
Rise of The Baba Yaga ( A Highschool DXD fanfic )

Baba Yaga, the Boogeyman, an entity that haunts the dark forest, and devours children offered by its worshipers in exchange for riches and other earthly pleasures. It was a false Deity, an evil God. But unlike most Gods, Baba Yaga cannot exist in the physical world, it needs a host. This will let it interact with the physical world and allow it to devour the offerings its worshipers offer to it. For Centuries, countless children were sacrificed to allow The Baba Yaga to walk on this world. But for the first time, the sacrifice failed. The cursed child slaughtered everyone near him, and it left him with his memories erased. The cursed child woke up, in an abandoned cabin in the woods surrounded by rotten corpses, knowing only his name. " Cyka blyat! What is this bullshit! " The cursed child now named Nikolai Volkov cussed at the situation he is in. What happens next was unknown to him, but he guessed it was going to be alright. It was good being optimistic. I do not Own Highschool dd, but I certainly own my Oc.

SPECTER_BRO · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

Chapter 9

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just to clear things off, Nikolai is Russian. So he speaks only Russian and doesn't understand or speak English. So when reading this story, whenever Nikolai speaks, think of the English words as subtitles.

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{ Artom's POV }

My name is Artom, my day begins when the sunlight rises from the horizon. You see, Igor my brother is not a morning bird, so he usually doesn't get up early unlike our Papa and me.

Father is busy making breakfast, so it's my job as the oldest brother to wake him up.

" WAKE UP!!! " I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Igor jumped in surprise as he frantically flapped his wings to prevent himself from falling to the floor.

" Wake up sleepy head, the sun is already up. " I said with a smirk on my face. It's fun to surprise him like this.

" I'm telling Papa. "

" Hey! What did I do? "

" I'm telling Papa! " Igor began hopping towards the Kitchen.

" Wait! " This overreacting brat, all I did was wake him up.

I hurriedly hopped towards the kitchen. I wish I could fly right now, I could reach Papa before he could.

" PAPA! " Igor screamed, " Artom is being mean! "

" I was not being mean! he is just overreacting! " I countered, in my defence, I was being a good brother.

" Alright alright, we can discuss that after breakfast. " Papa intervene as he placed two bowls of meat in front of us.

" HORRAY! " We immediately forgot what we quarrelled about and dived right into the bowl of delicious meat.

" You know, I think I'm gonna teach you guys Russian. " Papa said as he took a bite of his meal. " I mean I can understand you guys well enough, but it would be better if you could actually speak. "

Papa is going to teach us how to speak his language. Awesome!











Well... This Russian language is kinda tough I tell.

" мясо ( meat ) " Papa said, as he pointed to a piece of meat.

" ... " I had a hard time repeating that word, at least I am not facing that problem alone.

" мясо ( meat ) " Igor repeated that word perfectly, What the hell? He dares to give me that smug look! why you little!

" Hey! No fighting. " Papa intervene, as he separated me from pecking Igor.

" But he is making fun of me! " and he is still smirking!

" It's not my fault you're dumb. " Igor scoffed, that's it! you're going to taste the fury of my talons.

" Ow! " Igor yelped as my talons made their way to his head.

" Artom! " Papa's sharp voice made me freeze, " Apologize now. "

" But! " I complained, but Papa's glare made me shut up. That brat Igor dared to laugh at my plight.

But Papa's glare was then directed to Igor, " Igor. You apologise to your brother as well. "

" But Why? " Igor complained.

Papa's glare softened to a soft smile. " Because brothers are not supposed to fight like this. Igor, just because you're better at memorizing than your brother, that doesn't give you the right to make fun of him. "

We both put all of our focus on what Papa said next, " All I'm trying to say is that, everyone is different. Me, Artom, Igor and everyone else is different. So you should not make fun of others just because you're better at something they're not. Artom. "

He then took a deep breath, " Artom, you are not dumb, ok. Maybe you're not good at memorizing as Igor, but you could be better than him at something else. But you should make fun of him because of that. That also goes for you, Ok Igor. "

" Ok," Igor responded softly.

" We are a family. " Papa continued, " And a family helps each other. If one of us is weak at something, all of us must help, Because that is what a family do, we protect each other. I'm you're Papa and I will protect you from all the dangers of the world. But a time will come when I will depend on you to protect me from danger. So will you two help me... when that day comes? "

" Yeah! " We exclaimed. No worry Papa, when I grow up I will be as strong as you and protect you from all you're enemies. My eyes met with Igor's. We both agreed that when that day comes, we will be there to protect Papa because that is what a family do.

" So, you two apologize now. " Papa said, we both looked at each other, and both of us were embarrassed at our actions.

" Sorry, Artom. " Igor apologised, " I should have called you dumb. If you need help with memorizing, I can help you. "

" It's ok. I also I'm sorry for hitting you. " I apologised, " I will surely need your help then. "

Papa smiled and gave a nod of approval. " Well, since you both are being good boys, I'm giving you both extra meat at lunch and dinner. "



I can't believe it!










I'm actually flying!

" YAHOO!!! " This feels so good, the feeling of wind blowing on my face, the sight of how I am from the ground and most importantly the excited smile of Papa.

This afternoon, Papa decided to teach us to fly. We both climb on a branch of a tall tree and from there were let our natural instinct take control and help us in learning the ability of flight.

Papa stood at the bottom if by chance we fall. It took me five trials to get the gist of flying and now I'm flying!

I turned back to look at my brother, who was still stuck on the branch, looking very nervous.

" Igor! Come on just jump! You can do it! " I encouraged him.

" Well easy for you to say! It's too high! " Igor complained.

" Papa is there at the bottom! just jump! " I said with Papa waving at us.

" Ok! Here goes nothing. " Igor took a jump and immediately starts flapping his wings frantically.

It took a few moments for him to eventually get a hang of it and was flying freely.

" I-I'm flying? " He questioned himself, " I'm flying! I'm actually flying! " He exclaimed excitedly. " Papa! I'm flying! "


{ Third person POV }

It was already night time and the Undead had begun to emerge from the dark forest. As usual, Nikolai was prepared.

Tonight was a special night for Nikolai. Tonight he was fighting the undead, while also providing entertainment for his feathered children.

" Papa! You can do it! " " Show them no mercy! The sound of his two children encouraging him filled his heart with warmth, tonight he was going to show how cool their father is.

The two brothers watch in awe as their Papa massacres all the undead that dared to come near their home.

Artom got so excited as he watched his Father mow down the undead with his sword, smashed them to pieces with his sledgehammer, and sniped them from afar with his bow and arrow. He wanted to be just like him, to massacre his enemies like his father, with a variety of weapons in his arsenal. He wanted to be a warrior like his father.

Igor on the other hand was in awe as he watched his father use his magic to stop his enemies dead in their tracks, as if they were rooted to the very ground with fear, not able to do anything just to accept their demise by his hands. He wanted to learn that, to root enemies to the ground in fear of himself and his family, he wanted to learn magic. He wanted to become a Mage.

Their aspiration that night led them to become famous in the far future. The Supernatural World came to recognize them and gave them titles for their accomplishments. One of those titles which were quite well-known was:

The Brothers of Destruction.