
Rise of the Demon King

Follow Astaroth, AKA The young boy named Aki through the sorrow of demonic transformation, and his growth from canon fodder to the great demon king be is destined to be. This serves as a spin off to A Demon’s Diary, however knowledge of the source Webnovel isn’t required.

IBO00 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

It’s not enough

I spent several seconds staring at this wolf- or actually, Melody. She looked like if one would combine a newborn human with a newborn dog, though quite curiously she was missing an ear.

It's not curious, actually. It's pretty distressing, but I didn't have time to think about it. I yank her up, and hold her close. She didn't get time to eat her shell, so I grab the largest chunk I could and started running toward the volcanoes.

Melody was distressed as I ran into the thick plumes of smoke, but we both could breathe just fine in them. But why was I running to the volcano? My instincts told me to. Every internal alarm in my body was going off, telling me I'd die if I stayed.

I seemed to be right. Every other demon seemed to chase after me as well, following me and melody into the volcanoes, and those who stayed behind were crushed by a giant sea monster.

Melody merely screamed, but I had to ignore her, using brute strength to force myself up the steep mountainous hills of the volcano, then jump into its fiery clutches.

I caught myself on the walls, where the demons began pouring into various pits. It's plain to see why, as the volcano is about to erupt.

Melody is completely nonfunctional at this point, tightly hugging on to me, preventing me from easily maneuvering the walls of the volcano. "Hey! D- don't hug my arm!" I yell at her in a fit of reasonable anger. She quickly corrected herself. "I'm- im sorry! It's scary! Im-" I wasn't listening, and began awkwardly crawling into a pit.

A few seconds later, the volcano erupts with an unpleasant groan, leading to lava flooding the passage and blocking the exit.

With nowhere else to go, I set melody down. "Are you ok?" I got down and asked, running my hand across where her other ear should be, noticing a bump. "Did you get hit!?"

Melody shook her head, standing up on shaky knees. I can see black fur rapidly growing on her body,with yellow highlights on her face, forearms, tail and feet. I also noticed that she was bleeding at the bump. "I wasn't hit.. I think I'm just growing…" That made sense, I suppose. I grew rapidly too.

Five minutes ago, I was hairless with naked feet and confused, but a thick coat of dark grey fur and hooves had grown in that time. I also noticed I was growing in horns.. melody must have a horn as well. "Come on.. eat this while we walk." Every other demon had rapidly fled down the tunnels, leaving us alone.

Melody held a portion of her egg the size of her body, thoughtlessly devouring it in seconds. She didn't seem to have blacked out like I did. As she finished eating, she gagged and looked at me, her eye twitching. Her ordinarily green eyes had grown darker, with her left eye shifting to a deep purple. "Oh my god.." she whimpered, tears in her eyes.

She must have just realized that we're all demons. It wasn't really scary for me since I'm emotionally detached… but she's emotional as hell. "Come on.. I'll protect you." I help her walk, her legs too shaky to function on her own. "It's ok.. it's ok."

Melody is weak. She's small, she's emotional, she's physically inactive. I don't know if she will survive on her own.

But I'm strong enough for the two of us.

I have to be.