
Chapter I:The Beginning

Thounsands of years had past since the races of mortals and Magicians has been brought together in the name of peace.In an obscure yet magical land of Azerba,Mages and Other magical creatures exist.And in the far East of Azerba,a vast land of Chai where mortals lived such as humans.They lived in peace and in harmony not until...

The land of Chai was ruled by a cruel King Rue in tyranny.He was taken controlled by a magician with dark magic and because he was blinded by powers,he raised his staff and summoned all the mighty legends in death to execute all the living Magicians in Azerba and to erase their land in the map of existence.

A great force of anger was summoned.The land of Azerba was fought against the might of the burning legends and they were wiped out in map of existence.

The existence of magic was long forgotten in history and was considered to be a legend.

Magicians and magic doesn't exist ....And it was believed in the time of technology.