
Rise of the Cultivator: The Journey of Huang Xiaolong

"Rise of the Cultivator: The Journey of Huang Xiaolong" is a web novel that tells the story of a young orphan named Huang Xiaolong who, after losing his parents in a car accident, is left alone and weak in an orphanage. Despite facing neglect and mistreatment from the staff and other children, Huang Xiaolong never gives up on improving himself physically and mentally.

yGonGon · ตะวันออก
51 Chs

The Battle at the Summit

Huang Xiaolong, Tianyu, and Xie Puti stood at the summit of the mountain, ready to face their opponents in the upcoming battle. They were representing their academy in a martial arts tournament against students from other schools.

The three friends had spent the past few weeks training tirelessly, perfecting their skills and techniques. They knew that this battle would be the ultimate test of their abilities.

As they waited for the start of the tournament, Huang Xiaolong looked around at the other students gathered on the summit. He saw the fierce determination in their eyes and knew that they were all eager to prove themselves.

Finally, the tournament began. The first opponent that Huang Xiaolong faced was a tall, muscular student from a rival school. He charged at Huang Xiaolong with a powerful punch, but Huang Xiaolong was ready. He dodged the punch and countered with a swift kick to the chest, sending the opponent flying backwards.

Tianyu and Xie Puti were also holding their own against their opponents. Tianyu's mastery of fire allowed him to overwhelm his opponent with a barrage of flames, while Xie Puti's swordsmanship was unmatched.

As the battles raged on, the crowd grew more and more excited. They cheered and shouted encouragement to their favorite fighters.

Huang Xiaolong continued to advance through the tournament, defeating each opponent with ease. He could feel the power of his new techniques coursing through his veins, making him stronger and faster than ever before.

Finally, he found himself facing the champion of the tournament, a renowned fighter from a prestigious school. The two fighters stared each other down, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills.

The fight began, and the champion unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, but Huang Xiaolong was unfazed. He dodged each attack with ease and countered with his own devastating blows.

The fight went on for what seemed like hours, with neither fighter gaining the upper hand. But in the end, it was Huang Xiaolong who emerged victorious. He landed a final blow that sent the champion crashing to the ground.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Huang Xiaolong was declared the winner of the tournament. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had proved himself as a true warrior.

As the three friends made their way back down the mountain, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey. They had much more to learn and many more battles to fight, but they were ready for whatever the future held.