
A great day for rain

Lucifer- Lucian!

(Lucifer calls Lucian from the kitchen of their home)

Lucifer- Lucian! Don't make your mother wait she's been planning this picnic all week.

(Lucian gets dressed and heads downstairs with his favorite ball)

Aurora- Did you sleep well?

Lucian- No, I had the nightmare again.

(Aurora looks concerned and turns to Lucifer)

Aurora- He's had the same dream for weeks now.

(Lucifer kneels down to Lucian)

Lucifer- Your dreams can't hurt you son, you have to learn to control your fears or your fears will control you.

Lucian- I know dad but the dreams feel so real.

Lucifer- Don't worry son your dreams may be scary but your old man can be quite intimidating when he needs to be and as long as I'm here nothing will hurt you, now let's get a move on while it's still daylight.

(As Lucifer and his family leave their home they pass their neighbor and their daughter, Lucian's friend Marin, as they walk through the city Lucian is bouncing his ball)

Aurora – Are you excited to go to the park, Lucian?

Lucian – Anytime your foods are involved it's always a good time.

(Lucian tries to race Lucifer down the sidewalk)

Aurora- Not so fast boys.

(As they get to the park Aurora picks a spot to set up under a tree)

Lucian- Hey me and dad are going to go play war.

Aurora- Don't go running off too far lunch will be ready soon.

Lucifer & Lucian- We won't!

(Lucian and Lucifer sword fight using sticks however Lucian is unable to even touch his father with his stick)

Lucian- Hey dad how did you get so good at sword fighting?

Lucifer- Well I've had a lot of practice, to say the least.

Lucian- Do you think I'll be as good as you when I'm older?

Lucifer- With enough practice, anything is possible I just hope that day never comes.

Lucian- How come?

Lucifer- Because when that day comes you won't need me to protect you anymore.

Lucian- I'll always need you dad, and mom.

Aurora- Lucifer!, Lucian! Lunch is ready

Lucian – Coming mom!

(Lucian runs back to the tree where he is greeted by Aurora who has already prepared their plates, as they finish eating it begins to rain so they pack up and head home, on their way back through the city Lucian is once again playing with his ball however due to the rain it slips out of his hands and into the street, as Lucian chases after it suddenly a truck comes down the road at full speed)

Lucifer & Aurora- Lucian noooo!

(Time seems to travel almost in slow motion as Aurora and Lucifer push Lucian out of the way only to be subsequently killed by the truck, Lucian lies on the ground watching as the life slowly fades from his parent's eyes, the rain Pouring down harder than ever as if the very heavens were weeping for his loss, it was from this point on that his life would be forever changed)

(10 Years Later)

???- Jonathan

Jonathan- Here

???- Mary

Mary- Here


Marin- Here

???- Lucian….

???- Lucia…

(Marin interrupts her teacher before he can finish speaking)

Marin- He's here sir.

???- Well if he's not here when I call his name that means he's late and on the first day of school no less I suppose that's one way to start the year.

Marin- It won't happen again, Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson – I hope not for his sake, I won't stand for tardiness in my class.

(class continues as normal until the free period at which point Marin goes out to look for Lucian and eventually finds him at the graveyard visiting his parents)

Marin – I thought I'd find you here, I'm not going to say that you can't visit them but you shouldn't skip school especially on the first day.

(Lucian places flowers at his parent's graves)

(Marin's expression becomes more serious )

Marin- It's today isn't it, the day your….

(Lucian interrupts her in a sad tone)

Lucian- The day I killed my parents…..

Marin- It's not your fault it was an accident.

Lucian- Yes it is!

Marin- You can't keep blaming yourself.

Lucian- You weren't there you wouldn't understand.

(Lucian heads toward the entrance and Marin follows)

Marin- Where are you going now?


Marin- You know you could at least attempt to go to school.

Lucian- If you're so set on going to school why are you following me?

Marin-Someone has to keep you out of trouble.

Lucian- Suit yourself.

(On their way home Lucian and Marin see some students from another school spray painting a building, when they run out of paint they walk down the sidewalk bumping into Lucian)

Lucian- Hey watch where you're going!

???- You were in my way it's not my fault if trash doesn't know its place.

(Lucian punches the student)

???-Big mistake.

(The students gang up on Lucian knocking him around)

Marin- leave him alone!

(Marin tries to break up the fight but she is knocked into a car and passes out, enraged Lucian tackles their leader and continuously punches him in the face until he is bleeding then the other students grab him)

???- This guy needs to be taught a lesson, hold him.

(The leader pulls out a knife and stabs Lucian at which point a passersby notices the altercation and says he's going to call the police which causes the students to run, minutes later an ambulance takes them to a hospital, Lucian who had lost a lot of blood was in critical condition)

(4 hours pass)

(Marin's Father rushed from his office to the hospital once Marin was awake and able to call him, upon seeing the state that Lucian was in he felt discouraged in his ability to be a guardian in the stead of Lucians parents, as he had taken him in after his parent's death, Lucian, however, was in limbo a dark place where he laid floating on a lake when suddenly he hears two familiar voices that begin whispering, their voices growing louder and louder)




(Lucian opens his eyes and realizes he is back in his childhood home and his father is calling him downstairs only this time things seem off regardless of this he gets dressed and runs downstairs to hug both Lucifer and Aurora crying saying he had the nightmare again)

(Lucifer kneels down to Lucian)

Lucifer- Your dreams can't hurt you, son, you have to learn to control your fears or your fears will control you.

Lucian- I know dad but the dreams feel so real.

Lucifer- Don't worry son your dreams may be scary but your old man can be quite intimidating when he needs to be and as long as I'm here nothing will hurt you, now let's get a move on while it's still daylight.

(Things seem to play out just like they had on that day only this time as the day went on a faint outline of wings appeared on his mother and father, although not fully visible he could sense something was there, then it began to rain just as it had before when he lost his parents, as much as he tried to stay at the park it was to no avail he found himself heading home playing with his ball in the rain only this time he saw a small blurry figure knock the ball from his hands and even worse as he ran into the street he saw a blurry human-like figure push the truck)

Lucifer & Aurora- Lucian noooo!

(Time seems to move in slow motion once again as had on that day only this time Lucifer and Aurora released their seals picked up Lucian and flew into the sky embracing him)

Lucifer- Man, that was rough.

(Lucian notices that his parents aren't acting like they had prior)

Lucifer- My boy, just look at how big you have gotten, your starting to look more like your old man every day.

(Lucifer and Aurora lower Lucian to the ground it is at this point that he noticed he is 16 again, Aurora began to cry)

Aurora- We've missed you so much!!

Lucifer- Unfortunately we don't have much time so I'll try to be as quick as I can your mother is an angel and I am the fallen angel Lucifer.

Lucian- You mean the devil.

Lucifer- Well not exactly you see originally I was part of an even greater being but we fell from grace and split in two leaving myself and my other half as separate entities in a sense satan is like my older brother he's demonic, powerful, and has a grudge against the heavens and everything they cherish which includes the earth.

Aurora-We thought we'd be safe on earth if we blended in with the humans but we let our guard down when you were born.

Lucifer- We know you blame yourself son but it's not your fault, it's his.

( Lucifer points to the blurry figure that has now dropped his transparent camouflage)

Lucian- What is that thing?

Lucifer-A Demon! specifically, a hell hound, Demons can't be seen by normal humans, they feed off of a humans soul attracted by their sinful nature eventually consuming their humanity and their soul, either turning or completely devouring them, think back didn't you noticed something strange about that kid from earlier, he was possessed by a demon.

Lucian- How do you know about that.

Lucifer- You're in limbo, your life is flashing before you and therefore we have access to your memories however we are only able to interact with them because we are part of this memory.

Aurora- Marin seems to have grown into quite the young woman.

(Aurora nudges Lucian)

Lucifer- Now for a little unfinished business.

(Lucifer rises off the ground his cracked halo glowing half dark half-light he then summons a large pillar of fire in the shape of a spear and throws it at the demon)

Lucifer- This is for hitting my wife with a truck!!!!

(After killing the demon and burning everything in his general vicinity Lucifer returned to the ground and back to his usual carefree expression)

Lucifer- Listen son, I'd always hoped that your mother and I could keep you safe and give you a normal life but now it looks like that's not an option, Satan seems to be growing more and more powerful by the day and it's shifting the balance of this world you must prevent him from taking over both realms or he will be unstoppable.

Lucian- Me, how am I supposed to stop the literal king of demons?

Lucifer- Because you are our son, I knew he would come for us eventually but I was hoping we would get more time with you, you see I'm satan's other half without me he will never regain his true form but id never willingly join him so he must have figured out a way to take his power back by force but I died as a human so things didn't go according to his plan which means the only way he can get my power is through you.

Aurora- You're stronger than you realize Lucian.

Lucian-You want to protect her, don't you?

Lucian-Of course I do.

Lucifer- Are you prepared to die for her.

(Lucian at first looks unsure, Lucifer then yells in a more serious tone)

Lucifer-I said are you prepared to die for her!!

Lucian- Yes!

Lucifer- Good, if it's for love you can stand against anyone even satan himself, worked for me anyway.

(Lucifer grins and looks at aurora)

Lucifer & Aurora- It's time to go.

Lucian- No wait, this is too soon I can't lose you again.

(Lucifer and Aurora embrace each other and look at their son one final time as they disappear into what appears to be a cloud of glowing star dust-like substance)

Lucifer & Aurora- We will always be with you no matter how far…..

(Two rings float down to Lucian one that is a solid white band and a solid black band, he then wakes up in the hospital wearing the two rings one on each hand, his stab wound has miraculously been healed)

Marin- You're Awake!!

(Marin practically jumps on Lucian who had just recovered, she had been at his bedside the whole time)

Marin- The doctor told us you might not make it.

Lucian- I'm fine.

Marin- Don't go getting into any more fights, please.

Lucian- I don't know If I can promise that but I'll do my best.

(Marin's father comes in the room after learning that Lucian was conscious)

Mr. Saintwalker- I'm glad you two are okay, I've had the boys down at the station put out an APB on the guy who did this to you, he won't be on the streets for long.

"Author note"- Mr. Saintwalker Aka Marin's father is a detective for the police department.

Marin- That's good.

Mr. SaintWalker- The doctor said you are released into my care once your feeling well enough to move.

(Lucian stays in the hospital for the next few hours and then a police car arrives to take Marin and Lucian home, meanwhile, on the other side of the city the student that stabbed Lucian is talking to himself while hiding from the police in an alleyway)

???- It's all that kid's fault that this is happening.

(A demonic voice begins speaking to him )

Demon- Yes it all his fault, after all, you and your friends were on your way back to school, He even broke your nose.

???- Next time I see him he's dead.

Demon- Good now that you can leave to me.

(The student began to scream as he took on a more demonic physical appearance with black bloodshot eyes and red pupils, growing more muscular with jagged teeth and razor-sharp claws, these screams, however, alerted the police in the area who investigated the alleyway)

Police officer – All units we have a suspect in the alleyway on 3rd& main.

(As the officers close in the screaming gets louder and louder and then the screams turn to laughter )

Demon- You're in my way.

(The demon kills the officers without a second thought knocking them into their squad cars breaking their necks on impact and runs off into the night, meanwhile, Lucian who is now back at the saint walker home in his room contemplates his near-death experience)

Lucian-"so I'm the son of a fallen angel and an angel, that's a lot to take in."

"Authors Note- if you haven't picked up on it so far. ( Actions/ Description)

, "Thoughts/ Internal monologue"

(Suddenly the white ring begins to glow, at that moment Marin knocks on the door)

Marin-Can I come in.


(Marin enters Lucian's room)

Marin- How are you feeling.

Lucian- I'm fine but I feel different.

Marin- Different how?

Lucian- You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Marin- Try me.

(Lucian explains the situation to Marin)

Marin- You were right that does sound pretty crazy.

Lucian- I told you but I have the rings as proof.

Marin- Well that part is believable but even if that was true the guy is being looked for by every cop in town.

Lucian- I don't know something feels off.

(At that time the now Demon possessed student arrived at the hospital looking for Lucian)

Demon-where is he.

Receptionist- Who?

Demon- The stab wound kid.

Receptionist-If you're referring to the patient who came in earlier, Lucian was released into the custody of officer Saintwalker hours ago are you a friend of his.

Demon- Something like that.

(The demon kills the receptionist and searches the records for saint walkers home of residence, Meanwhile, Detective Saintwalker has been called to the scene of the police officer deaths)

Saintwalker – What happened?

Officer- Last transmission said they were pursuing a suspect that matched the description of the instigator in the attempted murder case this morning, all of their necks are broken, the poor bastards didn't see it coming.

Saintwalker- we need to find him and fast, put out another APB to all units, and add cop killer to his list of crimes also send two cars out to my home the kids aren't safe until he's behind bars.

(Detective saintwalker calls Marin)

Saintwalker - Marin the guy who attacked you and Lucian is somewhere out on the streets and he may be looking for you I'm sending some officers your way just in case so don't go anywhere.

Marin- ok we won't.

Saintwalker-Thanks that gives me one less thing to worry about.

(Marin explains the situation to Lucian )

Lucian- Great so a psychopath with a vendetta is trying to kill us because of me.

Marin- Don't worry dad is sending some officers to watch over us.

Lucian – Your right I'm just shaken up because of what happened at the hospital.

(30m minutes pass)

Marin- The police are here and no one has shown up.

Lucian- Well they do put my mind at ease.

Marin- Dad requested a report every hour on the hour so it should be fine.

(Lucian stares at his rings)

Lucian- I still don't know what these rings are for.

Marin- They look pretty fancy, maybe they're engagement rings.

(At that same time outside)

Officer- Officer Reagan reporting in all clear, Martinez status report

(No reply)

Officer Reagan- Martinez I repeat status report over….

(shots ring out in the night )

Officer-"I better call this in"

(Officer Reagan begins to call detective saint walker but is sliced clean in half before he has the chance to say anything )

Saintwalker – Hello… Hello, Reagan!!! " somethings not right I have to get home now"

(Inside the house )

Lucian- did you hear that, he's here.

Marin- Let's not panic just yet.

(Lucians Black ring forms a red glowing symbol then suddenly Officer Martinez's lifeless body is thrown through the second-story window, the demon then jumps to the window seal )

Lucian- How about now?

Marin- Run!

Demon- You think you can run from me Lucian

(Lucian & Marin run out of the house and down the road with the Demon trailing behind, Marin calls her father while they are escaping )

Marin- Dad he's found us we are going to try to lose him in the park.

Saintwalker- It's too dangerous if you head towards the city I can meet you near the station.

Marin- If we don't lose him now I don't think we are going to make it.

Saintwalker- Please Marin be careful you and Lucian are all I have since your mother passed.

Marin- Meet us at the park!

(Saintwalker gets in his car and speeds down to the park, meanwhile, Lucian and Marin who have just arrived at the park decide to hide in the forest section, which works for about 15 minutes that is at least until the demon began breathing fire and burning down half of the trees, surrounded by the encroaching flames with nowhere else to run Lucian and Marin are once again face to face with the demon)

Demon- I've got you right where I want you.

(It's at this point that Saintwalker Arrives at the park and runs to Marin and Lucian)

Saintwalker- stay back kids I'll handle this.

(Saintwalker unloads a barrage of bullets at the demon which barely seems to affect him other than leaving holes in his body)

Demon- Feeble human this pathetic body you see before you is already dead you can shoot all day and I wouldn't feel a thing.

(Saintwalker runs up and attacks the demon using close-quarters combat even going as far as to break his arms however the demon simply cracks them back into place showing sympathy for the once-living host

he embodies)

Demon- That's not very nice, perhaps I should return the favor.

(The demon then kicks Saintwalker in his left arm snapping it then following up with a knee to the chest cracking his rib cage)

Marin- Dad!

(Saintwalker falls to a kneeling position, blood dripping from his mouth, Marin runs to her father)

Saintwalker- Run Marin!

( The Demon tries to land a killing blow but Lucian jumps in the way)

Demon- Finally it's time for the main course, I've been waiting a long time to devour you, your soul is unlike anything I've ever sensed.

(Lucian and the demon throw blows back and forth however with Lucian being wounded and having no formal training the demon is just toying with him)

Lucian-What do you mean?

Demon- I imagine it must be hard to remember especially in this current form, well allow me to jog your memory.

(The demon drops to all fours like an animal as his host skin slowly burns off revealing his true form a hell hound, the same hell hound that pushed the truck down the hill in his limbo memories)

Demon- Do you understand now? I never forget a smell and you smell exactly like the brat whose parents I offed 10 years ago.

(The hell hound runs towards Lucian to strike him down now that he believes he is paralyzed with fear however Lucian enraged grabs the hell hound by the mouth and slams him into the ground, the hell hound although shocked recovers fairly quickly)

Demon- It feels good to be out of that meat suit although granted it was a lot more mobile than my last one.

(The ground begins to shake under Lucian's feet and a pentagram appears on the ground his rings and eyes glowing, As Lucian raises his hand chains appear out of mid-air and attempt to capture the hell hound moving faster as they fly finally fully enveloping it, With the close of his hand)

Hell Hound- You think these chains can hold me!

Lucian- Who said I wanted to hold you.

( Lucian then retracts the chains until he is holding the hell hound by the throat)

Lucian- Incinerate!

(The hell hound immediately burns to ashes along with the host, Lucian then Passes out, Saintwalker lays back giving a sigh of relief and calls for an ambulance)

Saintwalker- This has been one hell of a day.

Marin- I'm just glad we're all safe, too bad the park is burned to a crisp though.

Saintwalker- The city can plant new trees, I've seen a lot today that I just can't seem to wrap my head around, what was that? How did Lucian just do that?

Marin- Well it looks like I have a bit of explaining to do.

(The sun rises as they are carted away to the nearest hospital )

(Marin explained everything she knew up to that point to her father)

Saintwalker- son of an angel and a fallen angel, if I hadn't just seen it with my own two eyes I'd never considered a Demon killed those officers, so what's next?

Marin- I don't know but I hope we're ready for it.

(Lucian stares out the window of his hospital room)

Lucian- Don't worry we will be, mom and dad are watching over us after all I wouldn't want to let them down.

Chapter One End.