
Riding a Turkey Below the Romanians

Young Bulgarian lad killed his father. Open to suggestions on how to continue the story.

bynnochio · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

No solace in Torment

Darkness shrouded the village of Sredets, hidden within the Bulgarian countryside. In one modest house, Dimitar Petrov, a young Bulgarian man, endured a life marred by the savage cruelty of his father, Ivan. Ivan's malevolence spared no one, unleashing his wrath upon Dimitar, his fragile mother, Elena, and his younger sister, Milena. Each day brought a symphony of pain, as bruises and broken spirits painted their lives.

Dimitar's father, Ivan, was a towering figure whose presence alone sent shivers down their spines. His piercing gaze and venomous words were weapons that struck deep, leaving wounds that never truly healed. Dimitar often found solace in the shadows, seeking refuge from his father's wrath. In those moments, he would hold his sister close, shielding her from the storm that raged outside their sanctuary.

As the years passed, the cycle of abuse grew ever darker, descending into a maelstrom of violence and fear. Ivan's rage knew no boundaries, sparing no detail or action from his wrathful retribution. He reveled in his power, relishing in the suffering he inflicted upon his own flesh and blood.

Dimitar had become a mere shadow of his former self, a young man consumed by the horrors he witnessed day after day. The weight of his father's cruelty pressed upon his shoulders, threatening to crush him under its suffocating grip. His once-vibrant spirit dimmed, replaced by a smoldering fire fueled by a desperate need for freedom.

But on that fateful night, Dimitar's endurance reached its limit. With every vile word and violent outburst, a tempest of fury ignited within him. The realization dawned that there could be no escape from his father's torment unless he took matters into his own hands.

The house was a somber place that evening, the air thick with tension as the family silently endured Ivan's drunken ramblings. Dimitar's heart pounded in his chest, its rhythm a defiant drumbeat of rebellion. The moonlight filtered through the window, casting a pale glow upon the worn furniture and cracked walls.

It was in that moment, as Dimitar's gaze met his mother's tear-filled eyes, that the decision crystallized in his mind. He knew he had to liberate his family from the clutches of this monstrous man, no matter the cost. His mother's silent plea for salvation, and his sister's innocent face marred by bruises, fueled his resolve like a roaring flame.

With trembling hands, Dimitar ventured toward his father's room, the worn floorboards creaking beneath his weight. Clutched tightly in his grasp was a rusty wrench, a relic of Ivan's long-abandoned attempt at repair. The weight of the metal instrument offered a grim reassurance—a symbol of his determination to break free.

As he reached the door, Dimitar's heart pounded in his ears, drowning out the distant sounds of his father's voice. He closed his eyes, drawing upon a hidden reservoir of strength. The wrench, cool against his clammy palms, became an extension of his will—a tool of liberation.

Slowly, the door swung open, revealing Ivan sprawled across the bed, oblivious to the pain he had inflicted upon his family. Dimitar's gaze hardened, his grip tightening around the wrench. This would be his defining moment, the pivotal act that would sever the chains of oppression and forever alter the course of their lives.

In the darkness, Dimitar took a step forward, his every movement calculated. His eyes remained fixed on his father's slumbering form, distorted by the flickering candlelight. Ivan's snores pierced the room, a stark contrast to the nightmares he had woven for them all.

With a deep breath, Dimitar summoned the courage to make his move. In one swift and resolute motion, the wrench descended upon his father's slumbering body. The sound of impact reverberated through the room, shattering the silence and awakening Ivan from his drunken stupor.

A gasp escaped Ivan's lips, a mix of surprise and pain as the weight of his own malevolence bore down upon him. His eyes, once filled with malice, now widened with disbelief and vulnerability. Dimitar stood there, wrench in hand, his face a mask of conflicted emotions. The deed was done, the first step taken toward reclaiming their shattered lives.

As Ivan struggled for breath, Dimitar's mind raced. Panic mingled with a surge of adrenaline, coursing through his veins like a river in flood. Realizing the irreversible nature of his actions, he knew there was no turning back. He swiftly gathered a few belongings, his hands shaking with a mix of fear and determination. The time for escape had arrived.

With one final glance at his mother and sister, their faces etched with a blend of relief and trepidation, Dimitar stole into the night. He left behind the village that held nothing but painful memories, disappearing into the vast darkness that embraced him.