
Rise of the Hero of Narsista

The Great war in the realm of Narsista has reached even the sacred forests, and now Envir Langlon, finds he has to take charge as the Hero of the age, and his desicions will hold the fate of the realm. Will he be able to learn fast enough, and grow strong enough, to hold back the rising Shadow?

ABDst · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

CH1- A Star

A boy sat against a chestnut tree, near the edge of a field of wheat, ready to be harvested, a golden-red colour under the setting sun. Even as the sun was setting, the boy go up, and walked swiftly, to the house at the edge of the village. On the road, where the village started, stood a sign, displaying it's name, "Worsir". The boy was about 15-16 years of age, on the brink of manhood.He had golden-brown wavy hair, think and dense, covering half his neck. He was of a good height and stature, but his face was young, and curious.

He came upon the familiar, shabby cottage at the edge, and entered. This cottage had a lighter glow in it's windows, than that of the other houses, the orange-yellow glow of a warm fire. Even as he entered, he smiled, which was met by a weary, faint one, from his mother, wrapped in a blanket. The boy prepared supper for the two, a plain stew with some bread. They ate gratefully, and soon the mother lay to sleep.

The boy went out for a walk, before he would retire to the comfort of his bed. he went forward further than usual, until he came past the vast fields, to the forest of Lorlass, singing to himself under his breath. The forest was not dangerous, and held no dangerous beasts. A wide path wove through it, and he treaded it. Through the crack in the tree branches, he saw that the sky seemed strangely bright, as if the stars had grown brighter. he payed it no heed, and as he went on, he started to wonder why he was going so far, as he approached a clearing. Just as he entered it, he was blinded by a white light, coming from over the trees he had just left the cover of. A strong voice cried out, in a foreign language; "Lo si loth twili carron!". The boy stood still, until the light faded. Then he stirred, and remembered none of what had just happened. He wondered why he stood still there, as he started his way back. He did not yet know that on his right forearm, was now engraved a big, bright star, and a message in a language he knew not. He, Envir Langlon, knew it not, as he slept peacefully in his bed, how his future was about to change.

Well, just thought of some storyline for this novel, and I wasn't able to make the start any better. I hope it isn't too bad. Please, tell me how this is, I'm all open to reviews. Maybe I can make this into an entire novel?

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