
rise of the new age

A guard running in with a bad report. We are under an attack by wild creatures and the trooper are running for their life. many are injured due to the earthquake and most civilians are scared to death. "we must leave my Lord". explained a soldier. "Protect the Royal Family and my lady". said Cravter while running out of the tent of meeting with a look on his face like that of a warrior getting into battle. I will say the Royal grade'. meanwhile, Nick and few other people we're busy aiding the injured and help them find shelter. "Assemble all the soldiers, and prepare the military for battle". said Cravter. he also added. take the Royal household back to emrord city for the Castle will be more protected and safe for everyone else. " he did this while talking to Frank". while things are been heated up on the outside of the cave due to the earthquake, "causing panic and serious injuries". the unknown creatures were facing their way out of the cave. some are been rooted out from the ground, others are forcing themselves from the wall. All are creeping up towards the Outpost of the cave to get charged up the dynamic energy from the sun to help to boost their creativity. when prince Cravter gets to know of the massive amount of energy the sun gives to these creatures from the way they changed their body from, to twice the size they were. he charges his military forces to attack so they could kill a large number of their forces before they reach their full potential. "Attack... Attack. aim for the cave before these beast's gain more power". Aches' shoot. shoot, keep aiming at the cave... loss keeps shut-in at the cave. Cravter and his military commanders kept shutting at that same order. they kept marching towards the cave with no stop having no fear no their faces killing the unnatural creatures at their week starts and still resoling with the order creatures which have reached their full capacity. Prince Cravter and his men succeeded in putting them to the ground for a while and he ordered his soldier it retreats and head back home and to warn the other cities to be prepared for battle and for the entire kingdom to be unified in distressing times suchlike these. he ordered men to leave and to believe the message to all neighboring towns and city. Quickly we must leave for the capital. we must leave for Emrord city to plan what to do next my prince'. said commander Bar. you are right commander because we have no idea what we are up against and what might come next. replied Prince Cravter. He and few others left the grading to comfort the injured and to see if they are good to travel. Nick and some high ranking official meet up with Cravter and suggested that he should use the rest of the soldier's that are well and equipped to attack the unnatural and sizes the opportunity they have at hand. "In reply he said to them, now is not the time to attack because half our men are Dead and the other half are injured and weak. we have not many men to fight more battles. And we all should keep this in mind, we may have won a battle but make no mistake, we haven't won the war". they came to sit with the idea that they are to go back home and prepare for what is to come.

Emekaewovie03 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

3 First site of the demons


"Stop disturbing me, Josephine...."

"Would you stop giving me those pity looks? says Rosemary."

"reply Josephine, I won't stop disturbing you, I want to know that whole story about Queen Myer so I will be fully acquainted with what happened. And also, I would like to know what made some people refer her to be Queen."

"Rosemary answered her by saying, On the matter concerning the Queen', she killed a Queen so she could still be called a Queen."

"You see, you see, the Queen has interesting stories and you do not want to tall. come on, Rosemary tell me more of the story that occurred in the Queen Myer 'please. Said Josephine."

"Don't border sister, I won't tell because the more I speak of her stories the more I will grow to fear her." "And for your information, I intend on killing her someday. So, stop disturbing me and help in carrying the weeds into the trucks so the houses can carry them."

After, hearing what her sister have in mind for the Queen, She became angry and walked away from her presence.

Two hours later, everyone that was getting ready to go see the Queen we're done packing what they needed on the journey and to give to the Queen.

When they were done packing all they need, they all embarked on the journey.

Consequently, due to how bad the conversation was between Rosemary and Josephine, Josephine refused to walk alongside her sister or try to listen to what she had to say concerning parental majors.

Subsequently, the people of Polish are known to be loving and caring for their kind, which is why it is causing them pain to see all their hard work is given to the Queen.

While the people that were selected for different homes were on their way, the entire Village went ahead of them to their borderline to wish them safe travels and to give them courage on the journey ahead.

When Rosemary and others that we're traveling get to the borderline, they saw their families waving their hands, and smiling at them for what the youths of Polish are doing for their village twice a year.

Meanwhile, the act of giving up all they've worked for was something troubling to Rosemary and some of her friends. That's why when they were being reassured by their family members at the borders they don't respond quite well to it. Instead, they wore an annoying look on their faces and refused to be urged by their families.

Hereafter, the journey that will transform whoever was taking part in it either in attitude or discipline started that very day.

Later, all the families that came to see their loved ones one last time before they are to return in the next six months started leaving the scene to their place of residence.

Thereafter, the journey began. As they were on their way they came across a village that was waiting for them to pass through so they will all move together as it has always been.

While they were on their way, Josephine kept putting pressure on Rosemary for her to tell her the rest of the story. Thus, the pressure was considerable so she agreed on telling the rest of the story.

Firstly, she asked to know where their mother stopped while she was telling the story.

"Saying, where did mom end the story? Or do you prefer if I start from her killing the Queen?"

"In answer Josephine said, I will prefer if you continue from where mom stopped so I may have a good understanding of what is going on."

"Rosemary asked again, where did mom end the story?"

This time, she responded by saying, "We stopped at when they disappear from the fight and appeared at an underground building not too far from the location that they once were."

At once Rosemary knew what happened next so she started telling the rest of the story by saying,


After Myer regained consciousness and she saw that she was being held on an underground structure that was filled with engines, and abandoned items that were used in farming. Quickly she gets up and looks around to see if she will find anyone, but there was none to her understanding.

Immediately she began looking for ways to escape. She tried opening all the doors to see if they could at least open for her to escape but none of them were able to open, it seems they were being locked from the outside.

Furthermore, Knowing she was trapped and there seems to be no way out, she started to cry, and then bad memories began entering her thoughts. The memories of her bad childhood where she was been left out by her own family for being different. And, how she was bullied by children of her age and those older than her for having tattoos all over her body for childbirth.

While she was crying, a voice from one dark corner said, "Stop crying my child, because those people who brought you to harm in the past are not worthy of your tears."

Quickly, she stands up and the tears in her eyes immediately left her eyes. But, still, she was scared and slowly walked backward away from the bark corner where the voice was coming from.

Seconds after, the man in the dark started coming out slowly so as not to scare Myer and causes her to scream so her tigers that have succeeded in tracking her to the present location may not know she is beneath the earth's surface. Which might cause them to dig through, And also, give the enemy that was tailing the Tigers from afar their current location.

"He said to Myer, Do not be afraid child, I mean you no harm. I am about to step into the light please do not scream because dangers are waiting for us at the surface of this facility."

Accordingly, he walked into the light where Myer was able to see him, and he took off his hoodie, and Myer for the first time, saw his face completely.

(Present Day)

"What happened after there?" asked Josephine.

"She continued by saying, Come on Rose, tell the rest of the story please."

In response, Rosemary said to her, "Can't you see we are about to cross the death bridge?"

"She continued, this bridge has taken countless lives, and whenever there is a crossing bandits and kidnapping always take place. So hold on tait."

Therefore, everyone began to look upward and around to see if there is any signs of bandits or kidnappers. But, there seems to be no sign of them around so they decided to cross.

Consequently, while they were crossing the narrow bridge, they were some bandits who failed in their calculations on what day they might reach for crossing. And they are on their way riding like the wind on their horses.

When the people crossing saw them coming from afar, they began hurrying the others that were on the bridge to move faster for them all to cross to the other side.

The crossing was on, and the bandits were getting closer to the bridge. knowing that with the leave of speed they are on they will be able to catch up to them, Rosemary and her friends started bringing out weapons and chemical bombs that were hidden for times like this.

Quickly, they opened fire and since it was unexpected, they were able to take down the first eighteen riders that were ahead of the others coming.

This gave them enough time for them to cross to the other side.

When the bandits came to the bridge they stopped and were unwilling to cross since they knew too well that the other side of the bridge is being run by another notorious killer known by the latter V.

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