
Rise of the Dragon Shaman

After starting his first year of college, a young student discovered an incredible power within himself that sent shockwaves throughout the entire realm of shamans. His newly unearthed abilities surpassed even the most experienced and revered practitioners, and he quickly became a force to be reckoned with in this mystical world. The revelation of his hidden power not only transformed his own life but also had a profound impact on the future of shamanism as a whole.

All_Knowing_Parrot · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

The Anticipated Mock Battle

After what felt like an eternity of grueling practice, the moment of truth had finally arrived. The air was thick with palpable tension, a simmering energy that seemed to permeate every nook and cranny of the university. As the midterm rankings loomed menacingly on the horizon, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged, each passing moment fraught with mounting pressure.

The campus was abuzz with the fevered buzz of anticipation, a hive of frenzied activity as students prepared to stake their claim to combat supremacy. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and anxiety, the sound of frantic scribbling filling the halls as every student fought to secure their place among the academic elite.

Amidst the chaos, an intense rivalry had taken hold, each student pushing themselves to the limit in a bid to outdo their peers. It was a cutthroat competition, a battle of wits and wills that left no room for error. Every moment counted, every mistake could be fatal, and the stakes were higher than ever before.

As the clock ticked down to the start of the rankings, the tension was almost unbearable. Every student stood poised, ready to unleash their spiritual prowess upon the world, to prove once and for all who was truly worthy of the title of a champion. It was a moment that would define their futures, a chance to show the world what they were truly made of.

As the students flocked to the university's imposing Colosseum, the air was thick with anticipation and excitement. Nervous energy crackled through the crowd as they jostled for position, each eager to secure their place in the upcoming mock battle.

With trembling hands, they lined up to register their names and draw lots, the weight of their fate hanging heavy in the air. The tension was palpable, a buzzing intensity that seemed to fill every inch of the arena.

As the numbers were doled out, each student gripped their fate tightly, their nerves frayed and their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew that this was it, the moment they had been training for, the culmination of months of grueling practice and tireless preparation.

And then, as the last name was called, the dean took to the stage, his booming voice echoing through the cavernous arena. The students hushed, their eyes fixed upon the stage, each waiting with bated breath for the next words to fall from the dean's lips.

"My dear students," he began, his voice ringing out like a clarion call, "today marks the beginning of a new era, one in which you will rise to become the future protectors of our territory. I am proud to witness the fruits of your labor, and I know that each and every one of you has what it takes to succeed."

The tension in the air was nearly unbearable, each student quivering with anticipation as the dean's words hung heavy in the air. And then, with a sudden burst of energy, he cried out, "Let the midterm mock battle begin!"

And with that, the students surged forward, their eyes blazing with fierce determination as they set their sights on victory. The battle had begun, and nothing would stand in their way.

The excitement in the air was electrifying as the students gathered in the Colosseum for the highly anticipated mock battle. But it wasn't just any ordinary battle - this one had a twist. A point system, reminiscent of the ancient boxing tournaments, would determine each student's individual score and ultimately their ranking.

As the rules were explained by the dean, a buzz of excitement rippled through the crowd. The criteria for earning points were rigorous, including factors like aura duration, accuracy, and effectiveness of each student's shamanic techniques. It was clear that only the most skilled and strategic would rise to the top.

The tension was palpable as the students took their positions, their eyes fixed on the opponents before them. The anticipation was at its peak as the dean raised his hand, signaling the start of the battle.

The Colosseum erupted into a frenzy of action, with students unleashing their auras in dazzling displays of power. Every move was calculated, every attack carefully aimed to maximize points. The air crackled with energy as the students fought tooth and nail, employing their shamanic abilities with precision and finesse.

I sat in the lobby room, trying to calm my nerves and focus on the task at hand. The mock battle was fast approaching and I knew that every moment of preparation counted. But before I could clear my mind completely, I was interrupted by a group of familiar faces.

It was him - the bully from the old Awakener class - flanked by his cronies. My heart sank as I braced myself for what was to come. I had hoped that I wouldn't have to deal with him again, but it seemed like fate had other plans.

He sneered at me, a malicious glint in his eye. "Well, well, well. Look who it is," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "If it isn't the weakling from the first week of the semester. You think you're ready for this mock battle? I bet you don't even have what it takes to make it to the second round."

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. I knew that any response would just fuel his bullying, but I couldn't just stay silent. "I don't have time for this," I replied, my voice steady but firm. "I have a battle to prepare for. And I'll make it to the second round and beyond, regardless of what you think."

The bully laughed cruelly, his minions cackling along with him. "You're just a coward, afraid to face your own weaknesses," he taunted. "You're nothing but a small fry in this school. A nobody."

I could feel my blood boiling, my fists clenching at my sides. I wanted to lash out, to show him that I was not to be trifled with. But I knew that violence wasn't the answer. Instead, I took a deep breath and stood my ground.

"You may think that you can bully me, but I won't let you," I said, my voice low and measured. "I have worked hard to get to where I am, and I won't let anyone - not even you - tear me down. So if you'll excuse me, I have a mock battle to win."

With that, I turned on my heel and walked away, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. I didn't know what the bully would do next, but I knew that I had to stay focused on my goal. The mock battle was just the beginning - there would be many more challenges ahead. And I was determined to face them head on, no matter what obstacles came my way.