerly. He had a new name, a new body, and a new life waiting for him in the world of *High School DxD*. His mind raced with possibilities. Rias, Akeno, Koneko—all the girls he'd once admired from afar in his past life were now within reach. But more than that, he would rise through the ranks, gaining power and respect as he made this world his own.

The being extended its hand, and a portal opened in the void, leading to a bright, vibrant new world. **"Step through and claim your destiny."**

With a grin that could split the heavens, Kazuki stepped forward, his heart racing with anticipation to the new world he will conquer and girls he well get.