
Rise of the Drake Clan

Electra, Amber, Nyx, Freyja, and Vayu were born into a cruel world. From groups of people that are scared of them to another area, they break records around the place. Uniting with their parents and grampa once more, they become a leading force of the Starry Kingdom. When enemies come knocking they fight back. A/N Will try to provide one chapter a day. https://discord.gg/qCvPAr4KTu

MaliceLord · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Chapter 9

With an excited look, a young girl with bright orange hair in a ponytail, wearing red clothes, jumps out of bed. Waking up her sister who has black hair and wears a black cloak, she says, "We start going to Central Academy today, come on get ready Nyx."

"Amber, wake up Electra, I'll meet you two down stairs," Nyx walks out of the room.

Walking over to the girl with white hair, that is wearing a white gown, she says, "Electra time to wake up."

Slowly Electra gets out of bed, "It's to damn early for this. Don't have a choice though."

Shaking her head, Amber walks to the room next door, shaking the boy with brown hair, who is covered in a sheet, she says, "Vayu come on get ready, its the day."

With that his eyes open, "Yes it is, see you downstairs in a minute."

With a hum Amber walks out of the room. Putting on his green shirt and black pants he walks out the room after shouting, "Freyja where are you?"

Swinging in through the window, Freyja who is bald and wearing a white robe with yellow trim smiles and walks down the stairs.

Electra brushes her white hair and puts a flower clip in it, afterwards she puts on her purple sweater, and pants. Walking slowly down the stairs, she hears, "Electra hurry up already, even Freyja is already in here."

Shaking her head she helps Nyx put her hair up into a braid. At the table a tall man wearing a navy blue suit says, "Kids finish eating and we'll head to Central Academy."

After walking for a while, they arrive at Central Academy. "Garth you leaving us?"

"Kids, I don't work here, don't worry, things will be alright for you," Garth leaves them there.

Entering a giant hall, they see a few hundred other kids. Sitting down they wait patiently. One of them points to certain students and says, "Those seem to be more studios then the rest. If we are going to aim for the top, we have to work harder."

Electra sighs at that comment, while Amber smiles brightly. Shaking his head Freyja looks up to see an outline of a figure in front of the sun. Looking to the side Vayu notices the slight changes in the wind intensity outside.

Nyx leans back and closes her eyes. With her arms supporting her head she rests. Some people nock her arms, and she stays put like it didn't happen. Amber turns and makes basic conversation with those around them.

Electra turns and lays down across her siblings, and goes to nap. Those around them give them side eyes. The siblings ignore the looks and continue doing what they were. After a few minutes Amber stops talking and looks at her siblings, "Did you all notice?"

"Yes, it is interesting."

Sitting straight up Nyx whispers to them, "It is what Garth has talked about more then likely."

As the level of mana raises in the room, the other students start to notice it. Freyja says, "Don't you think it's weird that it keeps raising, maybe they want us to do something with the energy."

"Doesn't hurt to give at a try. But what do we do with it?"

"Well how about try to collect it within our bodies?"

"That may just be it, lets try it."