
Rise of the Demon King

Follow Astaroth, AKA The young boy named Aki through the sorrow of demonic transformation, and his growth from canon fodder to the great demon king be is destined to be. This serves as a spin off to A Demon’s Diary, however knowledge of the source Webnovel isn’t required.

IBO00 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Pain and Relief

I didn't have much time to mourn my life. My instincts told me something huge was about to happen.

My eyes look around at the scenery. A bunch of giant eggs of varying, dark colors lie on a beach. The ocean is a muddy purple, the sand is black, and there are active volcanoes in the distance, erupting with plumes of smoke.

Strangely, I can breathe just fine in this smoke.

I knew these eggs may hatch soon, because I just did. I wasn't going to let that happen, and ran to the smallest egg I could find, and smashed it open with my fists.

It broke with ease, and inside was a small creature with red skin, yellow eyes, and a long pointed tail. "A demon!?" I thought to myself, unable to speak.

That explains a lot, actually. I know IM a demon, but this must be a mass hatching or whatever, like turtles.

this demon looked like it was trying to break out of its shell, but before it could react to the light, I stomp it's face into the sand, grab it by its jaws and tear it's jaw off, pounding my fists into it until it was a purple mush.

Ok.. so demon blood is purple? And I just killed an infant.

But it seems it's kill or be killed. I run over to the next smallest egg I could find, smash it open, and repeat the process until it was dead.

Do this again. And again. Soon all the eggs I couldn't break were hatched, and we all began to fight. Demons are hungry for blood. Yes.. blood- I should join in too!

My instincts had me hurling myself at a large quadruped demon twice my size. It was dominating the beach, but seemed to be equal in my strength despite the size difference.

It threw me back to the sand and tried to charge me, but I caught it by its head, digging rapidly growing claws into its face, and planting my equally fast growing hooves into the sand to keep me planted.

I screamed. I can feel my soft newborn bones deforming under the immense weight of my foe, but my body is fighting back. I feel hot, too hot. My heart is pounding, and soon I'm on fire, one which is rapidly spreading to this beast.

While I'm unharmed, the beast isn't. It's being burned alive. I take this as an opportunity, releasing my grip on its face, then blowing a punch at its eye, causing it to explode under the force of the blow.

Apparently it traveled into the brain, because I see the beast scream in agony, then drop dead. I was about to celebrate this monumental victory, when I suddenly see some glowing black orb flow out of its head.

I recoiled at first, but my instinct told me that this is its soul. I need to eat it to grow stronger.

I didn't want to hesitate, and instantly shove it in my mouth. I feel it burn my throat going down, but heat doesn't bother me. In fact, when I devoured this soul, I felt a burning sensation. I let out a loud war cry of sorts, shooting flames out of my body, causing the fights to stop along the beach.

The demons below see my declaration of power, which seems to stop the fighting all at once. They scurry near me, getting burned when they get too close.

There are some demons I somehow recognize. I see a small canine struggling to crawl out of its egg, having somehow not been eaten.

My heart sank. I recognize that dog, don't I?

I rush over to the egg, and smash it open , staring at the tiny thing. It stared at me back, in pure fear. Flames continue to pour out my body, though not as severely as before.

My throat and vocal chords had finished growing after this all, so with some struggling, I utter something I hoped would work. "Melody..?"

The small canine demon froze, unable to respond.

It's true, isn't it? That's melody? She came with me to this hell?