

Surely only the quest for power and vain ambition can turn the once loving and caring sisters Ji-soo and Ji-woo to rivals . The duo sisters who were born to the supreme ruler in Sai (a mystical world existing between heaven and earth completely unknown to humans) were inevitably seperated when fate chose to favor one over the other creating an invisible distance between them. When bridges began to break between them, an incident occurs where Ji-soo is falsely accused and framed for a crime. Later on she is forcefully dispelled from Sai down to Earth to live as a human with great ire and anguish in her heart. What exactly turned them to rivals? What happens to Ji-soo? What happens to Ji-woo? Who will rule Sai? Do Ji-soo and Ji-woo even have a chance at amending their relationship? Read RIFTING to find out.

Ammyk · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The sacred ritual

3 years later.

" We are gathered here to perform our sacred candle ritual to ascertain who the next supreme ruler will be".

A middle aged man, who was apparently the seer stood in the middle of the crowd with a long rod and a fire torch at the end of the rod.

" We are all well aware how the ritual goes, the children of the present supreme ruler will come forth and attempt to light and put off the sacred candle, whosoever successfully carries out this task will be appointed as the next supreme ruler and if para venture both of them are successful, then the Almighty will assign another task for the ritual".

The seer said this in regards to the rumours being spread around that both girls would be chosen as rulers during the ritual because they were both born with the mark that all the supreme rulers had behind their ears.

It was so with all supreme rulers that had come before them, a birthmark that resembles the drawing of a bird.

Earlier that week Aegyoung aides had told her about the rumour and this made her nervous and had her anticipating the ritual more than anyone else.

Loud cheering erupted from the crowd when the twin girls were asked to step up.

The rulers and supreme rulers family were seated on the pavilion directly opposite the center of the square where the seer and his aides were with objects for the ritual.

Everyone else except Aegyoung and her daughters looked happy. No one needed to tell you how they felt from the looks on their faces, even the air around them felt tensed.

Ji-woo had been unconsciously tapping her feet repeatedly when her mother held her knee and gave her a reassuring nod but the concern in her eyes gave her away.

" No matter what happens today, I hope you girls can be the best of sisters towards each other, treating and loving yourselves the same way as you have always done " Aegyoung tried to ease and calm her nervous daughters with those words of encouragement.

The sacred candle was unveiled and this was the final cue for the girls to step up, their mother held their hands and hugged them tightly, she looked at them as though she was going to cry. She didn't want the type of relationship Sangho had with his brother to be the same case for her girls.

" I love you girls so much and I will always do okay? " She whispered as she gently rubbed Ji-soo's shoulders.

They flashed a smile at their mother.

" Go on now " she urged them.

hope you guys enjoyed these first few chapters

Ammykcreators' thoughts