
Rise of Rakshasa

An Empire that grows from ashes with fight between brothers and kings with unimaginable power. A man travelled to a parellel universe from earth ,with no strength .How will he survive and establish his empire.

moore420 · ตะวันออก
34 Chs

Prison of hanoi

After some time had elapsed, bali opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on a crude surface and was bleeding in multiple areas .


Meanwhile somewhere in the palace a beautiful women wearing crown said to the king "He's just a kid but when he's talking, he tries to act mature. He doesn't know his actions are just jokes infront of real men with power."

The king chuckled and said "The prison of hanoi is unbreakable. Unless someone from the outside opens the prison gate, no one can ever leave. There are lots of prisoners in prison of hanoi , it existed even before the kingdom of taksha. Ancestor sughriv ,the first ruler of kingdom of taksha found this place after annexing a grade 5 kingdom maurya dynasty. At that time our kingdom is at the height of power being a grade 5 kingdom itself, on the verge of becoming grade 6 ,with ancestor being a martial teacher grade 6 martial artist."

The king showed the look of admiration and desire then he sighs and says"but it all changed as they tried to explore the prison as they met lots of prisoners with powers comparable to legendary masters of continent ,thus lots of masters died only ancestor returned with injuries and his martial arts deteriorated to martial teacher grade 2 eventually diminishing the grade of our kingdom from 5 to 3 , eventually to grade 2 as we are in present day. Everyone realised through ancestor that the prison can be operated to put prisoners inside and take them out with the help of special token held by the king of maurya kingdom ,thus it is used as a prison from which escaping is just a dream".

With the scene he had just encountered quickly resurfacing in his mind, Bali's expression sank and he tries to walk to figure out what his current situation and the surrounding with difficulty .

Time passed slowly, and after walking quite a distance with injured body, bali finally heard a pair of approaching footsteps.

"They seem to have sent another person in after that old man 500 years ago. Apparently, the newcomer is a skinny young man. Who knows if he has any treasure ?"

"There's no use worrying about it, our job is just to bring him to the warlord. As he will decide his life and death" the person wearing cavemen clothing with sturdy body said.

Taking note of their approaching footsteps, Bali's brow furrowed slightly. Bali found that the auras given off by these two were very different from any he had ever encountered before they seemed a bit different from the ordinary people, there are strange tattoos in their faces.

" start moving and come with us or you will die, our Lord wants to see you!"a fat man with large biceps carrying a huge hammer said.

Bali followed them as he was sure he will be crushed if he somehow retaliate against them.After walking some distance they reached a village not far from him many men and women were staring at him curiously.

He saw that the men ,women or children no matter who they were, they all have dark tattoos ,it was quite similar to his dark red pattern in his palm. Bali secretly investigated his surroundings and noticed that these common people are atleast martial teacher from their aura as he was feeling the same pressure from them same as his father.

And he can't even determine the strength of these guys who bought him here.