
Rise Of Legends: Machine Vs Magic

The quest for power is splitting the land of Aio apart. You either chose the technical ingenuity of the Vinci army or the mystical might of the Alin army. But Ling doesn't want to choose. But when she accidentally unleashes an ancient power within her she must travel through Aio and lands beyond to prevent the two warring armies and stop the evil manipulating both sides.

CaramelCam26 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

CHAPTER 1: The Forbidden Forest

Aio. It was a land of power and respect. And the people were united. At least for a little while.

Soon enough conflict grew and Aio was split terribly in half, forming two new countries Vamporiya and Lymin. You either chose the technical ingenuity of the Vincai or the magical might of the Alinus army. The two countries warred against each other. To some the century long battle would not end until one country cam out on top. To others this fight was as meaningless as straws in the wind. And Ling Chen was one of them. Ling was a 17 year old girl, living in one of the few neutral cities. Nolomish wasn't big but it was home. The people in the city did not choose sides.

But Nolomish was right on the middle of Aio, separating Vamporiya and Lymin. There was always the worry that the two bloodthirsty armies would fight again this time using Nolomish as a battlefield.

But Ling wasn't particularly worried even with the booms of explosions in the distance. Today the city was nervous but everyone went about their daily activities. Ling quickly walked to her home, bowing her head to those she knew in her neighborhood. The entire city was familiar with Ling because of her brother, Samuel. Samuel was a genius and was an amazing mechanic. He was silly and sweet and Ling loved him dearly for that. Ling lived on a large and very tall rocky outcrop at the very edge of the city. Steps were carved into it and Ling walked up them opening the iron gate surrounding the long red and jade house at the top of the outcrop.

With a smile she set the basket down she had gotten from the market next to one of the large and beautiful red stone pillars holding the temple like structure up. "Mama! I'm back!" She shouted. "Ok, Ling. Go check on your brother for me." her mother called from inside the house. Ling smirked and walked around back to the very large courtyard in the back of the house. In the middle was a long stable, which housed Ling's horse, Spartan and two other horses.

To the right was a large cherry blossom tree with a little vegetable garden surrounding it. In between the garden and the stables was a large shed. This was Samuel's workshop. On cue, there was a bright flash inside and a bang and some cursing. Ling tried not to giggle as she walked into the shed. Samuel stood by a long work bench waving a hand in front of his face as smoke billowed out of a little device on the table. The shed was messy, pieces of metal and wood scattered around the small space. Shelves held up bins full of nails, gadgets, and tools.

He wore brown trousers and a shirt, sleeves rolled up. Goggles sat on top of his head and oil stains dotted his face. He looked up noticing Ling by the door and he grinned.

"Ah, Xiǎo zhànshì. Back early?" He asked. Ling smiled at his nickname and nodded. She never understood why her brother insistently called her that. 'Little Warrior.' she was the farthest thing from a warrior. She didn't talk much but usually when she did people tended to listen. But Ling frowned at Samuel's burnt hands. "What happened?" She asked quietly as she took both of his rough calloused hands in hers, examining them closely.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Samuel said, laughing at Ling's expression. "Ling! Samuel! Dinner!" Their mother called. Ling gave Samuel a we'll-talk-about-this-later look.

The siblings walked into the house. It was long at least 200 square feet. Teak screens separated their living room/dining room from the kitchen. To the left was the three bedrooms all separated by a larger and much more thicker teak screens. Ling sat quietly at the low table crossing her legs as their mother brought the food to them. Nathalie was a petite women with long black locks and the same green eyes as Ling. She had a small content smile and Ling loved the way her eyes crinkled up when she was happy.

They all closed their eyes and prayed over the food before digging in. It was mostly silence on Ling's part but the others kept the conversation going. suddenly, Samuel cleared his throat making Ling look up. She frowned noticing how tense her mother looked. "Is..something wrong?" Ling asked tentatively.

"Samuel has some...news." Nathalie said, smile forced. Ling glanced at her brother who was currently fidgeting with something that looked like the little device that had blown up in Sam's face in the shed earlier.

"Xiǎo zhànshì. Don't get mad ok?" Samuel said. Ling nodded, though she was not sure what he could possibly say that would make her angry.

"I have decided to join the Vincai army." Samuel said. Ling blinked, processing. Then came the anger. "What? What do you mean you are joining?" She said, voice dangerously low. Samuel sighed. "It's for the best, Xiǎo zhànshì. I could earn a lot more money by making tech for the army than I ever could selling my gadgets to the town's people."

"No! Y-you can't go! You promised to stay with us after dad left. And now you want to abandon us like he did." Ling shouted standing up. "Ling, that's enough." Nathalie said. Ling turned to glare at her. "And what about you? You are just gonna let him go? Let him slip through your fingers like dad?" Nathalie gasped, hurt.

"Ling! Apologize!" Samuel snapped. Ling shook her head. With that she turned and ran out of the house crying. Why? Why? Why did Samuel have to leave like him?

Ling never met her father. But she had heard stories about him. How he was a strong kind man. Until he learned that Nathalie was pregnant. he became a totally different person yelling at Nathalie and blaming her for their money problems. 7 years after Samuel was born, he left. And Nathalie had to fend for herself. And now she was letting Samuel go too. Fine. let him go. She wouldn't be there when he did leave. As Ling made her way to the stables, she was unaware of a large hawk flying a little too low overhead, eyes watching her intently.



To be honest I'm not that good at this so show some suport and love ok.

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