
Rice Shower

When faith and fear takes you to a single conclusion of the unknown future... Will you take a size of rice for a shower?

Gyams · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

C11- Regards as Unknown

Korah did not intend to knock Ayin out.  That was close Ayin was about to kiss her. Wait! isn't that supposed to be her chance why did she have to act in accordance to how she looked like. How can she be this epic and stupid. She slapped her forehead with her palms. She can't carry Ayin. So she went to his room and rolled a scarf. She secured it on his armpit and inch by inch she dragged him to his room. Seeing that he got dirty swepping the floor. She grab one of his pajama and remove his shirt. As she buttons his pajama she appreciated his chiselled body.

By morning Bernie came knocking to his house with a box of cup cake. He said it was to make up to her because he was so late in picking her up. When Bernie collected her from Ayin's house he made sure to drop by at the store to inquired what would she like to buy. When she said it's fine. Bernie insisted to give her some bubble toys and dolls. He even bought her some hair clip.

Her Uncle Bernie was despised by her Grandfather because he refused to inherit the company. That made Korah forced to inherit the business. Since she was a kid her grandfather planted it to her mind that she will be the next heir. So she managed to be prim and proper. She cannot blame her uncle. Her grandfather was too strict. That you would feel suffocated just looking at him.

It's the first time she step on this house. She did not know that her uncle Bernie have a town house.

"This is my secret place. When I want to have a long break. I would stay in this safe house. " Bernie said unlocking his door.

The structure was like mini house made of pure wood and bamboo. Except that it is like a barbie house realise in real life.

It made you feel like having a vacations in another dimensions. Why is it that her Uncle Bernie had kept this as a secret within the family.

Well Korah cannot say her mother can be trusted. She mocked Uncle Bernie for choosing and fighting what he loves.

"Wow, uncle this felt like I am in a barbie world. " Korah said in awe.

Bernie just grin at her and said.

"This is my sanctuary. My wife and daughter used to live here. I purposefully hired an expensive and expert architect just for the two of them. "

Korah is speechless. This is a side of their life that she never found out. She never heared of uncle Bernie's wife nor child. Korah can feel a lump on her throat. She gulp it hard that it greased her voice box.

"Then where are they uncle, I want to meet them. " Korah tried to deliver it as avidly as possible.

Bernie just cupped her face and said.

"It's a long story, so before that we need to tidy you up. " He guided her to his bathroom.

The floor is definitely made of coral reefs. The bathtub got structured as a shell on the little mermaid. For now Korah wanted to enjoy the being a true child. As she soaked on the bath. Her mind drifted back to his Uncle's word and confession. She just thought that her uncle was a cheerful and merry go round guy but he have his own nutshell to crack.

She got herself an animal pajama. She picked Sebastian in the little mermaid. This things are all for his family. His love is unfathomable that Korah was grateful her uncle was there for her.

Uncle Bernie refuged him when his grandfather would asked for the impossible performance at work. He encouraged her whenever her mother would tell her it's not enough. He was there along side her when she got choosen as the heir of their family business. He sided her when she decided to marry Ayin. She remembered her father walking out from her mother's claws. Her father did tell her when she was twelve that if she ever change her mind and seek for him. He will be there to rescue her. But Korah was coward enough to run away from the chains she got used in. Her shackles became an accessories that she is so terrified to undo.

Bernie was there on the bed ready to tell her his life. When he aided her to settle on the bed he prepared. He started as if he opened an unknown area that exist within.

"This rich and handsome bald man fell inlove to a baker. She have a bouncy hair, small lips and nose and her eyes twinkle like the stars. We met at the bakery she worked at. I love their pastries there especially their cream puffs. But the only reason I frequently visit there was to see her. Her name is Rachel. I courted her and got her to marry. We got married in secret because my father wanted me to marry someone else. When he found out about it. He got so angry. And the next thing I knew my wife and child got killed to a dilapidating building. The officers found out that it was because of a plastic bomb on the basement. That's when I decided that I should not waste my life and chased my dream. "

Korah felt a choke build on her neck. What if her grandfather was behind his family's loss. Korah cannot fathom what can her grandfather do just to fufill his ambition. Frosted shiver run down her spine tempting her hair on the nape to stood firm. Korah wept and wail like child.  Her sudden burst alarmed Bernie. He cuddled the little girl to comfort her and it helped.  

Korah knew that it will reset her efforts and will just dispose her chance. Yet still, she wanted to ease the anguish her uncle has been carrying. So she said this satisfied with her decision. 

"Uncle thank you for letting me know of this grief. I will surely justify what happened to your wife and daughter . I am here for you with love Korah. "