
Let's See If They Can Make Us Leave

All these four were the best among the best in the entire empire's population of young practitioners. 

They never had to give way to other youngsters or bow their heads. But now, one boy and a girl without any background were taking up a whole room to themselves.

Why would they leave just because two commoners with some money decided to take up a room?

If they left, it would mean that these four were admitting to being lesser than those two. Obviously, Reve, who was the proudest among them all, wouldn't allow it.

That was why he didn't say anything when Noel ordered the manager to drag those two out.

They don't care if the room was occupied before. If these four wanted a room, they would get a room no matter what.

Remembering the amount of Spirit Stones Damien had given him, the manager felt a bad feeling about dragging those two from their room.

Based on his gut feelings, he felt that those two were not as simple as they seemed.