
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'



[Wolf talking in the mind]

"Harry talking"

[Point Of View]

Making their way to the Great Hall. Harry and his two lieutenants wondered what the politicians had in store for them. The justice department has been busy all night long. So they didn't have to worry anything about that for now. Harry also wanted to talk to a few of his friends. He also needed to test out of his owls and newts. He would not be taking any more classes. As he had his own Nation to run.

[Ron Weasley]

I could not believe it. They actually let that Beast back into the school. Looking at what used to be his best friend. All I can see was a beast that has no place with Wizards. Standing up confronting his former friend. So I decides to put the record straight once and for all. "WELL LOOK WHO IT IS. THE BEAST HIMSELF COMING TO GRACE AS WITH HIS PRESENCE. WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!! GOT BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!" I didn't even get to finish what I was saying because my world turned black.


The whole crowd watched as Hermione Granger Ronald Weasley out. She was standing there breathing hard and crying. She cannot believe what Ronald had just said. She turned and faced Harry. Instead of apologizing for Ronald. Like she normally would have in the past. She just ran to him and gave him a bone crushing hug. The whole speech had a mixed reaction. The politicians and various leaders wondered what was going on. Some of the students were calculating. Trying to see if they can use this to their advantage or how Harry would react. There were a few students that were completely on Harry Potter side. Either way Professor Dumbledore stood up. To take control of the situation. He did not want things escalate any further. Especially with the whole world watching everything that is going on.

[Daphne Greengrass]

I can't believe what I just heard. Ronald Weasley of all people disrespecting his so-called best friend. Well there goes to Golden Trio. I haven't felt this relaxing years. It feels like the curse is retreating from something. Looking around the only thing that I can pinpoint. It's the fact the feeling is coming from Harry and His Friends. I must get close to him. For he might be the key to finally beating the curse of my family.


"All right student settle down. It's now time for our champions to have presented. We have in attendance the Queen of England, the prime minister of England, the minister of magic for Great Britain, the minister of magic for France, the minister of magic for Germany, two Representatives from NATO, and two Representatives from the International Conference of wizards. For those of you who don't know. I am Professor Albus Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am so glad to have you all here. After lunch we will have our first task. Please note to be respectful at all times. As we have guests not only here, but also everyone around the world is watching this event. There will be no tolerance for disobedient, rough housing, pranks, and racism."

Lunch was a quiet affair for Harry and his crew. Hermione, and Neville we're the only ones who openly expressed they were happy he was back. Everyone else was kind of standoffish. Not that he could blame them. Discrimination and racism was in full effect in the Wizarding World. He knew that he would be facing centuries of prejudice. Not that it bothered him any. He only needed them for his grades. After that he would no longer stay on this planet. Whether he forms any other allies before he leaves. It's a different animal all together. Harry along with the other champions made their way to the Champions tent. There they waited for the officials to tell them what they had to face. Memories begin to stir within Harry. It was like he already knew what the event was going to be. At the same time his memories were completely different from what he experienced. So he just used what was useful to him and everything else he pushed to the side. Whether he had to fight dragons, merman, or Challenger maze. He would be ready for it all.

[Lord Sirius Black]

Today is a very good day for me. Not only is my godson about to show off. I get to see who truly will be on his side. I have already gotten the ministry to agree. To him taking his exams early. It would look good for them to have him test it out of school. That'll give him time to run his own kingdom. It was quite a surprise for me to find out that Queen Elizabeth II. Was like an aunt to him. Which means everything he does. Will now be publicized for everyone to see. I had wanted to give Ronald Weasley a piece of my mind. Though his twin brother seem to have that handle. I also got some good news from the doctors from Harry ship. It looks like I can find a Lady Black soon. As I see the announcers getting ready to start the event. I focus I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when Harry wins it all.


In the tent Harry looked around at his competition. He can tell right away. That he will get nothing for trying to be friends with two other three champions. They were giving him disgusted vibes, and he could smell their fear. The only one who wasn't giving him any kind of vibes. Was the only woman champion Fleur Delacour. Taking a look at her he could tell she was beautiful. It came a surprise to him that she was giving all a cautious feeling. Like she was trying to hide her presence from him. Taking a sniff of the air he realized she wasn't fully human. Smiling to himself Harry found it funny. To find someone else in a similar situation as him.

He had no time to wonder about me that. The judges for the tournament had just walked into the tent. Looking at the judges he noticed that he had Prince William as a judge for him. He really must think his auntie. With his own judge it makes things harder for people trying to twist the tournament. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Percy Weasley. I'll be in charge of issuing you your test today. Due to some unwanted activity. The previous judge has been arrested. Now to move on with the event each of you will reach your hand in the bag and and pull out the Beast that you will face. Because of time constraints and the untimely arrest of the former judge. This test is pretty straightforward, but the next two tests have been changed. Now as they says ladies first."

It was his no surprise to Harry that every champion got the same dragon as in his memory. Then things took a turn for the worst. They cannot summon anything outside of the Ring to help them. There will also be cameras both magical and non-magical. Taking pictures, recording and broadcasting all over the world. Which means Harry's enemies would see everything he does. On the bright side it also meant that whoever put his name in the tournament could no longer cheat.

Cedric Diggory I came out first to face his opponent. Giving a quick look around he noticed. There's a lot more room than what he expected. He can see the dragon standing in front of her nest. He can clearly see that the golden egg was pushed to the side of that nest. Knowing they did that so there'd be less chance to hurt the Dragon eggs. His father had let him know ahead of time what was going on. As you begin to move towards the Dragon. He began to use a series of transfiguration spells. On the Rocks around the Arena. Turning them into dogs, wolves, and birds. This was his strategy to distract his dragon the Swedish short-snout. The dragon looked at the wolves and dogs. Breathing fire at the birds. Seeing his plan work Cedric made his way to the nest. All the while keeping his eye on the Dragon. Making sure it did not turn his attention back to him. He did not want to be permanently dispute, or eaten. As he was moving he knows he could not hear the crowd, nor could he hear the announcer. He didn't have much time to think about that as the last of the rules were being eaten. He has finally gotten the golden egg that was making his way back. When he noticed his creatures he created were no longer distracting the Dragon. Feeling intense Heat heading towards him give me the dive to the ground. Looking as Dragonfire flew over his head. He looked out being able to dodge the Flame. Rolling to his feet saying he was almost to the medical tent. He took his wand out and began to fire off some spells. This time the dragons tail caught him. Hit him so hard that it actually pushed him the final stretch of the way. Immediately the dragon handlers came in to subdue the Dragon. Wow the medical team came out and pulled into the tent.

Many in the crowd were surprised to see a group of robots come out of the medical tent. They watched as these robots picked up Cedric and moved him into the safety of the medical tent. A few pure Bloods were highly upset. That scene what they considered muggle artifacts. Knowing they cannot say too much as times were changing. There were quite a few of them in jail. Ever since Harry Potter came back. The world has been an uproar. Things haven't been going well especially for Great Britain. When the queen found out she still had power over the subjects that use Magic. Her legal team have been going through every law that was ever written. All the trials for the Death Eaters, rapist, murders, and slavers. So all the purebloods have been laying low. Not wanting to be caught up in that mess. All the while hoping it just goes away.

What's the tracking handles finally got the Swedish short-snot. Out of the arena with her eggs. They brought in the next dragon. The common Welsh green.

Fleur Delacour what's up next. As the cannon fire went off. She walked out of the tent. She began to sing and dance for the Dragon. All the while using an enchantment to make the dragon sleep. The dragon having been watching her for a while begin to nod off. As soon as it fell asleep she began to move towards the nest. Seeing her goal was in sight she slowly stopped singing. After getting her a she was making her way back. When the dragon suddenly snorted and a group of dragon fire through out of its nose. Landing on her clothes catching them on fire. She immediately ran to the medical team hoping they will be able to put out the fire. Most of the men in the crowd was disappointed that they could not really hear her voice. This was due to new technology being applied to the tournament. Harry's forces had come down and expected the grounds were the first task of the tournament was to take place. As they could not send humans or any other species. They let their Droids do the work. So not only could she not hear the crowd, and they could not hear her. The women on the other hand were happy. As I didn't have to deal with Spellbound fools trying to prove themselves too another woman.

Viktor Krum was ready to face the Chinese fireball. When the cannon fire went off, he rushed out of the tent. His strategy was real straightforward. Firing off a Conjunctivitis Cures at the dragon's eyes. Blinding the Dragon so that he could move forward to get the egg. The Chinese fireball immediately started to rage. Flying off dragon fire, swinging its tail and stomping its feet. All the while trying to protect her eggs. Unfortunately for Victor the golden egg that he was supposed to get. Was immediately squashed by the Dragon. After it was stepped on it was kicked towards him. All in all he managed to get the egg. Even though it now look like a flat pancake made of gold. Carefully making his way back to the finish line. He made sure not to be in the way of any of those fire blasts going off. The dragon handlers on the other hand. Had their hands full trying to calm the dragon down. It took them 10 minutes to finally get everything under control. The announcer allows the crowd to take a quick break. As they had to rearrange the arena. For the final dragon and champion. For the people who are watching the task on television. It was something completely out of a science fiction movie. Now knowing that most of the things they seen on science fiction is now science fact. Many look forward to see the last task and the one who caused the big change in the world.

The Hungarian Horntail was not in a good mode. First she did not like being around a lot of people. She gets practically smell the people from where she was. Two they were threatening her eggs. While she would mostly like to kill them. She could not really do anything about it right at this moment. The last thing she could sense another Predator near. It gave off a very dangerous vibe. Even for a great Dragon like her. It would prove to be a great challenge. If not for the fact that she had to guard her eggs. She would have welcomed this challenge with open arms. The handlers came in to move her. She did not even put up a fight. One thing was for certain. Either she lives through this encounter or she dies. She planned on going down fighting either way. That's why she saved her strength when they came to move her.

Harry Potter was waiting for the cannon blast to go off. He was not going to use his broom for this task. He had other things in mind that he wanted to try. Boom!! The cannon fire went off. As Harry emerged from the tent. He sees a very big dragon waiting for him. As he stares at her she's also staring back at him. So Harry decided to try his first approach. Hoping that he can end this force of a tournament quickly. ^Greetings great mother. My name is Harry Potter. I mean you and your children no harm. I would like to get the fake egg that was placed next to your nest. That way you can go back home faster.^

The Horntail look at this new predator. She understood what he said, but she also knew they spiked her with some potion. Making it hard for her to think straight. Instead of giving an answer. She drew in a deep breath and blew fire at him. Wow also pulling at her chain. Since she could not in this civil. She decided she's going out fighting. Potion or no potion she would die her own way.

Harry immediately dodged to the side. Casting his own version of a fire repellent Shield. He began to move trying different things on the dragon. Then he smells something. That immediately made him angry. Potions someone spiked this dragon. He could tell by the way the chains are starting to bend. That she would not be contained for long. Knowing this just became a life of death battle. He immediately said in Parseltongue that he will take care of her kids. Wow he's summoned the sword of Gryffindor. This will be the first time since the chamber of Secrets. That he used this sword. The audience was in shock to see such a mythical sword appear. A lot of the Hogwarts students remembered what happened the second year. Many of them now wondered if the stories were true. That he killed a basilisk and save the school. Harry on the other hand. Had his hands full dodging dragon breath, sharp claws, and its spiked tail. From the outside it looked like the two were fighting in a lethal dance. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Wondering who's going to win this deadly Tango. Both Harry and the Dragon for looking for opening. Then a chance can the dragon overextended one of his attacks. Giving Harry the opportunity for a clean blow to the chest. Harry not letting that opportunity pass by immediately move. Piercing the Dragon in its chest. After piercing Dragon the chest he quickly moved backwards. So that he will not be caught in any counter attack from the Dragon. With one final Roar the Hungarian horntail died. Harry stood and looked at the great Beast. He had my respect for her. Even though she was potion she still chose to die in warriors death. Looking up at the crowd he cleaned the carcass and the eggs. By right of Conquest so that none could challenge him on what to do with the dragon's body and her eggs.

Prince William had watched all that taking place in this task. He was a seemingly happy that his cousin made it through okay. He was just getting used to the idea of having a magical cousin. Knowing that he would have to report to his mother and his grandmother. All that he saw and heard personally. Looking at his fellow judges he wondered how they would score the champions. He also knew that Parliament was having a meeting while this was going on. The Wizarding World of Great Britain would have to change. Hopefully without bloodshed. He couldn't say the same for other Wizarding communities around the world.

thanks, everyone for reading my story. I'm doing my best to release one chapter per story a month. my daughter just had a baby so I've been running around trying to help her out. thanks for the support till next time.

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