
Near Death

With collective efforts from Damien and the others, they wiped out 30% more, but there were still 45% more to kill.

Damien wished he was at his peak, then, they could have still stood a chance against the rest, but now that Lily's ball of light was fading into oblivion, he saw that the Xeton army was getting back into shape.

Lily seemed very exhausted after maintaining something that powerful for a while. Elor, Irene, and Leon also seemed to be reaching their limits, especially since they had used their ethereal manifestations to absorb a lot of attacks while dishing out attacks as well.

Yuria also was running out of breath after trying to control so many Spirit Weapons at the same time. If anybody else knew what she did, they would wonder how her nerves didn't burst from straining and splitting up her ethereal energy like this.