
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · แฟนตาซี
423 Chs


Brujah POV

Brujah sat in the dimly lit room, the air thick with tension and the distinct scent of supernatural power. Around him, representatives from the council of supernatural creatures—the Vampire elders and the Alpha werewolves—gathered to discuss the possibility of war. This uneasy alliance had always been fraught with rivalry and conflict, but recent events had pushed them to the brink.

Brujah's mind wandered as he scanned the room, noting the barely concealed hostility in the eyes of the werewolves. The plan is going as planned, he thought, a slight smirk playing on his lips. He had worked tirelessly to bring this moment to fruition, and now, it was all falling into place.

"You look like shit," a voice cut through his thoughts. It was Marcus, a fellow vampire from the Tremere clan. Brujah glanced down at himself—bloodshot eyes, skin pulled back from his nails and teeth, and thrift-store clothes that had seen better days. Even his satchel looked like it had been dragged down a highway. He reached inside to check the USBs, the key elements of his plan, and found them still secure.

His attention was drawn to a sound outside the meeting room: a few whispered words in Spanish, followed by weeping. Brujah's predatory instincts kicked in, and he felt a pang of hunger. Thank God. Food, he thought, suppressing a smile.

He forced himself to focus back on the meeting. The werewolf leader, a grizzled Alpha named Lucian, was speaking. "We cannot continue this endless cycle of bloodshed. It weakens us both and leaves us vulnerable to outside threats."

"Agreed," said Livia, a Vampire elder with an icy demeanor. "But trust must be earned. And history has shown us that trust between our kinds is a fragile thing."

Brujah listened, but his mind was still partly on the whispered voices outside. He knew he had to maintain his composure; this meeting was crucial. His plan hinged on the delicate balance of power and the simmering tensions between the werewolves and vampires. If he could manipulate the situation just right, he would emerge stronger, with more control over both factions.

The council continued to argue, each side presenting grievances and demands. Brujah's thoughts drifted back to Fangwild. He wondered if his brother had survived the ambush, if he was out there somewhere, plotting his own path. The betrayal had been necessary, or so he had convinced himself. But now, with the war looming, he couldn't help but think about the family bonds that had been severed.

As the meeting dragged on, Brujah's hunger grew more insistent. He needed to feed, to regain his strength for the battles ahead. The whispered voices outside grew louder, and he knew he had to act soon.

"Enough," Brujah said, raising his hand to silence the room. "We can argue endlessly, but what we need is a solution. We need to find common ground, a way to coexist without tearing each other apart."

Lucian growled, but there was a flicker of agreement in his eyes. "What do you propose, Brujah?"

Brujah took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the USBs in his satchel. "I have information that could change the balance of power. Data that could help us understand our enemies and protect ourselves better. But it requires trust and cooperation."

The room fell silent, all eyes on Brujah. He felt a surge of satisfaction. This was the turning point, the moment he had orchestrated so meticulously.

"Very well," Livia said finally. "Show us this information. Prove that you can be trusted."

Brujah nodded, reaching into his satchel and pulling out one of the USBs. "I will. But first, we need to ensure our mutual survival. We need to feed, to regain our strength. There are humans outside, and we can share the feast."

The council members exchanged wary glances but ultimately nodded in agreement. The tension in the room eased slightly as they prepared to step outside and feed.

Brujah's mind raced with the possibilities. The plan was going as planned. Soon, he would have the power and control he desired. And perhaps, he would find a way to mend the rift with his brother, to bring Fangwild back into the fold.

As they moved towards the exit, the scent of blood and the sound of weeping grew stronger. Brujah felt the Beast within him stir, but he forced himself to stay focused. This was just the beginning, and there was much work to be done.

The night belonged to the Kindred, and Brujah was ready to reclaim his place in it, one step at a time.

They must have pulled some boards away to get inside, then covered them up so no one from the road spots their flashlight.

You're in the middle of the disused convenience store's three aisles, invisible in the darkness. At the far side of the store, a short hallway leads to three doors: a locked bathroom straight ahead and then two doors, one to the left and one to the right. You guess the left door leads to a storage room. The mortals are trying to get it open.

You count four of them: a man and a woman in their mid-twenties, an ancient woman, and a frail, gray-haired older man, even smaller than the old woman.

The younger woman whispers something in Spanish you don't catch, then forces the storage room door open with a shriek of metal.

"Not much here," the young man says, sweeping the storage room with his flashlight. He's traveling heavy: crowbar, backpack, water bottles, road flares…those are your road flares! They must have found your Honda.

Whoever they are, they're foolish or desperate to bring a woman in her seventies (at least) and a guy who isn't built for this kind of work. You're surprised that they're this far north without having already made contact with someone. The younger woman starts jiggling the handle to the bathroom, which is between the storage room and the office. Bored and fearless, the old man hobbles down one of the aisles.

And your Beast screams behind your eyes.

The older man stops abruptly, sensing something. His eyes narrow as he peers into the shadows, his flashlight sweeping the aisle. He's close now, too close. You can smell the fear mixed with determination coming off him.

You press yourself against the cold shelves, willing yourself to remain calm. But the Beast inside you thrashes, demanding you feed, demanding you act. The mortals are too engrossed in their scavenging to notice the danger they are in. The old man turns his back to you, and the temptation to strike is almost overwhelming.

But before you can decide, you hear a low growl. Your eyes snap to the far end of the aisle where a hulking figure appears. Twilightsnarl, the werewolf, your uneasy ally in these dark times. His fur bristles, and his eyes glow with an eerie light as he surveys the intruders.

The hunters freeze, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere. The young man swings his flashlight towards the growl, illuminating Twilightsnarl's menacing form. Panic sets in, and the younger woman pulls out a silver knife, the ancient woman clutching a rosary with trembling hands.

"Twilightsnarl," you hiss, stepping out of the shadows. "They're mine."

Twilightsnarl's eyes flick to you, then back to the hunters. "We don't have time for this, Fangwild," he growls. "Hunters are closing in on our territory. These might be scouts."

The young man shouts in alarm, and the hunters spring into action. The older man pulls a gun, shaky but determined. The younger woman brandishes her knife, stepping protectively in front of the others.

"You picked the wrong place to raid," you say, voice cold and lethal. "Leave now, and maybe you'll live."

The young man's eyes widen as he recognizes you. "Fangwild," he mutters. "The vampire."

"And Twilightsnarl," the old woman adds, her voice a raspy whisper. "The werewolf."

Fear flashes in their eyes, but they don't back down. Desperation fuels their courage, and the Beast inside you revels in the coming conflict.

The battle is swift and brutal. Twilightsnarl leaps, claws flashing, taking down the older man with a single swipe. The younger woman lunges at you, but you easily sidestep, grabbing her wrist and twisting it until she drops the knife with a scream. The young man swings his crowbar at Twilightsnarl, but the werewolf dodges effortlessly, countering with a powerful backhand that sends him crashing into the shelves.

The ancient woman starts chanting, her rosary glowing with a faint light. You hiss, feeling a surge of pain as the holy energy burns your skin. But Twilightsnarl is faster, knocking the rosary from her hands and silencing her with a swift blow.

As the dust settles, you and Twilightsnarl stand over the fallen hunters. The young woman clutches her broken wrist, tears streaming down her face. The old man lies motionless, blood pooling beneath him. The young man groans, struggling to rise, while the ancient woman whimpers, her eyes wide with terror.

Twilightsnarl turns to you, blood dripping from his claws. "We can't stay here," he says. "More will come."

You nod, the Beast within you satisfied, for now. "We need to move. But first..."

You kneel beside the young woman, her eyes filled with defiance and fear. "Tell your friends," you say softly, "that Fangwild and Twilightsnarl are not to be trifled with."

She nods shakily, and you stand, feeling the night's power coursing through you. As you and Twilightsnarl leave the convenience store, the scent of blood and fear lingers in the air, a stark reminder of the fragile peace you both fight to maintain.

The war between vampires and werewolves is far from over, but tonight, you've won a small victory. And in the dark, treacherous world you inhabit, sometimes that's all you can hope for.