
The Escape.

Running all the way there my mind was racing with the words of that voice in my head. Who was that? Why did he sound urgent? Were was he? These were only a small portion of the questions that flooded my mind. It was truly a lot of information to take in, sadly I had little time to take it all in. As I was running in the village it seamed to be getting closer it would only take a few more minutes to get there. Just then this bloodcurdling roar came from behind. This was loud enough that everyone in the village had run out of their homes to see what was going on. With out hesitation I ran straight to the cabin where everyone was. I had got their and kicked the door in.

"Everyone we need to go now. There is no time to explain" I spoke roughly and out of breath.

"What do you mean Xeon this village is hidden from Akuma why would we leave." One of the five that had stayed when Ryuu came back spoke in a tiered voice.

"Ok fine you five go in to the crawl space and dont come out Toyo grab our gear Nisho get your brother and his girl lets go." I shouted. The nine of us booked it out of the village. the first to speak out was Delin, " Xeon mind explaining what is going on." with a single look I gave him his answer of later right now we run. In the distance the screams of the villagers where getting more frequent. Roars and screams filled the night.

We ran till we saw a cave that was small enough to fit all of us in the cave for the night. Every one slept close to each other. Ryuu and myself stayed up to keep an eye out. "Soo" Ryuu broke the silence, "how did you get ahead of Akuma to the village and how did you live?"

"Well I have no clue one how I got a head of Akuma, but this is going to sound strange but this voice called out and told me to turn back and get my friends and meet him by the waterfall, but once again their are so many waterfalls near here. Anyway Ryuu Stay here and look after the others I am going back for the other five." Ryuu gave me a look that told me to be careful and return. I took off to the village.