

Surely only the quest for power and vain ambition can turn the once loving and caring sisters Ji-soo and Ji-woo to rivals . The duo sisters who were born to the supreme ruler in Sai (a mystical world existing between heaven and earth completely unknown to humans) were inevitably seperated when fate chose to favor one over the other creating an invisible distance between them. When bridges began to break between them, an incident occurs where Ji-soo is falsely accused and framed for a crime. Later on she is forcefully dispelled from Sai down to Earth to live as a human with great ire and anguish in her heart. What exactly turned them to rivals? What happens to Ji-soo? What happens to Ji-woo? Who will rule Sai? Do Ji-soo and Ji-woo even have a chance at amending their relationship? Read RIFTING to find out.

Ammyk · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The beginning

Dews on the blades of grasses sparkled in the sunlight, different kinds of trees scattered all over gently swaying like they belonged there, the wind that blew with a strange aura emanated calm and peace,the ground beneath shone like gold.

This beautiful enchanting paradise was no place on earth, it was called " Sai ' because it existed between the heavens and the earth. This place was where supernatural beings who were known as the " guardians of the earth ' dwelled. Each guardian gifted with special peculiar abilities, they used in protecting earth and it's inhabitants the guardians were governed by seven rulers who worked together to maintain coordination in Sai and on earth

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' Oh my Oh my, how happy you must be, your wife has just borne twin girls'.

The midwife exclaimed happily as she came out of the room with a beaming smile on her face.

Upon hearing this, the people who had been waiting outside the room leapt for joy and hugged each other, while six other persons started congratulating and bowing to a man in a long black cloak who was in their midst, (Sangho the supreme ruler of Sai).

Sangho who was smiling from ear to ear, let out a deep loud breath and bowed his head slightly then dashed into the room where his wife Aegyoung who was now wrapped in white clothing was with her twins in a beautiful wooden cradle by her side sleeping soundly.

Tears trickled down Sangho's face when he saw them, he went over and sat beside his wife, pulled her close,patted her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

'" Let's just stay like this for a while'' he said as held her closely and wrapped his arms around her.

'' Well done and thank you very much.''


The cry of babies was what startled the new parents who were already fast asleep.

'' You must be hungry right''

Aegyoung hurriedly stood up to pick up the crying baby. The other twin was also awake but didn't let out a cry but kept turning and making whimpering sounds.

'' Now now come to daddy my dearest princess'' Sangho said as he picked up the other baby and held her In his arms and started swinging her softly from side to side.

They both stared at each other for a moment before Aegyoung chuckled and Sangho followed suit.

'' What should we name them, I have so many ideas but they just don't seem to fit right

Listen Yuri and Uri or ''

'' What about Ji- woo and Ji- soo '' Sangho said cutting off Aegyoung who was still talking.

'' Ji-woo and Ji-soo, I like it, beautiful names for my beautiful girls''.