
Rise of the Dark Alpha

[COMPLETE - SILVER $8,000USD WINNER: Werewolf Competition 2022] Zev prowled towards her, all shining, brutal beauty, his chin low and those incredible, piercing eyes fixed on her. He didn’t stop until they were toe-to-toe and he blocked her view of every other male in the circle. His eyes dipped to her mouth as he leaned in, his whisper playing on her skin. “You. Are. Mine.” His deep voice twanged in her belly as the howls of the wolf pack rose from behind him to echo across the mountains of Thana, while the other Chimera protested his claim. Fighting the urge to stroke his broad, bare chest with her shaking hands, Sasha forced herself to tilt her head and raise an eyebrow. “So bold for a pup who just found his fangs.” The other males roared with laughter. Ignoring their taunts, Zev’s eyes sparked and he leaned even closer, the scruff on his jaw tickling her cheek as he smiled. “So bold for a human who already knows the pleasure of gasping my name.” She shivered when his teeth grazed her ear. ***** Just days after Sasha gave herself to her childhood love, he disappeared. Five years later, on a dark city street, Zev came back—with danger on his tail. Zev is Chimera: Half-human, half-wolf. Made in a secure research lab, his existence is a secret. But when the powerful men who created him try to kill the only woman who ever made his heart sing, Zev snaps their leash and steals her away to the brutal, hidden world of the Chimera clans. Torn between the magnetic draw of her first love and the painful betrayal of his disappearance, Sasha tries to keep Zev at arms-length. But when they reach this mysterious world, Zev discovers that in his absence the humans took control and stole almost all the females. The Chimera are dying—and Zev isn’t Alpha anymore. Now, Zev must fight his own people to win the right to mate his only love. Can he prove to her that his long-ago promise to protect her heart, as well as her body, was true? Or will the humans cross worlds to hunt the wolf and tear the lovers apart forever? [Mature content, no sexual assault] Cover Image by Aenaluck and used by permission with paid copyright. See more gorgeous art and support the artist at www.patreon.com/aenaluck

AimeeLynn · แฟนตาซี
496 Chs


~ ZEV ~

They walked the length of the valley, Zev scanning for anyone else they might meet, but also trying to keep one eye on Sasha, who was overwhelmed, but enjoying the discovery of his home. He was glad she hadn't gotten cold yet. That was likely going to be her greatest struggle here. There would be no air-conditioning, no electric heaters. And unlike him, her body didn't regulate to the season.

Then they turned away from the river to rejoin another trail up into the trees and the rise of mountain and Sasha's fascination with the beautiful valley was overshadowed by the darkness under the trees, and the questions that she had. He could feel her, turning things over in her mind, readying herself to ask questions.

He wanted to answer. He did. But there were some things they needed to keep between themselves.

When she looked at him and opened her mouth, he gave her a warning look, glancing up at Yhet behind her. Her lips thinned, but she obviously changed what she'd been about to say.

"Tell me what's going to happen when we get to the village? Who's there? Do I need to do anything to… not offend people?"

"I think it's more that you need to work to stop yourself being offended by them," Zev said dryly. "The Chimera here have spent only limited time with humans. They function differently. It will feel to you as if they invade your space and proper boundaries. But… just remember that for them, these things are normal."

"What things?" she asked.

"They'll sniff at you a lot," he said with a grin. "And they may stand close, or brush their bodies against you. They've been taught not to do that with humans, but depending how long it's been since the team visited, they might forget."

"Brush… bodies?"

"You'll see," Zev said, forcing a smile. "It's nothing to be worried about. They're putting their scent on you, and letting you put yours on them. It's a sign of… togetherness."

Yhet snorted.

Zev frowned. "What?"

They were passing through a small gully—high, rock walls on either side of the trail as if it had been cut through the mountain by generations of Chimera walking it day after day. When Zev questioned Yhet, the sasquatch opened his mouth, but suddenly a shadow fell over the gully and all three of them froze, Zev whirling to put Sasha behind him.

But she gasped and grabbed the arm he threw back to keep her hemmed in. "No, no, look! He's beautiful!"

On the tiny edge of the rock wall above them, a massive, gray-brown Ibex stood, staring curiously, his eyes slit-pupiled, and nostrils flaring. A pair of huge horns curved forward over his forehead, then curled back towards his muscular shoulders.

Then, just as Zev turned, he snorted the air from his nose, shaking his head.

Zev's heart dropped. Well, shit.

Sasha gasped as the goat leapt from the ledge above them into the gap—taking his human form as he landed easily on the dirt, facing them.

Facing Zev.

"Hello, Dunken," Zev said, keeping his chin down, but meeting the male's eyes.

"It is you. You clearly have balls of steel, showing up here again now," the male said, his near-blonde hair cut short and glinting in the sunlight. But he stood, feet shoulder width apart and arms at his sides, making himself as tall and broad as he was capable of, his body burnished and proud—and apparently untouched by being in the cold naked.




"Omigosh," she blurted, then raised a hand to her eyes—but Zev didn't slow himself, whipped out a hand to catch hers before she could hide behind it—she had no idea how weak that would make her look to a Chimera. He really needed to teach her.

She gaped at him for a moment, but he couldn't drop Dunken's gaze without submitting, so he just muttered, "No one is embarrassed but you. Carry yourself with strength. Meet his eyes if the rest makes you uncomfortable."

Her head jerked back a little, and she licked her lips. But she didn't yank her hand out of his, or try to turn away. Instead, her throat bobbing, she turned to look at the male, keeping her eyes on his.

"Zev," the male ground out.

Zev let go of Sasha's hand and put his up, palms forward. "I did not come to fight you, Dunken."

"The fact that you come at all blows the horn of war."

"No, it doesn't."

But Dunken just turned his head to meet Sasha's eyes, then Yhet's. "You come with a female—a human female—and the rebel."

"I come to keep the female safe because the humans are trying to hurt her," Zev said earnestly. "And Yhet just found us when we arrived. As he usually does."

Dunken snorted. Zev fought a smile. He couldn't afford for Dunken to think he wasn't taking this seriously.

How the Guardian decided to receive him would influence the others a great deal. It was poor luck that the male had found them this quickly—but perhaps it was meant to be. If he could win the warrior over, the others would submit to Zev's presence more easily.

Then the male stepped forward until he and Zev were almost toe-to-toe, tilting his head menacingly.

Zev braced.