
A new life: the AJ SQUARE


I walked down to the surgery room with a heavy heart i paced around, hoping for the best.

 Soon the sound of a baby cry filled the room, I smiled brightly waiting patiently for the doctor to come out, in few minutes am going to be a father.

 How is my wife and my baby....., I asked as soon as the doctor came out.

Congrats Mr Micheal, it's a baby girl,"

I beamed with smile on hearing that,

How is my wife",

 There was silence, Dr Zak raised his head up with a sad look.

 Immediately i rushed to him pulling his shirt, say something", I screamed.

what happened at her...is she fine uhn !" I yelled at him. At that very moment I felt like my heart was burning. 

The doctor replied, am sorry we tried all our best but...we lost her",he left without a word.

 I rushed into the ward in pain and went to where she was lying, I held her hand weeping in pain.

Mary,"' why do you leave me like this? How can I live my life without you huh? Just tell me...I need you," I cried squeezing her cover cloth.


A nurse walked close to me she handed over my baby .

I held the baby in my hand, so cute," I thought watching her sleep peacefully.

I wiped my tears staring at Mary one last time.

I promise to be a good father, Mary,"





woah, dad, it's so big", Olivia exclaimed walking round the house.

Do you love it," 

Of course I do", Olivia screamed.

Am glad you do, I chuckled.

Help me take these upstairs," I gave the luggage to Olivia and we both went upstairs.

This your room, I opened the door.

 Olivia furrowed her brows.

What is it peanut, don't you like your room, I specifically asked everything to glitter in pink," I smiled.

I don't like the painting, I prefer blue", she folded her arms pouting like a baby.

All girls love pink", I chuckled.

But I don't...., She snapped.

Okay I will have it repainted and furnished with blue colours, how is that?", I cupped her face.

Its perfect," she smiled and hugged me.

Anything for you peanut, I whispered kissing her cheek.




🌹 Olivia POV 🌹

 Good morning peanut," dad said kissing my forehead,

 Dad," I chuckled.

Hey peanut," he chuckled, 

It's Time for school,"

Ohhh right", 

I rushed into the bathroom and after few minutes I came out, dad was still in my room my breakfast was also ready.

 I put on my uniform, it looked so perfect on me,

Let me help you with that", dad said helping me button my uniform at the back.

I turned around, dad how do I look",

Like a beautiful princess", dad said.

I giggled.

Dad dropped me in front of the school,

DIAMOND HIGH, I read the name bodly written on it.

Do you love it, dad said smiling and we both went to the principal's office.

dad must have brought me to these school, cause it's a school for music, I plan on becoming a music star just like my dad some day.

Dad did the necessary payments and the principal called on a teacher to show me my class.

Everyone to your sit, Mrs Edward said entering the class with a girl.

All the students quickly ran to their seat as they focused their attention on the new girl.

 A short, fat guy runs into the class breathing heavily.

Cole the scuttle butt is here",

 pete one of the classmate said and they all burst into laughter.

A glare from Mrs Edward, suddenly made them quiet.

 Mrs Edward cleared her throat, we are having a new student today, I hope you welcome her warmly,

"Hi everyone...my name is Olivia Michael.....I love singing, I hope to join one of your greatest band," I smiled sweetly.

I really melt their hearts with my sweet smile and voice well practically everyone except the AJ SQUARE who wouldn't stop shooting hateful glances.

"You can choose to sit over there or there" She points to two empty sits.

Treat her well, she is also very talented, Mrs Edward concluded going out of the class.

One of the empty seat was close to cole and the other was close to John.

Hello newbie, you can come seat with me," cole said.

I looked at him and smile sheepishly, before going to seat with the guy on glasses.

Woah, all the class burst into another laughter, 

We had few classes before it was finally time for break.


Oh my God that girl is definitely a goddess, so cute, her voice alone sounds like an angel, I wish she could just be mine, she is definitely so beautiful", one of Pete friend dreamingly said.

Suddenly Janet smacked him.

"Ouch! Heyyy!! What's that for?!" He groaned rubbing his head.

"Hey...in DIAMOND HIGH can there be any girl more beautiful than Amelia?", Janet said.

"That's right.... Ameliaia is the goddess of DIAMOND HIGH...the beauty of this school everyone knows that...how dare you say someone else is prettier than her? Unbelievable....what nerves" Jessica chipped in.

"Oh right...forgive me am sorry...?" Jerry said making a bow before snapping back his head up immediately.

"But come on...I mean everything I said, The new girl is pretty....than you, am sure she will also have an angelic voice,You know I don't lie", he said looking directly at Amelia who's already fuming in anger.

"It seems you really need to be taught a lesson...you're crossing your boundary," Janet gritted

"It's okay...you said she can sing right, why don't we have a competition,"She finally asked twisting her hair with her finger.

"Um" Jerry nodded, she doesn't have a band so I will join her", Jerry said.

Jessica widened her eyes, are you betraying us for that bi*ch.

Jerry smirked, the competition will hold on the next school party week.

What..... Janet was interrupted.

It's settled then, don't dare come crawling back once you have been defeated," Amelia said hatefully.

In DIAMOND HIGH Amelia has always been known as the goddess of the school and she leads the most pretigious band of the school PINKY GIRLS...she's pretty, brilliant, hot and most of all the best singer.

She's also known as the Queen of bully..she rules the school along with her friends Janet and Jessica

They are known as the AJ SQUARE.

Amelia doesn't joke with what's hers, she hates competitions and always wants to be the best.

And with the mention of Olivia...she's already planning her death for daring to be a competition to her.