
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · แฟนตาซี
423 Chs


"Shut the fuck up and get this stuff inside!" Drax hisses. He looks around, as if the cops are gonna scream up your dirt road at any moment, then hauls the broken tub up over the threshold and into your kitchen, pushing it across the cracked linoleum until it bangs against the splintered door.

"Drax, what are you—?"

"I told you to shut the fuck up," Drax snaps, peering out the kitchen window. "Where's that fucking twink you keep upstairs?"

You feel your Rage threatening to spike, but then the tub breaks open completely, spilling tacky fake Rolexes across your socks like you just won the jackpot at a carnival. It's a little funny.

"Okay, look, this'll have to stay here," Drax says, wrestling the door back up and into position. "Someone'll pick it up in a few days. Might be a while, especially now that Terry ain't no good." He fumbles in his pocket, pulls out a vape pen, takes a long shuddering drag.

"Who's Terry?"

"I don't want stolen goods in my house."

"Okay, enough. Get out—take your shit—or I'm throwing you out."

"This doesn't look like a professional operation." But maybe I could turn it into one.
