
Rise of the Spatial Dragon

Dane is an outcast, and for all intents and purposes, he should have been forgotten, but he is no ordinary outcast, for he can be considered as Royalty of the Universe, a truly powerful being, well on his way to reaching the absolute pinnacle of the universe's power. However, he loses all that he had all because of circumstances beyond his control and is banished from his faction, losing access to all his wealth and power. A broken man, he has to start from scratch and hope to regain all that he has lost. Not only that, he desires to exert vengeance on all those that dared to cross him. He will come to realize that the water runs deeper than he thought and that the true powers in the universe were much more formidable than he could ever have known. Follow the tale of an exiled powerhouse as he makes his way back home, and the obstacles that lay in his wake.

AntoDev · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

The meeting (2)

Two large bright orbs. That was the first thing Bamboo noticed. Curious, he gazed further only to realize they were ... eyes. As he followed the eyes and saw the features of the monster, he was completely stunned and unable to move.

Barcova was much closer, and at first glance, he didn't know what he was looking at. The monster, which had been barely 10 meters high, seemed to stand and rise to 30 meters. Moreover, the grotesque being extended for what seemed like miles.

Dane couldn't help but grin, but the others didn't even know it was a grin. In this, his first contact with the natives, a moment he would ensure was written in the annals of the planet for generations to read about years later, it had to be perfect.

So, had he been in his human form, it wouldn't have been as intimidating. So, on this auspicious of moments, he chose to take on the form that had cost him so much, after all, with everything it had taken, it owed him.

He was a majestic Yellow Gold dragon. Majestic and wise, renown by all and feared as ruthless and as merciful, this was a race that stood at the top of the food chain. Be it life rating, be it ferociousness or majesty, no other being, not even puny humans, could compare. For the longest time, he had been embarrassed by his bloodline, made to feel that it was shameful and a stain, but no more.

On this his moment, he had finally embrace who he was, all of him. No longer would he deny who he was, no, those days were behind him. Now he could only look forward and forge a new path, one of him as a dragon and as a human. Yes, both of him were all parts of who he is, and as he saw himself now, he realized he was now as he should be. This was the reason for his grin.

While he was having such thoughts, the trio was trying their best to remain inconsequential, trying to think up ways to get themselves out of this mess. Bamboo swore that if he ever did, he would rip that vasil to shreds for walking him into this death trap...


Bamboo's thoughts were interrupted by a booming voice that sent shock waves throughout the entire cave, almost leading to its collapse. Dust fell over them from the cave walls. Barcova was at his wit's end. Since when had his treasure trove become some demon's domain, and why was he so unlucky to have returned here.

He cursed the meticulous planning that led to him being lost in this dark place. What was he thinking, didn't he know that such abodes attracted monsters? Yet all this regret bombarded him, he could only wait for his fate. As he sat there he was rooted to the ground, he had on a forlorn expression as he discovered that he had also lost his treasurer.

One is never fully defeated until they have lost resolve. Seeing that there was no love lost between him and the vasil, and he trusted Maple to respond in kind, so he readied himself to run. Yet as all those thoughts of escape were being formed, Dane was observing them. To him, mortals were less than ants, as he could do whatever he wanted with them. He might not be all-powerful, but to a mortal, he was invincible. Seeing as his little would-be pet trying to make a run for it, one swipe of his tail and they were all out.

When Bamboo finally came to, everything around him was aching. He wondered just how powerful that strike had been. What he didn't know was that the attack was basically a soft touch, and it wasn't even the source of the pain he was feeling. His talent and affinity had been too low, hence he needed an upgrade.

Dane mused how easy it was to 'upgrade' his 'tools', rather than have to be picky. It was quite convenient to not consider the quality of the talent but the quality of the mind, of this, no one can change. Still, he could continuously upgrade his subordinates to fit into any situation, and that's what he was doing. As he wondered if he should allow that to be in the planetary annals, he noticed movement. Bamboo was finally awake.

"YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD RUN AWAY FROM ME?" That same freakish voice again. Bamboo looked around warily, but this time, the monster did not show itself. That in itself caused Bamboo to breathe a sigh of relief. That sight would accompany him in many of his nightmares.

Dane had grown to appreciate this first lavel he had taken on. Bamboo was quite quick-witted, despite coming from a race that was known for being slow. On several occasions, he had seen through traps that had been laid before him, and he had been quite decisive on their first meeting. There was more than meets the eye.

Going through his memories, he discovered that buried beneath the docile nature, a world dominator laid buried deep within. This was visible in many of his actions and ambitions and had he been born stronger, or maybe in a more violent time, Bamboo would have excelled. He might just get his chance soon, Dane mused.

That would be later, right now, the lavel was panic speaking, trying to simultaneously humble himself and plead, no, beg for a way out. The pride of a lavel was gone and right now all he was was a pitiable mortal. While others might enjoy this as it inflated their egos to no end, Dane found it tedious, but mortals needed to strive for something to appreciate the said thing, hence he wasn't going to give away anything.

"Oh magnificent calamity, forgive this wretched being for any slight..." At this point, Bamboo was running out of ways to glove, he tried making his pleading as respectful and ancient as possible, yet, he had no idea how to behave in front of one so unfathomable.

"ENOUGH! QUIT YOUR SENSELESS BEGGING THAT WON'T HELP YOU!" Dane spoke as softly as he could, but as this was his real voice, no matter how soft he tried to make it, it still came out loud and overbearing. Being overpowered had its downsides. "SHOW ME YOU DESERVE TO LEAVE HERE ALIVE, EARN YOUR FREEDOM!"

As he finished saying that, the dark cell he was in opened up revealing open terrain. Somehow, instead of being ecstatic, Bamboo was terrified. Be it the ominous warning in the statement before, or the fact that nothing was ever as simple as this. Every instinct of a hunter in him was warning him that he was in terrible danger, but try as he might, he couldn't find what was the threat.

Bamboo has never been one to dilly dally. He had his option, he would take it, whatever fears awaited him, he would face them, and even if they were too much, he would fall with pride. That last notion was foreign to him, fall with pride? This was a deliberate addition by Dane while he was doing his mind control.

For this trial, he didn't want to diminish the danger, but he wanted Bamboo to give his all, to fight till the last strand of strength. Only then would he awaken the hidden potential buried within him.

This might seem cruel, but just as it was done to him, Dane understood that it was necessary. Dane remembered his tradition. It was a basic rule in the Universe, power could be achieved without need! No matter how high born, no matter how privileged, only need to be called forth one's true power.

Hence, as a tradition in all the major factions in the universe, an offspring was not acknowledged unless they awakened their power, as relations with mortals was deemed beneath them. Therefore, children born were taken through rigorous training then released into the wild and wilderness planets. There they would fend for themselves until they achieved breakthroughs.

Some never did breakthrough. They remained in these wilderness planets and made names for themselves, and some even opted to better these planets and make them safe.

Still, since this method was not a guarantee, there was a much more dangerous method, however, the resources and care taken to facilitate the trials and ensure the survival of the individual were too much to be just given to anyone, only those with high-grade talents, such as him, warranted such treatment. Yes, it may sound all pomp and good, but the sheer pain and pressure one has to take in this method to achieve a breakthrough is gut-wrenching, and unlike others where a breakthrough usually meant the end of the trial, a breakthrough was just a start.

Bamboo and his companions were nowhere near qualified for such a trial, as it would almost definitely guarantee their death. Dane also decided that he wouldn't also give them the trial that was available for the public, as that was slow and didn't fit into his plans.

There was a third option, but that was reserved for someone else, which left him with this option: a custom trial meant to leverage their affinities and talent to awaken any ability inherently. This was the most costly, and it all but guaranteed a breakthrough for anyone with a modicum of talent, but it consumed too many resources. At least, in such a faraway goldmine, there were no such concerns.

Maple woke up next. Her concern was for Bamboo. She didn't even care where they were, all she wanted was to make sure he's safe. Alas, he was nowhere to be found. She looked long and hard, but the lavel was completely gone, not even a whiff of his scent could be felt. Finally, after all her frantic efforts, she picked up some faraway scent carried by the wind, she immediately pursued.

At first, Dane had wanted to have a dialogue with her, but after watching her frantic efforts, he had come up with a way to lure her into his trial without even engaging with her. The poor girl's only thought was his safety, and he knew if he did right by Bamboo, he'd have done right by her too.

The last to awaken was Barcova, which was to be expected, as he was the smallest in the group. His curious eyes darted back and forth, looking for a way out, or rather, more specifically, any sign of that monster that almost ate him whole. At this point, he was okay with losing his loot, what point was it anyway if it led to him being eaten.

Dane wondered whether to talk with this guy. The one thing he craved was attention, some affirmation that he was indeed special, yet giving him that would be overall detrimental to the vasil's mental health. Rather than show him, he was special, why not let him work for it, treat him as just another face in the crowd, that way, when he does receive recognition, it will mean so much more.

So, with all factors in place, the door to the trial opened on this third cell, and the last of the three ventured out, albeit apprehensively.

Hey guys,

Sorry for late release, got caught up at work, trying to maintain a regular release of one chap a day. That's sustainable.

AntoDevcreators' thoughts