
rise of the speed god in the fantasy world

modern day boy dying due to tragic circumstances gets reincarnated into a fantasy world which is full of magic,demons and demi-humans. after the reincarnation he realises that he has a very subpar magic talent but was also blessed with a system of the speed god. the speed god said 'enjoy ur mortal life as much as u can because u r destined to sit on my throne one day.' before giving him the system during his death in the god realm war. so this is the journey of mino (a.k.a tez) to become the speed god and inherit the speed throne of his predecessor speed god(tez)

realist44 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

1.new world , new pain.

i woke up to the sound of someone screaming nearby, all i could remember was dying and then being summoned to a glowing glass orb which disappeared after going into me. The glass orb made a sound or it tried to tell me something before disappearing into me, but i couldn't understand it at that time due to the trauma caused by my death.

Now when i woke up the wordings of the orb became clear, it said 'i await the day u ascend to ur speed throne, my powers are urs to use.use it wisely and enjoy ur mortal days till u ascend then we will talk again.'

Hmmm i only gather there is a power given to me related to speed by someone and i have to ascend to some kind of speed throne. No, maybe it was a god who summoned me to give the power which will allow me to enjoy the mortal life until i ascend to the speed throne.

To enjoy, huh the surroundings seems to suggest otherwise. From the things that i m seeing right now are children maybe around 13-16 yrs. old being beaten up by a bulky fox eared and tail man.

All of them are hurt due to the beating and some became unconscious after the beating. And we all are tied up by black metallic chains from head to toe.

Woah a demi-human, i was suprised to see so many .... looking around i see 2wolf eared girls, 2 cat eared girl and boy, 2 fox eared girls, 1 bunny eared boy, 2 winged boy and girl (like an angel), a girl with long ears (like an elf but by her bulkiness i think she is a dwarf, i don't know) and 2 human boys. To know about myself , if i m a demi-human i checked my hair and body parts to find i m a human(and somewhat younger than i was in the previous modern world).

so i was unconscious due to the beating i must have taken before. Seems this place is a torture prison camp run by criminals i think as. fox eared guy was wearing shabby clothes and an eyepatch, definitely a shady guy.

To get more information i should talk with others but will do it ...after the foxy guy is gone. otherwise he might beat me again after seeing me regaining consciousness.

After a while the foxy guy left the Hut in which we are imprisoned. The only bunny boy and the one of the wolf girl were beside me..seeing the guy leave they started talking to me.

bunny boy suprisingly in a girly voice says to me - u don't need to that for me mino, i m a boy i can take more beatings now. so pls. stop defending me from the warden's beatings.

wolf girl says to the bunny boy - u r a girl for all we care anyways u can't take the beatings rio..u will die if u take the same amount of beatings Mino took.

Rio the bunny boy wimpered as the wolf girl ignored rio's protest against me.

wolf girl to me with pain and pity in her eyes- i m suprised u can take that much beating and not be dead. i know ur keeping the promise to me, to keep Rio safe ...but u don't have to take my beating too.

Seeing the bruises on Rio and the wolf girl i think they have been here longer than me. As they have more shabby clothing and looks than me.

And i decided to help them out, that means i m somewhat in a friendly relation with them..even after being in this prison together for not that long.

Atleast the chivalry and kindness of my predecessor is similar to mine in the previous world .as i too cannot see someone weaker than me getting hurt by others.

So rather being confused about why my predecessor died from the beatings ....i now know that he tried defending others before the death of my predecessor.

The name mino triggered something in me but i couldn't figure it out what was going on, excluding the pain in my arms,legs and torso due to the red bright injuries caused by the stick beating i took.

My throat was sore with all the screaming i might have done before.

with pain i said to wolf girl - i can't talk much with the pain all over my body, so i m going to sleep for now. ok.

Rio - ok, but remember don't try to access ur mana pool to recover again like before otherwise u will not be able to wake up for days.

wolf girl nodded at this looking at me.

Me just digesting the word mana pool ...now started to remember something...so to concentrate on remembering i shut my eyes close and started meditating.