
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

10. Son Of Enji.

"Before all these, have we considered how far into the beast's territory the outpost should be?" the other woman asked.

"We haven't, second elder,"

"We can decide division of troops after we decide that," second elder said calmly.

"So how far should it be?" Enji asked.

"We can't go too far in, maybe a hundred kilometers," third elder said.

"That's too small, three hundred kilometers," fourth elder said. "The beasts have been beating so badly and they've lost their ancestor level beast, they will be scared to make a move…"

"Because of old ancestor. Old ancestor is currently recuperating, if we venture too deeply and they realize old ancestor is not around they will retaliate," fifth elder said. "For now they greatly outnumber us,"

"You all are bickering too much. Patriarch just ask Izu to stay at the outpost. His presence will force them to stay away," the first elder spoke.

"The old ancestor can not be disturbed," Enji said.

"I agree with the patriarch. If the beasts were to really attack the outpost and disturb the old ancestor while healing, that would be terrible," second elder said.

"Why are you all pessimistic?"

"It is best to lay out the cons and pros before making a decision. Every possible outcome is to be taken into account,"


The second elder replied the first elder, who clicked his tongue at her and turned to the paper in his hand.

"Why do we have low manpower? Can't we get more from the citizens? I do not understand why you don't use your authority patriarch,"

"This is the manpower we have now. Whether we have more or not will be decided after I properly go through our region's headcount," Enji said. "We would make do with this for now,"

"Let's get back on track," Ming Lu said. "As much as I would like to disagree with first elder I still think he has a point,"

"What does matriarch mean?" third elder asked.

"What if the ancestor stayed at the outpost for one month?"


"During that one month, eighty percent of our troops and eighty percent of our manpower will stay there," Ming Lu continued. "Even if old ancestor is wounded, he is still a threat. That and our troops, are enough to deter them for a while,"

"The remaining troops and manpower will remain in our main base,"

"Matriarch wants us to abandon the three frontline bases?" fifth elder asked.

"Just for one month. We would take one month working day and night to gather as much resources as we can," Ming Lu replied. "I'm sure it will be enough to gather all we need for a while. And within that one month, some of the wounded would have recuperated a bit,"

"Three bases for resources, it is very risky," sixth elder said.

"It is as risky as the others, but it has the most returns," Ming Lu said.

"Why don't we send all our manpower then?" fourth elder asked.

"After the one month those we sent will be exhausted. We need to rebuild, so those left behind will be the ones to work,"

"I agree with the matriarch. Not only will it have high returns but it will give us a chance to scout the strength of the remaining beasts army. Once we know that, we can make better decisions," second elder said.

"That is true," third elder said.

"Does everyone agree to this? Or do you have another suggestion?"






"Alright then, I would talk to old ancestor and see what he thinks,"

The papers flew back to Enji and then several others flew out to the elders.

"I am glad to announce my wife and I are adopting a son. I plan on hosting a party in a week's time. Not only to welcome him to the Lu family, but as a celebration to our victory. No matter the loss we must celebrate to boost our morale,"

"Congratulations on your son, patriarch," second elder said.

"What is the cultivation of this child?" first elder asked. "What is his aptitude?"

"He currently has no cultivation, and is aptitude is above average. Why? Does first elder have a problem with it?" Ming Lu asked.

"If his aptitude was below average, yes. The Lu family will not be tainted by untalented people,"

"Even if his talent were below average, you would have no say in the decisions of my husband and I,"

"As long as it affects the Lu family, I do,"

"Enough!" Enji said as calm as possible. "First elder, you have no say. The child is now our child whether he bares the Lu surname or not. If the Lu family will not accept him, I will gladly give him my name,"


"I believe Enji is a fine surname. Does that solve the problem first elder?"

"I said if he were below average. Let's see how he grows before we make a decision,"

"I don't think so. Either the Lu family accepts him now or forever discard him,"

"And if we discard him, he won't stay in the manor or receive help from us,"

"True, but my personal resources is enough to take care of him, so your concern isn't valid,"


"Will the Lu family accept him?"

"Accept," second elder said.

"Accept," fifth elder said.

"I agree with first elder, I reject," fourth elder said.

"I stand neutral ground. I don't see the need for this over a child," third elder said.

"So it's three on two, sixth elder what's your decision?" Enji asked.

"How old is this child?"

"He doesn't remember but he looks fifteen. He shouldn't be more than sixteen,"

"And his aptitude is above average? I understand you guys wanting more kids. It took you guys so long to get little Elta, but is it okay giving an outsider a chance to run for the patriarch seat?"

He clears his throat and continued. "I am sorry but I do not agree to that. I reject,"

"That's three against three," the first elder said.

"Very well, I would send him to the capital. He will enter the school there," Enji said. "Henceforth, he is Hiro son of Enji. This will not be changed in the future,"

"In a situation like this we are meant to discuss it again," fourth elder said.

"Yes, we can discuss it again but like I said after now he won't answer the Lu name. That is my decision as a father,"

Everyone kept quiet and Enji continued. "Slightly over a month's time there'll be a party in the city lord's house,"

"The twins birthday party?" first elder asked.

"Yes, I'll need two people to join us in representing the Lu family,"

"I nominate third and fifth elder," the second elder voiced.

"I nominate third and fifth elder. I'll love to go, but charging at the ancestor realm is more important,"

"I think so too," second elder said.

"Okay any other?"

"I nominate third and sixth elder," fifth elder said.

"I nominate third and fifth elder," fourth elder laughed.


"So third elder is going. Sixth elder?"

"I'll like to go,"

"I have no problem with him replacing me," fifth elder said.

"He can replace me haha," third elder laughed.

"You are a fixed entity already. Just go please. I don't want to see that useless old man,"

"Haha, from the Zhu family,"

"I feel like ripping his mouth and poking his eye just by thinking of him,"

"After so many years, haha,"

"I'm serious. If you guys don't want a family clash then send someone else,"

"Then it's settled?"

"Agreed, we are not sending her," third elder said and the others nodded.

"The last and final for today is about the date for the young ones' ranking war. As much as we have time for it, the earlier the young ones learn to run the family, the better,"

"Then a week after the party of the city lord's house. They will set out, and stay away for the five months," first elder said.

"Does everyone agree?" Enji asked.

Everyone nodded and Enji continued. "It is settled then. This meeting has come to an end,"

One by one, they stood up and left the hall. The man at the door who has been writing on his scroll followed them out. Enji turned to Ming Lu and said.

"I'm sorry I brought it up,"

"It's alright. My girl can survive out in the world. I'm just worried she won't make any subjects in that short time,"

"Well, I rather she doesn't win and become the family head. Being the family head isn't as easy as it looked back then,"

"True, but let her make her own decision,"

"I know. Go rest, I'll be done before sunset,"

"Alright, you better," Ming Lu smiled at him and kissed his forehead


