
Rise of the Night Hunter

Oliver was living his secular life, until he receives a letter from someone who claims to know him and his family, delivering legendary weapons so he can prepare for war. Even with fear, he decides to use the letter and information he obtains to find his family and who sent the letter, until he is suddenly attacked by swordsmans.

Abysmado · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 14

When he arrived home after that busy day, Oliver entered the room and left his backpack on the bed, taking off the heavy clothes he was wearing as he went to the window. 

'How am I going to get rid of this? It is a good question.' 

He looked outside the house and noticed that there was still some movement on the street at the time, looking at the clock he saw that it was still approaching 9pm and then he concluded. 

'There's a chance, but I'll need to be quick and it needs to be a little later.' 

Oliver turned to his backpack and opened it, showing that his new backpack had room for his notebook and books, however, he took his hand to the notebook part and found a cut that he had made previously. 

From there he was able to open it a little and could see inside his green cloak next to the bow and some arrows. 

Even though it took him a long time to do this, in the end it was a simpler way to carry his relics. 

With a slight smile on his face he prepared himself and the time passed. 

The entire building seemed silent and all that could be heard were footsteps on the iron stairs, revealing Oliver climbing them, reaching the top of the building where he lived. 

From above he could have a wider view of the city and felt the cold of the night hitting his skin. 

Soon a smile appeared on his face and he let his backpack fall to the ground, allowing him to remove and equip all his relics. 

Hiding his backpack there, he soon found himself dressed and looking at the buildings thinking. 

'I'm starting to like this.' 

Oliver stretched his body and began to run quickly towards the edge of the roof of his building. 

His body was much faster and stronger than before, so before he fell, he crouched and jumped hard towards the other building. 

Even though he felt that he was much stronger than before, what caught his attention the most was his speed. 

He ran past buildings at high speed and was able to have a much clearer view of the entire city. 

Climbing walls and walls, low houses and tall buildings that quickly passed by his view, covering kilometers in a few minutes. 

Even though he ran at full speed, Oliver felt his body warm with a wide smile on his face as he thought. 

'Time to put the plan into action.' 

After running along the walls and climbing them, Oliver climbed to the top of a building where he could have a view of the city center, a busy place with larger stores, where he saw something that caught his attention and made him smile. 

'What is that?' 

Focusing his vision, he could see a group of three criminals in a supermarket parking lot as they fumbled with the door in an attempt to open it. 

Oliver was jumping between the buildings, going to the nearby houses and when he was closer he could hear the bandits grumbling. 

"Keep watching." 

"I'm doing it, dumbass." 

"You should do it in my place." 

The one who had the last word was holding a lockpick while trying to move the car door lock, two others were watching, seeming already used to it. 

However, before they noticed, they soon heard a banging sound and a grunt of pain. 

Both looked back and were surprised to see a figure in a green cape with a raised fist after having hit the head of the one with the lockpick. 

They were still surprised and before they could draw weapons or react, Oliver grabbed one of the men by the head and shirt, pushing him violently against the car door, giving a sharp knock that made the vehicle alarm sound and the sound echo. throughout the parking lot. 

With the alarm ringing, attention was soon drawn from the street and inside the supermarket. 

The two remaining bandits gritted their teeth and ran to try to escape, but Oliver calmly drew his bow and the string with an arrow already positioned. 

Before they could get out of the parking lot, they both felt their legs being pierced and they stumbled, grunting in pain. 

At that moment they didn't understand anything, but as soon as they looked back they saw their calves pierced by arrows and they no longer saw the archer in the parking lot. 

All that was left for the two of them was to hear the sirens and people approaching with a conversation. 

Far from there, Oliver ran back through the buildings heading towards his home while he smiled and thought to himself. 

'Fighting oppression, I think he had fun with that too.' 

Near the parking lot, some police radios were turned on and communicated between the vehicles, reaching one that was on the corner of Oliver's building, where the next day's police officers looked at the boy's window while listening to the radio alert about the attempted robbery. . 

The two quickly got out of the car and ran towards the building's door. 

They both ran to the stairs and quickly climbed them heading towards Oliver's room, reaching the door and knocking. 

"Oliver! Oliver, open the door." 

From inside the room it was possible to see Oliver still storing his items inside the wardrobe as he faced the slamming door with a slight smile on his face. 

The police officers seemed more hurried and soon one spoke. 

"There's no way, we're going to have to push." 

Little by little the two moved away from the door and then they advanced violently, causing the door to be opened and slam against the wall with force. 

When they saw the inside of the room, their eyes widened when they saw Oliver also with wide eyes, however, unlike them, he was wearing casual clothes and had a headphone on his shoulders while looking scared. 

They saw that the boy was sitting in front of the notebook while it was possible to hear loud music coming from the headphones, which made them both look with doubt. 

Oliver stared open-mouthed when he saw Stuart and Henryk while still getting used to all the information, until he put the notebook aside and lowered his head speaking. 

"What was all that?" 

Both police officers saw the boy put his hand to his chest still scared as he looked at them looking confused, Stuart looked surprised and said. 

"Why didn't you answer? We had to go in!" 

Soon Oliver pulled out the phone and said: 

"I was studying and listening to music! I heard it in the background, but I thought it was my imagination..." 

He threw the headphones aside and got up, approaching the door to see if it had broken, but in the end it seemed like it had just been opened by force. 

Henryk continued to look serious while Stuart still looked embarrassed, but soon Henryk spoke. 

"We will pay for any repairs, but again we need to check your room." 


Even if he heard, Henryk just threw his face to the side, indicating for Stuart to look around the room. 

Still maintaining his uncomfortable expression, Stuart soon returned to his seriousness and searched inside the place. 

Oliver just scratched the back of his head awkwardly and stood in the corner of his wall as he watched Stuart take the same route as the day before. 

He searched thoroughly and Oliver frowned as he thought. 

'That was close.' 

In the end he felt relief, but he didn't show it as he watched the policeman search all his furniture. 

Henryk looked to the side and noticed that Oliver seemed to calm down little by little as they both saw Stuart finish searching the room, but again he shook his head and spoke. 

"There's nothing, the same as yesterday." 

The police officer looked at Oliver who seemed to have finally calmed down after all that and Henryk turned his face slightly to see Oliver's expressions who remained looking at Stuart, saying. 

"Are you done?" 

He spoke and the two police officers looked at each other, nodding and saying. 

"Yes, we are going." 

The two turned to the door and left, taking one last look as they saw Oliver with his arms crossed who then got up and went to the door, closing it afterward, even with difficulty. 

Soon the two were going down the stairs and Oliver leaned against the wall and heard the footsteps, making him smile slightly while a drop of sweat ran down his face thinking. 

'That was close...' 

He would move away from the wall and go to the notebook that had the screen only on his family's wallpaper while the music played. 

When he looked out the window he saw the police officers get into the car, while he was thinking. 

'In the end, if I'm going to act with these guys on my tail, I need to be quick. Once I got back, there was almost no time to come up with an alibi.' 

He quickly closed the laptop screen and went back to the wardrobe, looking at the false wooden ceiling with a smile as he thought. 

'I had to come as quickly as I could and there was almost no time, they were very close.' 

Even from the fifth floor, he could clearly see the two police officers talking. 

The incident with the car thieves was just a few kilometers away and they knew there was no way a car could travel all that distance in such a short time, generating confusion on their faces that Oliver noticed even from afar. 

With a long sigh, he looked at his wardrobe and thought with a smile. 

'I shoot well, I fight and I'm a great actor, I'm on fire.' Soon after, he calmed his smile and returned to looking out the window as he continued to ramble. 'I can do this.'