
Chapter 2: Lights from the past - 1

A fierce thunderstorm raged outside, with rain pelting against the windows of the grand Ashford manor. The storm's howling winds and the rumbling thunder seemed almost fitting for the momentous event unfolding within. Amidst the tempest, the cries of a newborn baby echoed through the opulent halls, heralding the arrival of Thomas Ashford.

The Ashford Duchy, a bastion of power and wealth, was abuzz with activity. Servants hurried through the corridors, carrying towels and warm water, while the midwife attended to the Duchess in the master suite. The birth of an heir was a momentous occasion, and despite the storm outside, the atmosphere inside was one of celebration and anticipation.

Duke Lionel Ashford, a towering figure known for his prowess as a spirit knight, stood anxiously by his wife's side. His stern features softened momentarily as he looked down at his newborn son, swaddled in fine linens. The baby, small and fragile, seemed to quiet under his father's intense gaze.

"Thomas," the Duke whispered, his voice filled with a rare tenderness. "Our son, the future of the Ashford line."

The Duchess, pale and exhausted, managed a weak smile. "He will be great, Lionel. I can feel it."

From that stormy night, Thomas's life was marked by the weight of expectations. As he grew, the luxurious surroundings of the Ashford manor became both his playground and his cage. His earliest memories were of grandeur and opulence, yet there was always an undercurrent of pressure.

Thomas was always an introvert. Not the shy one but the quiet one. From a young age, he preferred the company of books and his own thoughts over the noise and chatter of social gatherings. This quiet demeanor often led others to underestimate him, mistaking his silence for shyness or timidity. However, Thomas's silence was a choice, a way for him to observe the world around him without drawing attention to himself.

His keen observation skills were a product of this introversion. Thomas noticed things others did not—the subtle shifts in people's expressions, the quiet whispers exchanged in the hallways, the fleeting moments of vulnerability in those around him. He watched and learned, understanding the complex web of relationships and power dynamics that governed the Ashford household. This ability to read people and situations made him acutely aware of the duplicity and hidden motives that often underpinned social interactions.

Thomas's distrust was not borne out of paranoia but a survival instinct. In a world where power and influence dictated relationships, he understood that alliances were fragile and loyalty was often for sale. This awareness made him cautious and strategic in his interactions. He carefully guarded his thoughts and emotions, revealing only what was necessary and keeping his true feelings and plans hidden. This protective layer, born from years of observing and analyzing, became an integral part of his identity, shaping him into a quiet yet astute young man.

This side of Thomas was fortunately hidden from the outside world. Only revealing his true self in private.

Lionel and Veronica Ashford were renowned spirit knights of the empire. Lionel was a fire spirit contractor while Veronica was an ice spirit contractor. The typical matching. They were one of the strongest in the entire world belonging to the astonishing title, held by only a few in the world- the title of "Onyx Knights" .

Naturally the child of such powerful knights was expected to also rise among the new generations.

Thomas recognized the conditional nature of his parent's love. He could, from an early age recognize the fake love he had been showered with, comparing and envying the love showed by the maids of the Ashford estate to their children.

After all, "All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children".

On a particular evening, Thomas, as usual found himself in the estate's archive collection. Here all the ancestry knowledge of the empire and the Ashford Duchy's history was safeguarded. Thomas was reading a particularly uninteresting book of the history of the spirit knights. Nothing much was said in that aside from the same thing being repeated in different meanings about how great spirit knights were. It's like the authors were paid to keep on yapping about the knight's greatness.

Each chapter was written by a different author. One such particular chapter piqued Thomas's interest. Instead of yapping, the whole chapter was concluded in one sentence.

"The balance of the world shall rupture, once the seven proceed to move. The Fifth one will move first followed by the Second one and the Sixth one. Ignoring it will prove to be the demise".

This sentence was entirely out of context. Either this author snuck it in the original manuscript or the editor was high on something. Either way, Thomas kept it in mind and proceeded to finish the rest of the book.

This fine evening would be the last one Thomas would ever experience in the Ashford manor. An immediate summons from his parents confirmed that something bad was about to unfold, especially given that the High Priest himself had visited the estate that day to check on Thomas.

He walked across the hallway, dimly lit by lanterns on the walls. His footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. Slowly but surely, the 12-year-old boy made his way to the Duke's quarters. Tension filled his mind as he pushed the door open, wondering what treatment he would receive when Lionel and Veronica realized the truth.

The door swung open, revealing his mother sitting in disappointment and his father staring out of the window towards the bustling market down in the commoners' residence.

An awkward silence filled the room.

"So, you are finally here," said Lionel in a low voice.

"..." Thomas dared not to speak.

Suddenly, Thomas felt a heavy pressure. His legs gave out immediately. On the ground on all fours, Thomas struggled to catch his breath. It was Veronica. Her hatred-filled eyes stared at the young boy's body.


Her pressure was already bad enough when Lionel also started to release his. Thomas couldn't bear it; he was pinned to the ground, coughing up high amounts of blood.

"N-NO!! THEY WILL CRUSH ME AT THIS RATE," his mind screamed.

"Fortunately for you and unfortunately for us, the Empire's law doesn't allow us to execute a noble," Lionel spoke in a calm yet dead voice. "So we decided to do the next best thing. From now on, you are stripped of your title and lineage as an Ashford."

Shock filled Thomas's eyes. The pressure slowly faded off him, yet he was unable to stand due to the weight of the news he just heard.

Even at this time, Thomas did not speak up. "I always knew they didn't love me as a son, but to this extent?" These words resonated in his mind.

"Leave this estate immediately. Now that your title as noble has been revoked, we can kill you, but we are not. Be grateful for that," said Veronica with a disappointed tone.

"But before you go—" Lionel spoke, turning towards Veronica. "Roni, do you remember the commission for escorts to the newly discovered forest in South America?"

"Yeah, the one that the Americans requested aid to explore?" asked Veronica.

"Yes, and I think we have the perfect way to dispose of this piece of trash right there," said Lionel with an evil smirk on his face.

Thomas was still too shocked to listen to the conversation. Almost as if he had lost his soul. His eyes were dead like a mouse stuck in a trap. He had no reaction to anything, he couldn't make any expressions. Eventually, some people came in and took him out of the estate.

He was dumped alongside some cargo on the royal navy's ship set out for South America the next day. Not much happened on the ship aside from the fact that he was starved for almost two days. The ships were steered by expert captains proficient with water spirits. The journey was completed in an astonishing three days.

It was a rather easy feat for the mercenaries hired by the Ashford duke to dispose of the boy in the vast jungle. He was thrown in a durable crate onto a river with some food lasting for two days.

This was his last interaction with the Ashford family. The interaction that ignited the fire to forge Thomas's weak will and strength. It was the last time he would be called Thomas Ashford.