
Rimuru Tempest-An OP-SI Fanfic

RedRest0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Building blocks of Tempest!

I looked at everyone celebrating and decided to let them know the rules right now as well, It was close to sunset and I deserved some much needed shut-eye.

"Gather up everyone!" I yelled as I shifted into my human form and sat down on a tree stump with ranga sleeping by my side. I used one of my hands to pet him. With everyone sitting/standing in front of me, I began to speak.

"So, now that you all have been named and have come together to form the Tempest Kingdom, I would like to lay down 3 simple rules!" I stated.

"Rules?" Asked basically, everyone.

"First, There will be no infighting!

Second, Do not discriminate against other races.

Third, Do not start a fight with humans, it's different if they attack us. If they do, show them what we are made of!

That's all, did you get all three of them?" I asked.

"Lord Rimuru." Said Rigur as he raised his hand.

"Hmm, what is it Rigur-kun?" I asked.

"Why is it you are singling our humans? Can we not attack them?" He asked, confusion painting his face.

"Hey, Rigur. You Insolent-" I cut Rigurd off.

"There, there Rigurd. It's a question filled with curiosity. Rigur-kun, Humans have always lived in groups and have quite large numbers. Attacking them first would result in severe backlash and right now with our kingdom just taking off, we cannot afford a war with them. War goes much deeper than brute strength. Humans know that and humans capitalize on that. So it's, just not worth it to start a war with them but if they attack us, It's simply different. Then I'll deal with them! Don't worry about them. But, more importantly, it's always good to get along with others. No one wins in a war." I explained.

"Rimuru sir!" Gobta yelled while raising his hand.

"Yes, Gobta-kun" I addressed him.

"What does it mean to not discriminate against other races?" He asked

"Well, you guys have been named and will soon evolve, right?" I said as I looked at the, now not so sickly Rigurd, Who nodded at me. "So, I'm asking you to not bully other or lower races. Evolving doesn't make you greater. What if one day that race becomes strong, they'd retaliate and you wouldn't want that right?" I replied.

"I understand now!" Gobta said, raising his arms dramatically while all the others nodded and agreed.

"Make sure to stick to these rules. Now if there aren't any more questions. Rigurd, I give you the title of Goblin Lord and grant you the title of Village leader!" I said looking at him.

He promptly started crying and got on his knees, "Thank you, my lord, This humble Rigurd will put his life on the line for this task!" He said as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Hm, I'm counting on you!" I exclaimed.

I went to get some sleep, almost instantly falling asleep. I woke up the next day and walked out of the cottage, I was up pretty early. The sun was just rising. I heard footsteps or shall I saw pawsteps as Ranga tackled me, I played around and wrestled him.

"My master, It's great to see you up and full of energy!" He said.

"It's great to see you to Ranga! Naa, Ranga wanna go petrol our territory with me?" I asked him

"Of course, my master, It would be my honor!" He yelled and I got on his back.

We went around for an hour before we came back. I honestly just wanted to check out the surroundings.

Also, Ranga had changed just like in the anime, he got unicorned. As I returned to the village, I could see a fully grown and muscled-up, Rigurd waving at me.

"Lord Rimuru, It's good to see you up and well!" His words almost mimicking Ranga's.

"It's good to see you too Rigurd! Talk about change, huh. You look great, Like an ideal Village Leader!" I said boosting his ego a bit. Which lead to him crying and telling me how much my compliments humbled him.

Over the next few days, I changed the village with their help a lot. Now we had a wall all around the village with 4 watch towers as of now. We had shields made of wood and sharper spears. We had a food harvesting team that made sure our reserves were full. I had gotten a team to work on agriculture and was personally looking over the ones working on welfare and the economy. I wanted to make a currency.

The house and clothes team were still pretty shit, So I needed to get to dwargon and get some dwarf action going on. Some elf action would be welcomed too! The Gobalinas were great, There was no asap stamp on proper clothes. Houses, yes, clothes, no. Clothes could wait, I thought as I saw Haruna and Miku hop around and give each other high fives, who cares what they're celebrating! This was heaven!

I knew I could give them everything, even fully functioning modern houses but I wanted them to evolve through life at a steady yet fast pace. I didn't want to spoil the people of my kingdom and turn them all lazy.

"Oi Rigurd." I said as I called him.

"Yes, Sir Rimuru!" He said doing a salute.

"I was wondering where I could get some good trade action for Weapons, Clothes, and Carpenters. We seem to be lacking in the skills department for those things." The house behind me collapsed as I said that, Rigurd blushed with embarrassment.

"Yes, Sir Rimuru. There is the country of dwargon, We have tried to make trade relations with them in the past." He said.

"Who exactly have you contacted?" I asked.

"The dwarf's sir." He said.

'Hm, Kajin's group. I gotta have them for sure.' I thought.

"Rigur, round up a few goblins and wolves. We'll be heading to Dwargon and this would be your first task as a squad captain!" I told him. Rigur saluted me and quickly left but not before saying, "Thank you for trusting me Sir Rimuru!". Rigurd shed tears for his son's achievement.

'He's really emotional.' I thought.

I had gone into the forest to find some alone time so I could get my other plans started. I made a clone of myself, "Go with the squad to dwargon and get kaijin and his group to join us. Above that If you can get any other useful resource then bring it as well." I ordered, to which my clone of course nodded. I made another clone of myself.

"I need you to spy on a certain demon lord." I said.

-Dwargon squad-

We had left the village and finished the first day's journey. We were all sitting by a river, quenching our thirst and having a bite to eat. As everyone started to relax for the day, I was leaning on ranga's stomach while his body curled around me.

"Hey Ranga." I called him.

"What is it my master?" He asked while looking at me.

"Do you ever think of the fact that I killed your father? Do you bear any anger or hatred towards me?" I asked as I scratched his ears. He looked at me for a few seconds, then said, "You might have killed my father and yes, I have thought about it. But you were also the one to forgive us after our loss and you took us in and under your protection. You gave us a name, an identity. For those reasons, I hold no hatred or anger towards you. Our loyalty only lies with you and the Tempest Kingdom!" He said almost patriotically if that is a thing.

We made our way towards the Dwargon kingdom. We did halt for another night, Where Gobta talked about the elves and the king of dwargon, Gazel Dwargo.

-Spy x Clone-

"Day 2: I have reached the territory of my target, he lives in a spooky and gloomy land. He might be a ghost. I am currently outside his mansion. I must get intel on his future plans! For Tempest!" The clone monologued.

-Inside the mansion-

Sitting in his mansion, he felt an unknown being enter his magic sensory field. This person had a huge aura. He got up and walked up to the window and looked in the direction of this presence.

"Heyy! What are we gonna do about this fake demon lord!?" A man yelled as he slammed open the door.

"Calm down you three, I have plans for him, This demon slime!" He said as he cracked the empty glass in his hand. Footman, Tear, and Laplace made themselves comfortable, as he looked out the window again.

"Lady and Gentlemen here is the plan." He said as he turned around.

It was none other than the Marionette Master, Clayman.

-With the original-

"Hah, I guess gelmud got rejected in this timeline too." I said to myself as I saw Clayman's officer leave the ogre village. "I'll have to wait a day to make sure I'm not too suspicious." I thought as I made a small house of stone.

'I wonder what other type of oger's will be there.' I thought as I drifted off to sleep

-To be continued-

This was a small chapter compared to what I usually do but this chapter is meant to kick off the first saga of the novel!

Tempest Kingdom Saga:- It will have 6 Arcs!

1) Dwargon Arc (4-6 Chapters)

2)Ogre Arc(Original) (3-5 Chapters)

3)Clayman's plans (Original) (1-2 Chapters) //Spy x Clone//

4)Shizue and Ifrit Arc (1-2 Chapters)

5)Attack of the Orcs Arc (3-4 Chapters)

6)City of Rimuru (Original) (1 Chapter) (Conclusion Arc)

Total:- 12-18 Chapters!