
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in the mind]

"Harry talking"

Harry and his crew walked into the medical facility. They were greeted by both magical and nonmagical devices." Welcome Lord Pendragon and crew. My name is Dr Ross the woman standing next to me is healer Thomas. We will be in charge of conducting your medical exam. We're under accelerated time here. Before you leave all our tests will be done. Now that that's out of the way let's get started."

The Queen of England was sitting in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. It had been a little over 10 minutes. That the medical examination of Lord Pendragon at his crew had taken place. The queen watched as they entered the Great Hall. She was looking forward to talking with Lord Pendragon. There was some things that needed to be addressed. That could only be done in person. She wondered what the look on his face would be when he found out about his duty. Everyone has been looking forward to the feast. Now that Lord Pendragon have finally joined the festivities. Things would be, a lot more interesting. There was some that would not happy with his return. Draco Malfoy was one of such people. He was enjoying the fact that Lord Pendragon was not a part of the school. Now in the face of his return Draco had lost a lot of political clout. He's standing as the only air to the black family had been destroyed. With the new Lord black being the Godfather of Lord Pendragon. His hopes for inheriting the black Lord ship was further destroyed.

Professor Dumbledore trying not to let his emotions show on his face. He was not happy that Hogwarts had provided a whole table for Lord Pendragon in his crew. The castle had not been responding to him like it used to. He didn't know if it was the fact that Lord Pendragon was the actual owner of this Castle. Or there was something greater going on that he had no privy to. Either way Professor Dumbledore wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Daphne Greengrass point of view

She have been waiting for this meeting for a long time. After she found out that Draco Malfoy was not the heir to black family. She watched as Lord Pendragon and his crew walked into the building. There was a huge magical surge that went through the castle. One of the first things she noticed. Was a new table in the Great Hall. The next thing she noticed was a sword in stone. Place next to the head of the table. She can feel her beating in her chest. Is that sword is what she think it was there's a whole lot that's going to change. No matter what the medical results said.

Third party point of view

The Queen of England and her family. Immediately stood up when they saw The Sword in the Stone. Her eyes fixed on the young Lord face. Her family have been waiting for this day for centuries. The return of the King. Many others in the crowd were also starting to understand. The importance of what is about to go down. A few of the Ministers of magic understood that a lot of power had just been lost. Go with the return of the Sword in the Stone. All the proof that the young Lord Pendragon. Was the true magical King of Great Britain. As magic herself appointed him to the throne. A lot of the plans they had made. We're all for nothing.

Harry felt the changes as soon as he entered the castle. All his magic flew out of control. At the same time he felt like he was finally home. He noticed the table that appeared in the Great Hall. He also noticed the castle was changing. He could feel it something big was about to go down. The thing that stood out the most was The Sword in the Stone. He instantly knew what it was. He felt himself stiff up for a minute. Not sure what to do. Then both of his advisors tapped him on the shoulders. Seeing the look on their faces. He took a deep breath step forward and walk towards The Sword in the Stone. The four Hogwarts ghost were present around the stone. They did not try to interfere with him. Just as he was about to pull the sword from the stone. Professor Dumbledore had had came to interfere. " Now, Harry you know you don't need that. You still too young to be trying to leave the country. Why don't we just move along and leave the sword in stone."

Rharo Syko immediately moved to place himself between professor Dumbledore and his king. He was not about to have this old man try to interfere with something very important. He knew his fellow Lycans were back him up. Professor Dumbledore was in shock. No one had ever been that rude to him before. Before he could say anything else. The young Lord had pulled the sword from the stone. Professor Dumbledore felt the protections of the castle slip from his control. The bright light flashed through the whole castle. Everything evil was immediately destroyed. When the light faded floating in front of Harry. Was the fourth founding objects. Two of the objects look like they have been cracked. Harry could feel the residue of evil that was on them." Welcome home Lord Hogwarts king of Camelot. There are many things that I would like to discuss with you. We can do this at a later date. The ghost will show you to your accommodation. Hope you enjoy the feast you can reach me at any time. I'm just asked for a lady Hogwarts."

Just as fast as she appeared ,she disappeared in the same manner. Harry stood there holding Excalibur. Lost and thought for a bit. He finally realized what those residue of Darkness was. Knowing what's going to happen he signaled his crew. They surrounded him to make sure no one would interfere. They did not know what he was up to but they knew it was important. Meanwhile Professor Dumbledore steadily tried to get closer to Harry. He was having no luck that's his crew kept him away.

Harry point of view


Harry point of view ends/ third party point of view begins

Everyone went quiet not just in the Great Hall. Those who are watching on television listening to radio stations. All were quiet and waiting to see what was going to happen. Those who knew who Lord Voldemort was we're shaking. A few minutes past then one by one objects begin to appear. First to appear was a ring, a giant snake, and a deformed looking baby. Before anyone could say anything Lord Pendragon silence the baby. He looked at Dumbledore with a smile on his face. With a loud voice he began to speak again.

"As Lord of you house and King of the realm. I banish your soul to the after life. With magic as my witness for the crimes you have committed and lives you ended. Let magic judge you now!!"

Dumbledore again try to interfere with what was going on. Only for him to be knocked out. With a stunner spell fired by one of the guards. Everyone watched as the objects were wrapped in a purple light. Even two of the objects from Hogwarts Founders items. No one heard what was being said one by one the objects were released. Only two objects remained the giant snake and the deformed baby. After 5 minutes the snake was released from the purple light. Was surprised everyone as soon as the snake was released it transformed into a Asian woman. Immediately Harry's guards covered the woman with a cloth. Moving here to the side where they can find out more information from her. Making sure that her dignity was intact as she had no clothes on. As more Aurors started to appear. To help keep the situation from spilling out of control. The purple light surrounding the deformed baby disappeared. Everyone heard in their minds that Tom Riddle was guilty and his punishment was death. All those who were enslaved by Tom Riddle would be judged. If they were innocent or if they were bound into servitude without their free will. They would be released all evidence would be turned over to the proper authorities. What's that the purple light disappeared from the Great Hall. Elsewhere men and women were being picked up by purple light. To be judged by Magic whether they should live or die. This caught a whole lot of people off guard. Witch the local Auror Department and the ICW Aurors working hand to get these criminals locked up. Or to free some of them as magic would provide them with the paperwork on the judgment.

Back at Hogwarts students teachers and visitors all were in shock. About what they just saw and heard. Harry knew that there will be a lot of questions to be asked. It was the queen of England who called for the feast to begin. That helped put a distraction on what was going on. Harry and his crew could hear the discussions growing on at the table around them. He also noticed that a few girls were looking at him wanting to talk to him. He shook his head when he looked at his former best friend. Ron Weasley was showing jealousy anger written all over his face. Hermione Granger was looking like she wanted to talk to him. She was sitting with two other girls that he did not know.

Amelia Bones had her Department moving quickly to secure Albus Dumbledore, and that woman. After sending both of them away for interrogation. She walked over to the table where the young king now set." Excuse me, Lord Pendragon would you mind if I had a moment of your time?" Harry looked up from the table see who was talking to him. " You have me at a disadvantage Miss? Would you like to sit down? We can talk here undisturbed." Amelia sat down at the table with him and his crew. " My name is Amelia Bones head of the Department of Law Enforcement. It is nice to meet you. Now I have a few questions that would like you to answer. Well Lord Pendragon what are your plans now? The first trial of the tournament will start in 2 days. With all that was just revealed the ministry and the International Conference of wizards. Are going to be very busy. On what Authority did you banish Voldemort soul? Do you know who that woman that was a snake is? Finally what do you want done with Albus Dumbledore?"

" It's was my authority that I banished Tom's soul. He not only attacked his head of house, but he also attacked the king of the realm. With those two crimes alone I was able to banish his soul to Magic's judgment. Ask for all his other crimes that he committed. You should have a stack of paperwork that has appeared on your desk. As far as the woman is concerned. I do not know who she is, but I know she was a victim. After you get through interrogating her I would like to offer her sanctuary. As for Albus Dumbledore find out why he tried to stop me. As he had no room to interfere with my decisions. I look forward to working with you and the ministry. Hopefully we'll get to talk a little later, but I see the Queen is making her way towards me. Good luck in your investigations."

Amelia look behind her and seen what he said was true. Queen Elizabeth II was making her way over to his table. Amelia stood up and moved away. She had a lot of work to get done in a very short time to get it done in. She couldn't help but smile at all the changes that were about to happen. Also she was really looking forward to seeing the look on Lucius Malfoy's face. When no amount of money or political friends could get him out of trouble. She would finally be able to drop that hammer of Justice on all those Death Eaters that got away. As well as clear all those who are under spells. Hermione, Susan, and Luna all were waiting for a chance to talk with Harry. Noticing Queen Elizabeth II was making her way to carry Hermione signaled the girls to wait. She did not want to interrupt an important conversation. There will be plenty of time for them to talk. She can almost imagine the look on his face and once he finds out. Too bad Ron could not get a hold of his jealousy. It had ruined their friendship and that by the looks of it it ruined his friendship with Harry as well.

Lord Pendragon talking with the current ruler of Britain did not go unnoticed. There were other politicians who wanted to talk with him as well. They were all taking their time waiting for the opportunity to talk with him. The current minister of magic for Britain had other things on his mind. He did not know what was going. He had a feeling that his friendship with Lucius Malfoy and a few other promising purebloods. Was about to get him in major trouble. He was getting ready to signal Dolores Umbridge to leave. When a group of Aurors and their counterparts for the ICW showed up. Cornelius fudge did not have anything to say. As they arrested him along with the Dolores Umbridge. Cornelius doing his heart that his career was over. There will be a new Minister of Magic before the day was out. The look of disappointment from the Muggle Queen pissed him off. Before he could do anything he was stunned and dragged out of the Great Hall.

After Harry had talked with his new aunt Elizabeth. He called for a house elf to be led to his Chambers. It had been a long day he for him and his crew. He would have to talk with others tomorrow. Seeing a few people approach him he told them all the same thing he will make time to talk with him tomorrow. " you just couldn't get enough of yourself Potter. I don't care what fancy titles you give yourself. You're still the same Half Blood with no knowledge. Even worse now that your animal on top of that. Don't worry when my father hears about this he'll make sure to put you down like the animal you are." Harry held up his hand to stop his crew from attacking Draco Malfoy. He started to laugh at what Draco had just said. Knowing that Draco was too caught up with his jealous rant. To understand the implications of what he was talking about. To make matters worse his own father was probably in jail or dead by now. Harry could not believe that he used to entertain this fool. " That was the best joke I've heard all day. You really need to understand who you're talking to Draco. Do you not recognize these rings? How about the sword on my hip? Aww I see you finally realize the trouble you're in. I'm in a forgiving moods Draco get out of my face and I'll forget about what happened. Continue to stand there and you'll stand trial alongside your father." It didn't take long for Draco to run away from him. That made Harry and his crew laugh even more. Finally making it too the room Harry thanked the elf. Took a shower and went to bed.

Jaa Feles and Rharo Syko where sitting down talking about everything that was going on. Going over with a new from the memories of the king and also seen it from themselves. They began to make plans to help their King. First thing was to handle the meetings with different politicians. Jaa was going to handle talking with the politicians. As he was most familiar with that line of work. Rharo was going to be talking with the house elves. To get a feel on where they loyalty lied. Also to better understand their species as a whole. After coming to agreement they sent off the report to the rest of the crew that came with him. On the ship that Lord Pendragon came down on. The few crew that stayed on the ship received the report. They immediately forwarded to the Mothership. That way everyone knew what was going on and what to plan for.

Meanwhile on planet Mars the construction was still going on. They were actually ahead of schedule. Soon they would have a city to call their own. As well as the planet in which they have now claimed for themselves. This was just one of many contingency plans. In case the Earthlings did not accept their King. Also for the king to have his own sanctuary. Everyone was excited that their long journey had finally come to an end.

Harry woke early the next morning. After having a good night sleep. Getting so cleaned up and dressed for the day. He walked out into the main room. He saw his two lieutenants waiting on him. The rest of his crew went back to the ship. After listening to their advice he agreed with their plan. With their help navigating through the political lands cape. Would be much easier. He was looking forward to talking to some of his friends.

thanks to everyone who reads my stories. I'm doing my best to make sure that all my stories are coming out on time. I am limiting myself to one chapter first story a month. I might be able to get more in but I have increased the word count on my stories. hope you continue reading enjoy your day

Dragonreedcreators' thoughts