
Rise of the Demon King

Follow Astaroth, AKA The young boy named Aki through the sorrow of demonic transformation, and his growth from canon fodder to the great demon king be is destined to be. This serves as a spin off to A Demon’s Diary, however knowledge of the source Webnovel isn’t required.

IBO00 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Short, Scared, but Sweet

It's another hour of dragging ourselves across the dark cave. Our eyes don't seem bothered by the lack of light at all, though, and we can navigate our way through just fine. Melody seems to have gotten over the shock, and finished growing as well. My suspicion was proved correct, as she bears only one ear, with the other being replaced by a small brown horn.

Melody noticed my appearance too, and said I had horns of my own. I'm a goat, so this didn't surprise me.

In silence, we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Hurriedly, I pick up Melody and ran toward the light, stopping just before the end.

The tunnel ended at a sharp drop, leading into a ginormous underground field. It was gargantuan, spanning longer than the horizon in every direction, but with a ceiling of red rocks.

The ground was red, the plants a depressing yellow, and rivers of magma flow, or rather just one river seems to split across the field.

"Hold on to me." I held Melody close, and climb down the rock wall slowly. I had zero trouble doing this, for some reason. It likely had something to do with subconscious goat-like instincts. Was I a mountain goat? Probably not.

Touching down on the floors of what I can only assume is literally hell, I set Melody down.

"I think we should find somewhere to stay first…" Melody stayed close to me. "Just so we have somewhere to call home..?"

Personally, a hiding hole doesn't seem efficient, but Melody said so. "Of course.. if we can't find one I'll dig one." Staying at the wall seemed risky. It's a landmark in hell, as I can tell just from looking at it. I grab Melody's hand, and began walking.

And walking.

And walking.

We walk until we can no longer see the wall each time we look back, and then some. If a demon interrupted us, I burned them alive and ate their soul. By the time we found a cave, I felt stronger than when I had entered hell.

"Stay next to me." Behind me isn't safe, in front of me puts her in danger. I hold Melody next to me tightly, and ignite my arm opposite to her in flame, illuminating the cave and showing a demon hiding in the back.

I could hardly call them a demon from the looks of it. We look more demonic than them, really.

A woman, presumably 20 by appearance but likely younger given her demeanor. Black hair, two black horns, big, scared eyes, and fangs that belong to a..

"Vampire!" Melody squealed, instantly recoiling behind me. I flinched, almost burning her. "It's ok Melody… they look just as scared as we are." I reassure her quietly, and slowly approach the vampire, who audibly gasped from fear. I could hear her whimper and quietly beg me not to approach.

I ignore these requests, and grab the vampire by her shoulder, bringing her into my chest. "It's ok… we- we don't want to hurt you." I gesture for Melody to "come here"

With Melody now against the wall, feeling safe, I sat this young vampire down. "Do you have a name?" I asked, keeping us illuminated with my fire.

"Ah.. uhm.. my name is Jerry."