
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in the mind]

Dumbledore watched as a group of men and women. leave from the main group and head towards the hospital wing. He was waiting for Paul to continue his speech. "Well now that you know why I am here. Let's get everyone to take a vow not to disclose. What I am about to say."

Paul then looked Alastor Moody. He gave a single to the man and waited for a response. After a few minutes, Alastor was stunned for behind and put into cuffs. Everyone was taken back by what just happened. Dumbledore got over his shock first. "Why is Alastor being contained?" Paul looked at Dumbledore like he was stupid. Then he did a single to him, and Dumbledore responded back. "That is why. He did not know the response. So, he is not Alastor Moody. We are going to find out who he is, though. My team needs to do a sweep of the castle. Everything needs to be looked at. I want to know the status of your wards and make sure there are no curses in this school."

Cornelius Fudge looked like he wanted to say something. Not fully understanding what is going on. He looked around at his fellow Ministers of Magic. Seeing they know what was going on, he felt dumb. He would have to ask Dumbledore later about this.

Harry Mind

Harry found himself deep within his mind. Sorting through memories and experience from the other souls. The souls were three kings, a space pirate, a scientist, and the last two we're regular humans, another word. Important thing he learned from all their experience. Was to you live your life to the fullest. No one was going to hand you a good life. You had to work for it. It was like awakening from a dream. Knowing he did not have much time.

Hogwarts hospital wing

Madam Pomfrey was just about to read the results of her scans. When the door opened, five people walked into the room. "What are you doing here? This is a place for healing. I will not have you miss with those under my care."

The group just laughed, and one man stepped forward. "Good evening, Madam Pomfrey. My name is Merkulov Damian. I'm a Hit Wizard from ICW. With me are Newton Artemis Fido Scamander or Newt, an Unspeakable, Ambika Parachure, and Battista Abruzzese. We are here to run some tests on the young man. He just escaped from a Wizard experimentation camp. We don't know all of what they did to him. Do you know who he is? Or will we have to send for the Goblins?"

Harry was woken up by the talking. Thinking about everything he was hearing. He decided to take matters into his hands. "I would like to go to the Goblins myself. If that is not too much trouble. I will cooperate with you. I would like to know what was done to me. What are you planning to do to me?"

Newt looked at the young man and smiled. "Well depending on what we find. Be warned you might be able to live in Britain anymore. Regardless of what we find."

Harry knew what Magical Britain thought of non-human or had breeds. He would have to move fast. No one would cage him again. After two hours of test. They finally left him to rest. Meanwhile, in the ICW Headquarters, an emergency meeting was going on. "What are we going to do with all experimental subjects. Most of them don't have full control of their abilities. It'll be a danger to us to allow them anywhere near our magical settlements. I personally believe that we should send them off world. It has been revealed that the gate of death is a portal to another universe. Let them deal with them."

The meeting lasted a full night. They finally came to an agreement. All of the experimental subjects were to be thrown in the gate of death, better known as the veil of death. The orders were put out. They had to move fast before some change there mind. Harry had just gotten when Dobby popped in on him. /Master Harry, we have a problem. Some bad men want to kill you. I will take you to Gringotts. / After changing his clothes, Dobby pop, them to the bank.

The meeting with the goblins did not take long he able to get everything done. Just as he was about to leave, he was hit with a stunner and knocked out. Dobby tried to help him and was knocked out also. They left the house elf there. While they took Harry. The Goblins did nothing but watch. As the wizards did this. As they had been paid quite well, for this to be done on their land.

A few minutes later, the group was before the Veil of Death. Not wanting to be too close to it, they. Used a banishing charm to send him through the veil. After that was done, they left to go report that the job was done. Meanwhile, in Hogwarts, a few documents of paper suddenly appeared of Dumbledore desk. By the time he would read them all he'll would break loose.

Unknown Location

Harry felt hot. Moving, he could feel sand all over him. Shifting to his gaint wolf from. He dug himself out of the sand. The first thing he noticed was two suns in the sky. He was not on Earth anymore. Then he smelled someone close and moving fast. Needing information about here he is. He decided to head off the person.

Running fast enough to get ahead of the man. He could tell by the smell he was a man. Looking at the male life form, he saw the dust trail that was being created by some form of a long type of bike as it sped across the desert towards him. The look of shock on it face was funny. Before it could do anything, Harry was in it mind.

Polukas, the Rodian, was the basic standard fair of criminals found here on the planet Tatooine, which was out in the ass end of the galaxy. Polukas had decided to do something admittedly risky, as he chanced pissing off the locals, but it had a nice payoff. That being, hitting a local moisture farmer, something that nearly everyone but the ruling Hutts required to live here, therefore something frowned upon by others to prey on, including other criminals. Even still, it was only frowned upon and not at all illegal, as there were very few rules here on this planet.

Harry killed him and took everything he had. The main currency used on this planet was something called a Peggat, which was made out of pure gold. Harry could make that very easy. So he didn't have to worry about money. Getting on the speeder bike, he headed to Mos Espa. Taking him a few hours to get there.

The first thing he needed was a place to stay. Then, figure out what he wanted to do. Heading home would be the last thing on the list. With all the new technology to pay with. It will take a while to find out where Earth was. Not to mention the group of people in power. He would need his own group of followers. This planet would be a good start.

The city was different for what he was used to. The roads were mostly dirt and not well taken care of. He pulls into a place to park his new speeder. Using the memories of Polukas. He knew where to go. Before heading over to the realtor, he put a few spells on his speeder. So no one could take it from him.


Meanwhile, back on Earth. Albus Dumbledore, finally. Had a chance to sit down and go over paperwork for the school. With having to redo the section process for The Triwizard Tournament. It was a mess he was glad that he only had one job now. After reading and singing some documents. He came across the findings of the team from the ICW. As he was reading it, the temperature around him started to drop. The young man had been Harry Potter. The that where done to him was unbelievable. What more he had become a cure for werewolves. The thing that set him off was a notice from the ICW. Saying that all experimental subjects were to be thrown in the Veil of Death. Looking at the devices, he had to monitor Harry. He notices that he still could not find Harry's location, but he was alive. That calms him down somewhat.

Dumbledore knew that Wizarding World was going to throw a fit. When they found out what happened to Harry. He knew just the person for the job. He just has to accidentally let her know. Dobby woke in the office of Gringotts. /Where is Master Harry/ The Goblin behind the desk. Look at him for a bit, trying to decide what to tell him.

"Your master was thrown in the Veil of Death a few hours ago. The thing is that he is still alive. We don't know how. Orders from above made us not act when they took him. I hope that will answer all of your questions. Now I have work to do you may leave." Dobby popped away from the goblin. He arrived at his master hideout. Something he set up during the end of his second year. Knowing that he will be falling asleep soon. He made his way to send off two letters. Dobby could feel his master getting more powerful. It was feeding back into him. So he popped into his room and went to sleep. Dobby knew when he woke. He would be a lot stronger.


Harry had found a place to stay. It was getting late. So he decided to get what he needed for his new home. After getting something from the local market. Apparating back to his speeder. He took it to his new home. As he pulls up to the place. He noticed that the walls around his place needed to be fixed. Putting that aside for the morning. He went inside, looking around at the open space and the house. Turning around, he begins to cast some spells. To let him know if anyone tried to come get him. This was not a nice place to live. The strong prey on the weak.

In Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Yoda and a few other Jedi master. Where talking about the disturbance in the Force. Weather it was a good thing or bad thing. As they could not tell if it was light or dark side. The same thought was going through Palpatine mind. He reached out into the dark side of the force, trying to find the answer. He did not want anything to mess up his plans.

Finding nothing, he pulled away from the dark side before the Jedi could feel him. Things were going to his plans, and the Jedi did not know. They were on borrow time.

Early the next morning, Harry got up and ate breakfast. Checking his clothes, he found his trunk was still in his pocket. He was happy that he did not have to start all the way over. Putting that to the side. He needed personal as he could do everything by himself.

Making his way to the slave market. He came across something interesting. His magic pulls to a small stand on the road. Where an old man was sitting. With a sing as for help. "What kind of help you need, old timer?" Harry asked. The old man looked at him and spoke. "I need some to buy back my daughter. She was sold in slavery. I am willing to give all that I have for her to be free."