
Rise of the puppet Heroine

(English is not my first language so you may find some mistakes.) Natalie Core,An ordinary high school girl. She was bored with her ordinary life. She died and was reincarnated in another world of magic and superheroes. Now she is going to use this opportunity to achieve her dream of becoming a superhero.

Sybaris · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Primary school


Hello again, this is me, Sira, but I'm 6 years old now.


Name:Sera Smith

LV:19——>23 XP: 34/528

Rank:E + ——> D

Species: Metahuman

Age : 4—->6 years


HP : 35/35——> 40/40

MP :185/185——> 225/225

SP : 40/40——> 45/45


STR: 7 ——->8

VIT: 7——>8

AGI: 9——>11






State point : 122 ——-> 166


Unique skills:

[Magic talent]

[Special ability: Puppets maker]


Magic :

[Fire Magic LV : IV ]


[fire ball]

[Lightning magic LV : V ]


[lightning sparks][lightning shot][lightning cover]

[Water Magic LV : III ]


[water ball]

[Wind Magic LV : III ]


[wind ball]

[Earth Magic LV : IV ]


[rock ball]

[metal Magic LV : II ]


[metal control] [metal creation]

NEW[Light Magic LV : IV ]


[Light ball] [Light Heal]

NEW[ support Magic LV : III]


[Support : strength][ Support : Defence]

[Support : Agility]

[Dark Magic LV : IV ]


[dark Haze]

NEW[ Shadow magic LV : V]

spells :

[Shadow control][shadow dive] [Shadow transition] [Shadow claw]





Passive Skills:

NEW[Strong Memory]LV : IV

NEW[Mana regeneration ] LV : III

NEW[ Stealth] LV : II



[Evaluation] LV: V

[ Mana sense ] LV : VI

[ Mana control ] LV : VI

[ Mana boost ] LV : V

[ quick thinking ] LV : V

[ Acting ] LV : IV

[Mana strings]LV : V

[ sewing ]LV : VIII

[ Enchantment]LV : VIII

[parallel thinking]LV : IV

NEW[Teacher] LV : IV


After a lot of training, I was finally able to learn metal magic.

The reason it took me so long is because it is very difficult to create a metal from 0.

It requires very high concentration and a large amount of mana, so according to the system, metal magicians are very rare, which also means that no one can use it to create precious metals such as gold and rubies. Maybe I can do it in the future.

[ support magic ] It is a magic I learned because it will be useful for my future plans.

It was easy to learn because it and [ Mana boost ] had the same basis. The difference is that [support magic ]support other people.

My[ teacher] level increased due to my continued teaching Loki.

Speaking of Loki:


Name: Loki Felix

Rank:F ——> F+

Species: human

Age : 4—->5 years


HP : 20/20

MP : 45/45—-> 85/85

SP : 20/20 ——> 25/25


STR: 4 ——>5

VIT: 4

AGI: 5


INT: 9——>17





Unique skills:

[Magic talent]


Magic :

NEW[Fire Magic LV : II ]


[fire ball]

NEW[Water Magic LV : II ]


[water ball]

NEW[Earth Magic LV : IV ]


[rock ball] [rock thorn] [ rock bullet] [ Drilling ] [Earthquake]

NEW[Light Magic LV : II]


[Light ball]



NEW[ Mana sense ] LV : IV

NEW[ Mana control ] LV : IV

NEW[ Mana boost ] LV : III


[ Drilling ]

It makes a hole using earth magic


You create a small-scale earthquake.(The power and range depend on the amount of mana used and the level of earth magic)

I discovered that Loki has a great talent in using fire and earth magic and [ Mana boost ].

Unfortunately, we cannot use fire magic much because it is dangerous, but the rest has shown good progress.

Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm rich now.

Two years were more than enough for the Harry Potter novel to become famous.It can be said that no one now has not heard about it at least once.

Of course my parents found out about this.It was not easy to believe that a four-year-old girl could write a story so well .But when they see the money flowing into our bank account, they can't help but believe it.

Plus we're rich now.

Now let's move to Kido's side



Rank: C +——->B +

Species: Mana puppet ( Shadow - Lightning)





STR: 32——->45

VIT: 19——>26

AGI: 41——>62

STA: 21——>30

INT: 62——->96






[The guardian: Kido]


Magic :

[Lightning magic LV : V ]


[lightning sparks][lightning shot][lightning cover]

NEW[ Shadow magic LV : V]

spells :

[Shadow control][shadow dive] [Shadow transition] [Shadow claw]


Passive Skills:

NEW [Mana regeneration ] LV : III

NEW[ Stealth] LV : II



[Evaluation] LV: V

[ Mana sense ] LV : V

[ Mana control ] LV : VI

[ Mana boost ] LV : V


After pumping thousands of mana points into Kido, he is now compared to high-rank heroes.

In addition, she gained great fame thanks to her defeat of hundreds of villains in a short time.(Plus, of course, she is beautiful)

"Have a good time, my dear"Emily

"Ok, mom"Sera

After bidding farewell to my mother, I entered the school where I will spend the next six years.

Loki, Iris, and Mai happen to be in the same class as me.It seems that 40 luck points is no joke at all.

"Ohhhh, Sera, how lucky I am to be in the same class as you.we will be together forever and ever!!"Iris

Iris said with stars in her eyes.

"Enough, the class will start. Go to your seat"Sera


We sat in our seats and the class began. My seat is of course the seat of the anime hero, not in the back or front rows and next to the window.Loki is in the seat in front of me, Mai is behind me, and Iris is next to me.


"Finally we finished. I thought we were going to die there"Iris

"What are you talking about? We didn't do anything special. It was just an introductory day"Mai

After a (long) day at school, we go home together. The school is close to home, so we don't need adults to pick us up.


"What is the matter?"Sera

Loki stopped suddenly and looked in a certain direction. When I followed the look,I found two strange-looking people, although their clothes did not fit the place at all, but no one seemed to notice them except me and Loki.

"Wait a minute what is this?"Sera

"What happened, Sera?"Mai

When I used [mana sense], I found that the amount of mana in them was much greater than that of ordinary people.

"Are they magicians?"Loki