
Rise of the Mocked Son-in-Law: The God of War's Legacy

In the bustling city of Huxia, Li Wei, a young man, lived a life overshadowed by ridicule and disdain. Married into the powerful Zhao family, he was constantly mocked as the "useless son-in-law" due to his perceived lack of talent. Little did they know that five years ago, Li Wei had embarked on a secret journey that would transform him into a formidable warrior.

Benjie_Tampe · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Unseen Potential

In the heart of Huxia, a city known for its grandeur and unyielding traditions, there lived a young man named Li Wei. His origins were humble, his family a testament to the simple, hardworking folks who made the city thrive. In a place where lineage and power spoke volumes, Li Wei was seen as an anomaly, a mere ripple in the vast sea of influential families.

It was through a twist of fate, or perhaps destiny's cruel sense of humor, that Li Wei had been wed into the illustrious Zhao family. The Zhao clan was a force to be reckoned with, their wealth and influence stretching across Huxia like an unyielding shadow. But it wasn't the splendor of this union that defined Li Wei's life; it was the unrelenting mockery and disdain he faced.

From the moment he stepped into the opulent Zhao household as the son-in-law, Li Wei's presence was viewed with skepticism. He was the "useless son-in-law" in the eyes of his in-laws, who could not see past his unassuming demeanor and perceived lack of talent. They whispered behind closed doors, questioning the wisdom of their daughter's marriage and bemoaning the addition of what they considered a burden.

Yet, beneath the façade of a meek and unremarkable man, Li Wei harbored a secret—a secret known to no one, not even to his beloved wife, Zhao Yujie. Five years prior, on a moonless night when the stars themselves seemed to conspire, Li Wei had embarked on a clandestine journey that would change the course of his life.

He had left his home and family, vanishing into the ancient forests that surrounded Huxia. There, under the tutelage of a reclusive martial arts master, Li Wei had dedicated himself to mastering the long-forgotten combat techniques of his ancestors. He endured grueling training, honing his body and spirit to the edge of endurance.

In those hidden years, he uncovered a power that transcended the ordinary, a strength born of unwavering determination and an indomitable will. He delved into the ancient scrolls that spoke of legendary warriors and sought to emulate their greatness. Through trials that tested his limits, he discovered a reservoir of potential within himself, one that would soon burst forth like a tempest.

As Li Wei stood at the precipice of his return to the Zhao family, he carried with him the weight of transformation. The humble son-in-law they had mocked would soon reveal the extraordinary man he had become. The city of Huxia was oblivious to the storm brewing beneath the surface, a storm that would reshape the destiny of not only Li Wei but the entire realm.