
Rin Scott

Rin Scott is the only child in werewolf history that has been born with out a wolf. Coming from a good and affluential family she has never been abused or neglected just ignored. Rin holds a secret talent that anyone would pay to get their hands on. A chain of event leads to nothing but blood shed and tears. Rin must decide if she is going to accept her fate or change the future. This book does contain dark themes. All rights are reserved for the content of the story itself effect 8/30/2020 at 2:46am. I do not own the rights to the cover art.

queenofspace1217 · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One

"Rin are you okay?" Jackson asked pulling me off of my chair and eloping my small frame in a comforting hug. I bury my head in the crook of his neck. His spicy scent fills my nose. I love it.

"Will I get to meet him soon?" Mitilda asked. Her voice is shaky. I am not looking at her but I can tell that she is holding back tears. I pull myself away from my mates embrace just to hug my Alpha, my cousin and my friend.

I release her. I sit down at the table, Seoul slides the pen and paper so its in front of me. I haven't written in English in a long time but somehow my hand writes the words that run through my head.

"He will appear when we search for our next allies. Which is a cryptic message. I don't know if that mean he will arrive with a pack or that he is a rogue. Trust me though he is perfect." I slide the note in front of her. I watch her eyes read every line. A smile appears on her face.

"I have always been accepting of everyone. Rogue, human or wolf." She said with a wide grin.

"You didn't like me!" Jackson said sounding offended.

"You were here on your crazy alphas agenda but my cousin likes you so I'll accept you." Mitilda said slapping his back.

"Hey Alpha, your father has arrived." James said peeking his head in the door.

"Do you know if my uncle is with them?" She asks.

"I believe so but I can't be sure because I've haven't met him." James explained sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Alright lets go." Mitilda ordered meeting James at the door before looking back over her shoulder.

"That includes the three of you. Come on!" She barked. I pick up my confused five year old and follow Mitilda out the door with Jackson following only an arms length behind.

I can't get over how homie her territory is. Its really nice. Quite compared to the big city.

Eventually three Jeeps come into view and my feet stop moving. We are outside but so much testosterone is in one space. Mitilda aura is strong. Neves aura is strong. Franks aura is strong. Jacksons aura is strong but this is on a total different level.

Its almost suffocating.

Jackson grabs my hand and gently tugs me forward successfully snapping me out of my daze.

"Father thank you for coming so quickly." Mitilda said to the grey haired man standing at the front of the crowd. He has to be at the least in his late forties but he doesn't look a day over thirty-five. The only thing giving away his age is the hair.

"The situation sounded dire so we came right away." He said gesturing to the young men standing proudly behind him.

"I don't see uncle is he not coming?" She asking looking around.

"He is in the state. He drove alone and wished to arrive alone. You dropped a bomb on him sweetie." The alpha said.

"That is true. Lets all go back to my house. I will explain more once we are inside." She explained leading us all back towards her house.

Mitildas small cabin seemed even smaller with everyone crammed into her living room. My party sat on the floor leaving Mitildas fathers group the more comfortable seating. Mitilda taking her place in the middle of the room.

"Alright you have the floor." The former alpha said gesturing for her to start.

"I honestly wanted to wait for Uncle to begin. This concerns him too." She sighed.

"Your gonna have to give him more time. He is coming just not right now." The former alpha stressed.

"Well, five years ago Ash showed up here on my territory with Sam his chosen mate and a human girl. Claiming that he broke them both out of prison while a rogue attack was occurring. Ash and Sam were fine. The girl had been tossed around like a rag doll and used like a dirty old sock. When our doctor was preforming her rape kit. I had her get a DNA sample. I ran it through the data base." She starting pulling a file out from under her leg handing it to her father.

"Name: Rin Scott Age: Fourteen Race: Human Pack Affiliation: Dragon Blood Mother: Dana Scott (37yr) Father: Chris Scott (37yr) Sibling: Finn Scott(20yr) Doctor Notes: Patient has a dislocated shoulder, a broken nose, five sets of bite marks belonging to the same wolf across the right breast, severe contusions covering the upper thighs and hips, vaginal tearing and scaring consistent with rape. Pregnancy test is positive. After running a more in-depth DNA test. Patient shares no genetic coding with listed parents. Paternal match : Dean Foster. Maternal match: Sandra Foster." Alpha Foster reads out loud closing the file.

"Okay, so what interest would Daniel Verner have in whom he believed to be the Scotts child?" Alpha Foster asked cocking his head.

"My theory is payback. I believe that he is harboring an extreme amount of resentment towards the former Alpha and Luna. Either Dana and Daniel are true mates and she rejected him and he hates Chris for stealing her away. Then you also have the possibility that he has always had some crazy obsession with Dana and he has just finally lost it." Mitilda offered.

"Okay, say that is true why is the mate system out of whack?" Alpha Foster shoots back.

"I believe that Dana resents the mating system. Despite the front she may have put up. She was partnered with a man that she hated. Her father was willing to sell her off to the highest bidder. I think once Rin hit proper mating age she already had it in her mind that she would never be happy. So, she hired a witch to block the mate bonds. If people can't detect there mates, there is no chance of a rejection or having to give a rejection. Everyone can choose who they love." She offered again.

"Okay, who is being effected by this? Are established bonds being destroyed?" Alpha Foster asked.

"Right now it seems that higher ranking pack members are being effected. Gamma Jackson observed his beta female accuse and nearly reject her mate for cheating. Which he hadn't done. There were witnesses that had been with him at the time she accused him of the affair. Rin noticed there was something wrong with their bond, intervened and was knock unconscious but none the less was able to restore the bond." Mitilda explained.

"This is a problem. So we allegedly have a witch running a muck and a crazy alpha kidnapping children?" Alpha Foster asked.

"Yes. Grant Black is going to be a major issue at some point in all of this. From what Gamma Jackson has told me and from what our spies have observed he is under someone else thumb." Mitilda added.

Alpha Foster turned his body so he is facing me directly.

"You must be Rin." He said offering his hand. I glanced at it before awkwardly shaking his hand.

"This little guy must be your son Seoul." Alpha Foster said smiling at my child.

"I know you've been through a lot over the past few days but my boys here are of mating age. Will you look whatever bonds them to their future mates and see if they have been effected?" Alpha Foster asked.

"Dad we have no proof that this has extended out past Colorado." Mitilda said sounding clearly angered by his request.

I pull myself to my feet and walk over to the two large men sitting on the couch. They are both very large in stature. The beta is more muscular while the Gamma is lanky and thin.

I glance down at the Betas pinky and see that his string is red but its short. I glance over at the Gammas string just to see that they meet in the middle. Their mates?

I look up at the two boys with a confused expression.

"What is it?" The beta asked.

"Is their a problem?" Alpha Foster asked.

"She's a selective mute. She's not going to talk to you." Mitilda chimed in.

Alpha Foster said they were mating age. There strings connect but they seem oblivious to the fact. I look up at the beta and tap on my collar bone.

He pulled the collar of his shirt down so I could see that he bared no mark. The Gamma followed his mates actions but he bared no mark either.

I squatted down so the middle of the string was directly in my line of sight. It looks normal. A bow is tied around the Betas pinky. A bow is tied around the Gammas pinky. They meet in the middle and are tied tightly together with a knot.

Then I see it a thin fine point needle sits wrapped up in the string. The bond can't connect. I gently grab the string from the betas side, putting the knot in between my fingers. I roll it until the needle is protruding out before grasping it in between my index finger and thumb. I slowly pull it out.

I keep a hold on the bond and offer Alpha Foster the needle.

"This was in Elixers bond?" He asks arching an eyebrow. I glance at him and nod.

"Is their a reason you wont let go of it?" Mitilda asked.

I'll cry if he rejects his mate. Did he know that he was gay? Has he suspected it? I'll feel the gammas pain. I don't want to go through that.

I take a deep breath in and let the bond slip from my grasp. I hear the beta take a loud sniff. He locks eyes with the gamma and before I could blink they both were gone.

But I felt no pain. They accepted each other.