
Rise of the Hestia Familia

a hardworking orphan from earth is reincarnated in danmachi as bell with hyperintuition. look as he uses this skill to gain both strenght and allies, making the hestia familia the strongest of all. ————————————————————— this is an idea that I couldn't get out of my head so here it is. I'm not used to writing so please tell me if I make an error. also, if someone wants to suggest oc's feel free to do so. with allies I mean family members. I'm also open to suggestions about techniques (read the prologue to know what i mean)

Silver_1999 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


in an endless black space we can see a wisp-like flame floating, this flame is a soul that is currently confuse.

soul: "where...am I?, what is this place?"

out of a sudden a blinding light appeared which condensed into a humanoid shape, said shape quickly became a kind looking old man with a white robe.

seeing this the soul reach a conclusion about who this entity could be.

soul: "are you god?"

hearing the soul question, the entity responded with a small smile and a nod

soul: "ok, judging by this place I take it I died, didn't I?, just...tell me it wasn't something as cliche as a truck hitting me"

god: *chuckles* "it wasn't my child"

after saying that the smile in god face fell.

god: "sadly what happened wasn't much better, you collapsed from overworking on your way home and by the time someone found you it was too late"

soul: "i see, so that what happened, no wonder I don't remember much" *sigh* "now what?"

god: "before that, do you mind if I ask you something?"

soul: 'god asking me permission for something, what an odd feeling' "of course, go ahead"

god: "why did you work yourself that hard?, despite gaining a lot of money you didn't use it for anything, instead you reserved it for something, if it was something someone could just buy you most likely could have bought it with the amount you had"

soul"...you see, there was only one thing I wanted, a family"

at that god raised an eyebrow

god: "you wanted to buy a family?"

soul: "WHAT NO, OH GO-, YOU NO!!"

and at that god made a confused expression

god: " you no?, what are yo-...oh, OH hahahaha, that's so bad, ha, and don't worry I was kidding"

soul: *cough* "anyway, as you probably know I was an orphan during my childhood and even teenage years, because of that I really wanted to experience what having a family is like, my plan, though I don't know if it could be considered that, was to gain enough money to support a girlfriend, marriage and a child until said child became independent, all while working jobs that don't take much of my time, that way I could support them while giving them the time they deserse"

god: "i see"

soul: "in any case, there were a few more details to the 'plan' but I don't think there are important right now, did that answer your question?"

god: "it did, thank you, now what would you say if I tell you that there is a way for you to get your wish while also doing me a favor?"

soul: "...I say I'm all ears"

god: "alright, first things first, have you heard of danmachi"

soul: "of course, that's one of my favori-, wait, are you gonna tell me that theory about alternative universes is right?

god: "as a matter of fact it is, that saves time, I want to send you there, with there I mean an alternate version of that world, though, the only diference would be that everything that happens in the story happens three years latter than the original, with the exception of bell's granpa 'accident' still happening when you are fourteen"

soul: "hm, i see...wait, did you say when I am fourteen, as in..."

god: *nod* "correct, I want you to send you to in body of bell cranel, the reason for that, the reason for this offer more like, is that the current bell who is four years old is in a coma and is unlikely that he makes it, however, that would create a lot of problems, while I was thinking a solution I came upon your soul and seeing how hardworking you are I thought that you would be able to help me"

soul: "because how hardworking I am?"

god: "yes, you see, I can give you up to two wishes to make it easier for you, but they can't be anything that makes you too powerful from the start, I'm already stretching it sending your soul to another world, so if you want to go you gonna have to pull your weight, oh and if you don't want to I can reincarnate you back on earth with your memories, what do you say?"

it was a lot to take in, however, after thinking for a while the soul gave his answer

soul: "...no matter how you look at it, it is too tempting of an offer to pass up, besides I already have an idea of what those wishes can be"

god: "oh really, did you by any chance imagine yourself in a situation like this like a lot of people?"

soul: *chuckles* "what can I say besides guilty as charged?, in any case, for the first wish I want to be able to easily recall knowledge from my past life, wheter it is knowledge from school or survival and combat techniques that I read somewhere, like a manga for example

god: *smile* "I can see where you are going with the combat techniques so I should warn you that even the ones that are possible would be difficult to imitate"

soul: "that's where the second wish comes in, I want hyper intuition from katekyo hitman reborn, or as close as you can give me to that"

when god raised his eyebrow the soul continued

soul: "hyper intuition in the show and manga was described as 'a power that can see through all', seeing illusions or knowing when someone lies, not to mention a lot of uses from fanfictions, I want a power that, even if at the start is not that strong, by the time I can start training seriously is strong enough to tell me what should I do to, for example, to imitate a certain technique, is it possible?

god: "....since the first wish is just being able to better recall things that you already know I should be able to do it

soul: "i see, I'm glad"

god: "alright then, are you sure you want thoses wishes?"


god: "then, I wish you good luck"

and with that all became dark again.