
Waking Up

Even though he didn't remember feeling any of them, he dreamed of a world filled with laughter and joy.

The faces he had seen before in those flashes kept appearing, and each time that happened, it was as if their names, identities, and stories were on the very tip of his tongue.

Alas, each time, as they disappeared, he felt himself running after them and stumbling on the way, before losing himself in a different dream.

When he finally awoke, it was once again to the sound of people talking.

This time, all of his senses returned at once. The pain was once again like a knife that cut straight through his spine, but thankfully, it wasn't as bad as before. Slowly, he realized that there was a faint sting to the wounds that he hadn't felt before, which probably meant that he had received care of some kind.

There was a different pressing concern that made him almost open his eyes and search for someone, anyone nearby. His throat was so parched that it felt as if he hadn't drunk anything in years, but before he re-entered the world, he heard something that made him pause.


Even though it sounded a bit different, the name was similar to his own. Curiosity fought with the desire to ask for water, but an instant later, when he heard the rest of the sentence, the former won out.

"…is going to be hanged. There's no getting around it. Why the hell did you waste precious medical supplies on him?"

Keeping his eyes closed, he decided to listen to the conversation. For the briefest of moments, he wondered whether it was disingenuous to do so… but for some reason, it was easy to shove away this thought.

He then felt bewilderment as he realized what he had done, and it made him return to the question he had asked before falling unconscious. This also made him recall that someone had given him an answer, but before he asked it again, he perked up his ears and focused on the conversation being carried out near him.

"We are healers, Sebastien! We took an oath to help whoever we could, no matter the circumstances!"

"You…idiot! We're not healers… we're slaves, like everyone else here! We do what our master orders us to do! He didn't order us to save his son, who was kicked out to die… so when he finds out what you've done, we're screwed! He might even give us to the dogs!"

The man who was berating the other spoke agitatedly, and when he said the last line, his voice broke with what could only be fear.

The other man took a few seconds to give his response, but when he did, it was in a tone that brooked no arguments.

"What will happen, will happen. Isn't that the saying of all slaves? Even if I die tomorrow, I want to give myself to the earth knowing that I stayed true to my oath. Can you say the same?"

"You're hopeless. I'm going to…never mind."

He heard the sound of footsteps storming away, and then, a different, quieter sound reached his ears. Realizing that the man he had been eavesdropping on until now was coming in his direction, he closed his eyes tightly, wanting to convince him that he was definitely still asleep.

Yet, with a chuckle, he soon heard him say, "I thought you were supposed to be sly? No one closes their eyes with so much force when they're asleep, unless they're having a prolonged nightmare… and when that happens, most don't return."

Seeing that the ruse was up, he opened his eyes and looked at the man apologetically. It was then that he saw that a pail of water was by his bedside, on a wooden table.

Raising himself, he quickly reached for it. Almost immediately, he had no choice but to stop when he felt a sudden ache all over his body that threatened to send him right back where he had just come from. He bit his lip and drew blood, but that did nothing to help with what he was feeling all over.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the pail in front of him. Taking it with one hand, he greedily swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the clear, cool water. It had a faint aftertaste that wasn't altogether unpleasant, and when the pail was empty, he looked at it and sighed.

"More? Well, give me a second."

As if reading his mind, the man walked to the corner of the room, and Daneel found an opportunity to study his surroundings. He was in a small hut that was empty, for the most part. There was only a bed, an old wooden storage cabinet that looked like it would collapse if even an ounce of force was applied to it, and a clay pot in front of which his savior was bent, refilling the pail that he had just emptied.

His gaze lingered on the man, and he gasped when he registered what he was seeing.

The man was wearing faded rags that barely covered his body. His back was visible through the many holes in his clothes, and on it, Daneel saw innumerable crisscrossing scars. Some were old, having healed and left behind their mark, while others looked tender, as if they had come to be only recently.

When the man rose, Daneel was finally able to see his face. It was wrinkled and sunburnt, with a shaggy beard that covered almost everything below his nose. His chest and stomach were scarred, too, making him look like a beaten man, defeated by everything that life had thrown at him.

Yet, when he saw Daneel looking at him, he smiled, and the impression melted away like snow on a sunny morning.

It was a smile filled with kindness that even reached his eyes and set them aglow with joy, and seeing it, he was suddenly reminded of one of the faces he had found in his mind. It was of an aged, clean-shaven man with salt and pepper hair, but before he could investigate the reason behind the connection, the sound of someone banging on the door made them both turn around.

"Reese, open up! The master's calling for ya! My whip is oiled and waiting! Don't ya miss it? Open up!"

The old man dropped the pail and took a step back, his eyes widening as they locked onto the door as if a monster lay behind it.

"I heaaarrddd you! Come out!"

In a singsong voice, the one outside spoke again. It made the old man spring out of his daze, but instead of following the command, he ran toward the cabinet.

Taking out a blanket that lay within, he quickly reached Daneel. Throwing it over him, he whispered, "Act as if you're asleep. But remember: relax your eyes."

Daneel nodded, caught up in the panic that was spurring on the old man's movements. He obediently laid down and closed his eyes, and at that exact moment, he heard the sound of the door flying off its hinges. Even before it thundered to the muddy ground, the one outside had reached the bed.

"Playing deaf, huh? Maybe I should take away yer ears, and then, ya won't have to act! Come on!"

The sound of someone choking reached his ears, and Daneel knew that the one who had arrived must have caught the old man by his throat.

Suddenly, he felt like getting up and hitting the newcomer. It was an impulse so strong that it made his hand shake, but at the last moment, he managed to control himself.

'Ok…what was that?'

Before he could look for an answer, he heard the sound of two people leaving; one on his feet, and one being dragged. Finally, silence fell upon the hut, and for a moment, he felt so alone that it was difficult to bear.

The feeling was quickly replaced by the anguish that had swept over him before, when he had seen that face that he hadn't been able to recognize. He knew that it didn't make sense, but just like then, he asked the question that was bothering him the most…and when the answer arrived, it left him lying there, stunned.

'Who…am I?'

[All memories, including those of the original occupant of host's body have been locked.

Memories of original occupant will be unlocked on host's command. It is recommended to find a secluded location before giving the command, as assimilation can take time.

Memories of host are locked for the protection of host. They will be unlocked when a hidden condition is fulfilled.

Hidden condition can be pursued by finishing missions given by the system.

First mission has been created.

Name: 'Escape Death'

Rewards shall be revealed upon completion.]

Chapter: 2/14

Yeap, the counter's back! And this time, we're gonna stick to it!

KillerHemboycreators' thoughts