
Chapter 4: Gregorovitch's wand

As Mihal finished testing his wand, he asked, "Do you have any holsters Mr.Ollivander?"

"You won't need one, here you go, a dueling holster," replied Uncle Ben from the back, "But, it seems like I'll need to get you an ankle holster for your Gregorovitch wand."

Mihal's face slowly went from confusion to pure joy. As Mihal realized the promise he made to Ollivander with the mention of his other wand. He reached to his back and pulled out the wand made by his grandfather. As Mihal slowly handed to Ollivander, the look of surprise started to creep on the wrinkled face of the old man.

"Hhhmmmm, quite interesting, 13 inches, unyielding, hornbeam, and thestral tail hair. I see. Your grandfather was able to make the tail hair stable. Incredible the use of hornbeam was not rejected."

"Yes, Mr.Ollivander according to my grandfather he would not be able to replicate it. He said it was half luck, half fate for him to make this wand."

With a satisfied look, Ollivander handed the wand back to the rightful owner. "Here you might enjoy this, my notes on the various wand woods."

Mihal looked at the precious notes. "Thank you Mr.Ollivander," whispered Mihal, who was quite shocked by the actions of the old wandmaker.

"Remember Mr. Gregorovitch, the wand chooses the wizard, but I doubt I must remind you of that," Ollivander said with an amused tone.

With a final goodbye, Uncle Ben and Mihal left the dusty old shop of Ollivander's.



March 16th 1991

Somewhere in Bulgaria(Looked online, couldn't find the location so Bulgaria.)

In a small workshop filled with dust, an old man with long gray hair, and stormy gray eyes that were the trademark of the Gregorovitch family sat there on a stool, in front of an oak workbench.

"Finally, I finished. Only took a year," with a light chuckle the old man stood up and brushed himself off.

"He'll love the present I have in store for him."

Around 1 pm, the fireplace to his home quickly spat out a young recently turned eleven-year-old out of the emerald green fire.

"Grandpa!!!" Mihal exclaimed as he ran into a hug to his grandfather.

"It's been too long, my dear Mihal, you've grown. I can see you'll grow into a fine wizard," claimed Gregorovitch.

"Come, come I got some presents for you," said Gregorovitch with clear excitement in his voice. Gregorovitch walked with a little hop in his step as he was excited to see the reaction of his dear grandson.

"Here you go, the finest wand I have ever made," said Gregorovitch, as he handed a wand to the young Mihal.

Quite surprised to get a wand, he slowly took the brown wand with a simple design. With a rush, he felt a surge of power coursing through his body. With a slight smile on the young boy's he asked, "Grandpa what's the wand made of?"

The old man responded with, "Unyielding, 13 inches, made of Hornbeam for the wands, and thestral hair."

The boy quickly asked with a bewildered look on his face, "I thought you said that thestral hair is extremely unstable, and not only that when wand cores are made with it they're not loyal wands?"

"Yes, because the loyalty aspect, is what I see as the greatest flaw of the wands made from thestral tail hair as the core. However the instability is from the wand wood. Strangely enough, the wand wood that is seemingly the opposite of the thestral hair when it comes to the nature of the material worked quite well"

As Mihal stood there in silence admiring the wand his grandfather had made. He knew how hard his grandfather had worked to make this wand for him. With tears swelling up he walked to his grandfather, and gave him a great hug.

Once they separated, Gregorovitch went down on one knee and said, "Here, my notes on the various wand core materials I've worked on. Also some books on defensive and offensive magic passed down by the Gregorovitch family."

With the tears drying up from his wet face, Mihal whispered, "Thank you grandpa, I'll make you proud."

"I hope you know Mihal, I will always be proud of you," replied Gregorovitch with a warm smile. "Now let's get you fed, and work on your lessons."

After a week and a half of practicing magic, and using the Gregorovitch family knowledge, which ranged from occlumency, to the Gregorovitch magical theory.

"Remember Mihal, Intent and Will are the most important part of the spell," stated Gregorovitch in a harsh tone, "Alright, good job, unfortunately, it's time for you to go home."

With a sad look on the boy's face, he replied, "Okay."

"You'll be going to Hogwarts soon, remember to explore the castle. A school that old is bound to have good adventures, and lastly don't forget to write to this lonely old man." Gregorovitch chuckled as he said these last words.

"Of course, I will," with a slightly sad look on his face he turned toward the fireplace, to return to his lonely home.


Might release another chpt today who knows. Constructive criticism welcome, also any ideas are welcome, just post them into the comments.