

Lan Lian grew up in a dazed manner, walked her way dazedly and just when she thought she could just close her eyes and finally just rest, destiny sent her to another place, another time and another realm. Realizing what happened after she opened her eyes she made a new resolution, just accept it as it is. But accepting was not a smart move. Or was it?

DaoistToDieFor · ย้อนยุค
17 Chs

16. The hope never dies

Guests soon were gone and while servants cleaned the yard where tables and ceremony were held, Lan Lian sat with her family.

''Did you speak with the Xi boy?'' Her grandfather was smiling from ear to ear while looking at his granddaughter.

Everyone looked ta her with smiles, but at the same time with worry. A warm hand covered hers and she turned her head to meet two warm brown eyes that belonged to her father. She knew already that he will come back and the next few days will probably last time she sees him.

He was a sickly young man, but the Lan family never spoke about it. Working in stables was not a job he could handle so his condition became severe. When they finally came back, his health was already beyond any help.

They didn't want to tell her so they kept it secret, but unintentionally she heard servants talking. If she asked to stay longer, she was sure Xi Haouming would accept it, but the Edict came and it literally made them leave soon.

Even tho he was a warm person, he somewhat held distance from her. Even now. His eyes seemed warm, but in back them, she could see the wall he set between the two of them. He knew she was not the original daughter. Parents can tell.

''Let us talk a bit later.'' He knew that after tomorrow there will be no more chance to do this again.

She smiled at him and after talking a bit to her grandfather and uncles, everyone dispersed to their places, he came with her to her room.

With a wave of the hand, she told servants to leave and only Xiao Lin was nearby staring at everyone with cold eyes. She rose to a personal servant and could order them around. Not only that, but she was also so overprotective, that this started calling her mother hen.

Inside the room, she poured tea in his cup and waited for him to start.

''Who are you?'' He tapped the top of the cup with his fingertips, showing his nervosity.

''My name is Lian, really.'' She could see him raising his eyes towards her and rose her hand to stop him. ''Let me explain.''

As he listened about the strange story about another world where she died as her world practically was left without air and water, he was completely perplexed. ''How did your people live then?''

''It was hard. Some smart people found another planet and successfully traveled there. But, I was already at the end of my travel. As our medical practice was far advanced then here, I gave my healthy heart to a small boy and I guess my act of goodness impressed Gods. They gave me a second chance. Unfortunately, your daughter died because of all the mistreatment. I promised myself to be filial to your family as they accepted me with open hands and at the same time, I feel bad as the secret I hold is just too scary.'' She took the teacup and looked at the floating leaves.

''So what is your plan?'' He was curious now. His days are soon over and soon he will meet his child. Seeing this calm woman being good to Lan's family, his heart settled. Somehow he was suddenly certain that she will protect them when he is gone.

''I actually planned to find a cure for you.'' She looked at him and he sighed.

He knew she felt bad about him, so he smiled. This time his smile was real and came from deep within. ''You heard of it. Everyone wondered why I am still alive after so many years. Anger kept me going. Now my anger is gone and I finally just want to sleep. Didn't you say you were a long time sick? You know the pains. I think it is time for me to rest from it. I lived long enough with pain. I just can't anymore.''

Lan Lian saw his dark circles and understood him. She knew how bothersome pain is, especially in the end. ''I wanted to find a complete cure for your sickness. Maybe in the north, they have something that might help you?''

He patted her hand and shook his head. ''Our Lan family has many friends. We might be not very rich but know enough people. Trust me, your grandfather did all he could to extend my life. But, the silver lining that is holding me here is very thin. There is no cure. So stop thinking about it and let me go and meet my Lan Lan. She might be mischievous and selfish at times, but she is still my daughter.''

To those words, she could only stay silent. Neither she could accept his death as she had no right to it, nor can she be against it as she understood him. Tears welled in her eyes and she started crying. ''I promised to protect Lan family as much as I can, but I am truly so weak. Sorry.''

''Child. Yes, now you are Lan's family child. True Lan is you. Never forget that. Protecting our Lan family is easy. Just don't mix up with those crazy idiots in the Palace. And if you in the end get mixed up with them, try not to pull Lan family in demise. Please. Our family aw is simple is good, good is better. Can you understand it?'' He smiled widely as he saw her smiling while drops of tears still glistened in the corners of her eyes. ''Good. I accept you officially as my other child. I always wanted more children, I will take it as I gained another one. Not all children are the same. Right?''

Lan Lian chuckled. ''Indeed. And not all parents are bad.'' She felt grateful to the whole Lan family for loving her dearly. And to this man as well. He truly loves his children. Too bad he won't be much longer in this world.

''May I pray for you when you join her?'' Lan Lian's eyes looked at him with expectation and saw him nodding.

''You are my child. It is your honor and duty.'' Then they started talking about family matters she didn't know about and many things she should be careful about.

The night was not long enough to speak about everything and as the first lights came and broke through the leaves, they were still sitting and talking. The servants were worried and noticed the Elder Lan as soon as he woke up.

''What? They are still awake? They really missed each other. No wonder... After today, they might never see each other again. The marriage ceremony will be simple. Let them talk just a tiny bit longer.'' His eyes became red and he wished them. ''White hair burying black hair... Oh, ancestors, please take me instead of him, he is so young.'' But such a pleading couldn't work, and he knew it. But as a parent, he was hoping.

The hope never dies...